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让走失的宠物与主人团聚是市政动物收容所的一项重要职能,但据报道,猫咪的回归主人率(RTO)低至 3%。与此相反,据报道,找回的宠物猫在自己社区内被找到的比例高达 66-75%。这项研究的目的是衡量一项创新计划的影响,该计划旨在让猫咪与主人团聚,在不送入收容所的情况下将它们送回自己的社区。劳登县动物服务机构是一家市级开放式动物收容所,每年收容 2300 只动物(46% 为猫)!计划 (TYHP)。TYHP 鼓励寻找者在为未植入微芯片的健康成年猫咪佩戴带有收容所联系信息的标签和项圈后,将其送回自己的社区。我们建议寻找者将猫咪放回原处,并且不提供食物。在 2022 年 1 月 7 日至 2023 年 12 月 31 日期间,收容所共收容了 499 只流浪猫,其中 273 只为成年猫,有 32 只猫参加了 TYHP,作为收容的替代方案。在这 32 只猫咪中,10 只(31%)通过与主人联系确认为 RTO,10 只(31%)不需要额外服务(未被拾获者带回),6 只(19%)在 5 天后被拾获者带回收容,4 只(13%)被拾获者饲养,2 只(6%)被拾获者重新领养。在被带回收容所的 6 只猫咪中,有 1 只通过收容所进行了重新领养,5 只被领养。在收容所收容的 493 只(267 只成年流浪猫)未参加 TYHP 的流浪猫中,79 只(74 只成年猫)的结果为 RTO,整体 RTO 率为 16%,成年猫 RTO 率为 28%。通过收容所进行 RTO 的猫咪最常见的结果子类型是被主人召唤(20%)和植入芯片(48%)。通过收容所找到的 RTO 猫咪离家中位数为 0.4 公里(IQR 0.1-1.7),即大约 4 个城市街区。80% 以上参加 TYHP 的猫咪无需进入收容所,30% 以上的猫咪通过 TYHP 确认了 RTO 结果。虽然这与同期报告的 28% 的成年流浪猫 RTO 率非常相似,但 TYHP 为没有芯片的流浪猫提供了宝贵的 RTO 工具,并将收容所收容的成年流浪猫数量减少了 10%。


Tag! You’re Home! Reunification of Pet Cats with their Owners Using a Community Engagement Approach

Reunification of lost pets with their owners is a key function of municipal animal shelters but reported Return to Owner (RTO) rates are as low as 3% for cats. In contrast, the percentage of recovered pet cats found within their own neighborhoods has been reported as high as 66-75%. The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of an innovative program designed to reunite cats with their owners by returning them to their neighborhoods without intake to the shelter. Loudoun County Animal Services, a municipal open-admission animal shelter with an annual intake of 2,300 animals (46% cats), created the Tag!You’re Home! Program (TYHP) on the assumption of positive intent by finders of free-roaming cats. The TYHP engages finders to return un-microchipped healthy social adult cats to their neighborhood after being furnished with a tag and collar with the shelter's contact information. Finders are advised to place the cat back where it was found and not provide food. If the cat is still present after 5 days (mandated stray period) and an owner has not called the shelter, the finder can bring the cat back for intake. Between 7/1/2022 and 12/31/2023, 499 stray cats were admitted to the shelter, 273 of which were adults, and 32 cats were enrolled in the TYHP as an alternative to intake. Of these 32 cats, 10 (31%) were confirmed RTO via owner contact, 10 (31%) did not require additional services (not brought back by finder), 6 (19%) were brought back by the finder after 5 days for intake, 4 (13%) were kept by the finder, and 2 (6%) were rehomed by the finder. Of the 6 cats brought back to the shelter, 1 had an outcome of RTO through the shelter, and 5 had an outcome of adoption. Of the 493 stray cats (267 adults) admitted to the shelter that were not first enrolled in the TYHP, 79 (74 adults) had an outcome of RTO, resulting in a 16% overall RTO rate and 28% adult RTO rate. The most common outcome subtypes for cats RTOed through the shelter were owner called (20%) and microchip (48%). Cats RTOed through the shelter were found a median of 0.4 km (IQR 0.1-1.7), or approximately 4 city blocks, from home. Over 80% of cats enrolled in the TYHP did not require intake to the shelter, and over 30% had a confirmed RTO outcome through the TYHP. While this was very similar to the 28% adult RTO rate reported during the same period for adult cats with intake to the shelter, the TYHP provided a valuable tool to RTO cats without microchips and reduced shelter intake of adult stray cats by 10%.



网址: 标签!你回来了利用社区参与方法让宠物猫与主人团聚 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview153130.html

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