首页 > 分享 > 基于JavaWeb的网上宠物商城系统(Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis框架)


目 录
目 录 2
1 系统简介 3
1.1 系统开发介绍 3
1.2 系统具体功能 3
2功能描述和模块设计 4
2.1 功能描述 4
2.1.1用户部分 4
2.1.2管理员部分 4
2.2 模块设计 4
3 主要代码清单 5
3.1主界面 5
3.2登录界面 6
3.3注册界面 7
3.4搜索界面 8
3.5宠物详情页 9
3.6宠物展示页 10
3.7购物车页 11
3.8订单页 12
3.9 404页 12
3.10管理员管理订单页 13
3.11管理员管理用户页 14
3.12管理员管理商品页 15
3.13 帮助界面 16
3.14修改个人信息界面 16
3.15用户确认订单页 17
4 系统运行与测试 18
4.1用户浏览购买商品流程 18
4.2管理员处理订单流程 19
4.3管理员管理用户流程 20
5 总结 21
2.1 功能描述
2.2 模块设计
图2-2 总体模块设计

package com.petstore.po; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ShoppingRecordExample { protected String orderByClause; protected boolean distinct; protected List<Criteria> oredCriteria; public ShoppingRecordExample() { oredCriteria = new ArrayList<Criteria>(); } public void setOrderByClause(String orderByClause) { this.orderByClause = orderByClause; } public String getOrderByClause() { return orderByClause; } public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) { this.distinct = distinct; } public boolean isDistinct() { return distinct; } public List<Criteria> getOredCriteria() { return oredCriteria; } public void or(Criteria criteria) { oredCriteria.add(criteria); } public Criteria or() { Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal(); oredCriteria.add(criteria); return criteria; } public Criteria createCriteria() { Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal(); if (oredCriteria.size() == 0) { oredCriteria.add(criteria); } return criteria; } protected Criteria createCriteriaInternal() { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); return criteria; } public void clear() { oredCriteria.clear(); orderByClause = null; distinct = false; } protected abstract static class GeneratedCriteria { protected List<Criterion> criteria; protected GeneratedCriteria() { super(); criteria = new ArrayList<Criterion>(); } public boolean isValid() { return criteria.size() > 0; } public List<Criterion> getAllCriteria() { return criteria; } public List<Criterion> getCriteria() { return criteria; } protected void addCriterion(String condition) { if (condition == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Value for condition cannot be null"); } criteria.add(new Criterion(condition)); } protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value, String property) { if (value == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Value for " + property + " cannot be null"); } criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value)); } protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value1, Object value2, String property) { if (value1 == null || value2 == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Between values for " + property + " cannot be null"); } criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value1, value2)); } public Criteria andUserIdIsNull() { addCriterion("user_id is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdIsNotNull() { addCriterion("user_id is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("user_id =", value, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdNotEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("user_id <>", value, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdGreaterThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("user_id >", value, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("user_id >=", value, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdLessThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("user_id <", value, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("user_id <=", value, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("user_id in", values, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdNotIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("user_id not in", values, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("user_id between", value1, value2, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andUserIdNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("user_id not between", value1, value2, "userId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdIsNull() { addCriterion("product_id is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdIsNotNull() { addCriterion("product_id is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("product_id =", value, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdNotEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("product_id <>", value, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdGreaterThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("product_id >", value, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("product_id >=", value, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdLessThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("product_id <", value, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("product_id <=", value, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("product_id in", values, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdNotIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("product_id not in", values, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("product_id between", value1, value2, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andProductIdNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("product_id not between", value1, value2, "productId"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeIsNull() { addCriterion("time is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeIsNotNull() { addCriterion("time is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("time =", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeNotEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("time <>", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeGreaterThan(String value) { addCriterion("time >", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("time >=", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeLessThan(String value) { addCriterion("time <", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeLessThanOrEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("time <=", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeLike(String value) { addCriterion("time like", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeNotLike(String value) { addCriterion("time not like", value, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeIn(List<String> values) { addCriterion("time in", values, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeNotIn(List<String> values) { addCriterion("time not in", values, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeBetween(String value1, String value2) { addCriterion("time between", value1, value2, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andTimeNotBetween(String value1, String value2) { addCriterion("time not between", value1, value2, "time"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusIsNull() { addCriterion("order_status is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusIsNotNull() { addCriterion("order_status is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("order_status =", value, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusNotEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("order_status <>", value, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusGreaterThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("order_status >", value, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("order_status >=", value, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusLessThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("order_status <", value, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("order_status <=", value, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("order_status in", values, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusNotIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("order_status not in", values, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("order_status between", value1, value2, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andOrderStatusNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("order_status not between", value1, value2, "orderStatus"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceIsNull() { addCriterion("price is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceIsNotNull() { addCriterion("price is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceEqualTo(Double value) { addCriterion("price =", value, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceNotEqualTo(Double value) { addCriterion("price <>", value, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceGreaterThan(Double value) { addCriterion("price >", value, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Double value) { addCriterion("price >=", value, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceLessThan(Double value) { addCriterion("price <", value, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceLessThanOrEqualTo(Double value) { addCriterion("price <=", value, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceIn(List<Double> values) { addCriterion("price in", values, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceNotIn(List<Double> values) { addCriterion("price not in", values, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceBetween(Double value1, Double value2) { addCriterion("price between", value1, value2, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andPriceNotBetween(Double value1, Double value2) { addCriterion("price not between", value1, value2, "price"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountIsNull() { addCriterion("count is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountIsNotNull() { addCriterion("count is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("count =", value, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountNotEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("count <>", value, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountGreaterThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("count >", value, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("count >=", value, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountLessThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("count <", value, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("count <=", value, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("count in", values, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountNotIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("count not in", values, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("count between", value1, value2, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andCountNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("count not between", value1, value2, "count"); return (Criteria) this; } } public static class Criteria extends GeneratedCriteria { protected Criteria() { super(); } } public static class Criterion { private String condition; private Object value; private Object secondValue; private boolean noValue; private boolean singleValue; private boolean betweenValue; private boolean listValue; private String typeHandler; public String getCondition() { return condition; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public Object getSecondValue() { return secondValue; } public boolean isNoValue() { return noValue; } public boolean isSingleValue() { return singleValue; } public boolean isBetweenValue() { return betweenValue; } public boolean isListValue() { return listValue; } public String getTypeHandler() { return typeHandler; } protected Criterion(String condition) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.typeHandler = null; this.noValue = true; } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, String typeHandler) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.value = value; this.typeHandler = typeHandler; if (value instanceof List<?>) { this.listValue = true; } else { this.singleValue = true; } } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value) { this(condition, value, null); } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue, String typeHandler) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.value = value; this.secondValue = secondValue; this.typeHandler = typeHandler; this.betweenValue = true; } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue) { this(condition, value, secondValue, null); } } }





网址: 基于JavaWeb的网上宠物商城系统(Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis框架) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview190304.html

上一篇: DNF首饰附魔详解
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