宠物同谋乐队由虎子,Mary, Edo,晕晕组成。它将朋克摇滚和艺术项目相结合,宠物同谋以震撼的现场表演在国内外迅速蹿红——被评为“2009年当月优秀MTV乐队”和“2010中国最佳电子乐队”。宠物同谋在短短不到两年时间成为中国最炙手可热的原创乐队。2008年,宠物同谋在欧洲崭露头角,并在欧洲最酷的俱乐部表演,并由此获得了众多国际观众的热情和喜爱,欧洲各大媒体如,Arte TV, BBC还在International, Compilations等争相报道。
在音乐方面,宠物同谋受到朋克摇滚,新浪潮和电子乐的影响。现场表演方面,乐队完美糅合了Peaches和Crystal Castle以及德国超现实电影的剧场气氛。
Pet Conspiracy lineup with Huzi, Mary, Edo and yunyun. Halfway between an art project and a punk rock show, Pet Conspiracy have become popular in China and abroad for their powerful and borderline live acts. MTV band of the Month in 2009, best Electro band in China in 2010, Pet Conspiracy have become in less than 2 years one of the hottest and original band in China. Since 2008, Pet Conspiracy paved their way to Europe where they grabbed international audience attention performing in some of the coolest European clubs and made their appearance in Arte TV, BBC and International compilations.
Musically speaking, Pet Conspiracy takes influence from punk rock, new wave and electro music, while their live acts brings the engery of Peaches and Crystal Castle mixed to the theatrical athmospheres of German surrealistic movies.
Pet Conspiracy is a project, rather than a band, watching their shows is an experience, rather than simple entertainment.
宠物同谋的小站 (豆瓣音乐人)
豆瓣: 在哪儿买宠物行为与训练
豆瓣: 在哪儿买宠物处方药速查手册
爱它更要了解它!奉浦街道君君小站带你走近宠物行为学 宠物训练管理师学习哪些知识
豆瓣: 在哪儿买中国宠物营养与喂养指南
宠物救助小站 直升飞机和救援云梯救助小黄猫行动
华语音乐传媒大奖十年庆典 小众歌手齐狂欢
网址: 宠物同谋的小站 (豆瓣音乐人) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview193754.html
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