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A crowned beauty takes part in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A dog wearing a royal robe and crown takes part in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A pink sweatshirt, a frothy pink skirt, a pink collar and sunglasses combine to make a statement on this dog participating in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A fashionable dog takes part in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A dog decked out in a hot pink skirt and sporting a pink unicorn horn takes part in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A fashionable dog yawns in the midst of a beauty contest held as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

Minimalism makes a statement as this dog dons a black and purple scarf for a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A costumed dog takes part in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

A sombrero hat completes this dog's ensemble as it takes part in a beauty contest as part of the Petshop Days Festival in St. Petersburg, Aug 25, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

(来源:中国日报网 编辑:丹妮)



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网址: 宠物狗选美大赛:谁的打扮最时尚? https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview21025.html

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