摘要 Node.JS使用起来相似于Django。而对于MongoDB的数据库,则是相对复杂。不同于以往用关系性的数据库需要提前设计数据库模型,MongoDB的数据库使用起来简单直接的,其便捷的查询方式也节省了很多代码。前端则借用Bootstrap构造一个简约友好的使用界面。 网站的规模不算大,但正因为这样的简洁才更加容易使得有相关需要的客户群体能更快定位和熟悉整个操作流程。相比其他大型的网站,太多信息使得用户不能很明确自己的需求是吻合那部分功能。缭乱的界面设计虽然内容饱满,但是用户使用确实十分费劲。功能相似,基于宠物的社交网站数目不少,但是国内常用的几个网站正处于垄断的地位,换而言之,最权威的同时也信息量最全的。虽然数据强大,但是用户的体验并不好,太多冗余的用户可能不需要不迫切的,如产品推销、宠物种类名目的介绍等。信息的时代需要的正是“微小”“轻薄”的概念,容易上手设计,简单功能是大势所趋。Doggy club分享经验贴是最主要的功能,相似的还可以发表提问帖,这样的分类进一步细分用户使用社交平台的功能,使得用户更加方便快捷找到想使用的功能。此外添加好友也是一大亮点,可以通过搜索获得使用者名单,关注或者被关注都已使得二者可以相互聊天,可以更加直接方便的交流心得或私下交往。同样网站也提供给用户浏览用户的言论,也可以评论全部使用者的问题。 关键词: Abstract Now with rising living standards, with the material surplus of life, in order to add fun, humans are very likely to choose a pet. Petting is a mutual process, on the one hand pet could accompany with pet owner, on the other hand the owner would take care of their pets. It is based on the love of the pets that the owner would want to find a group of like-minded people, or an organization to guide them to do better. Similarly with the development of the Internet, social networks emerging, take us into a world of online dating. Based on unconditional registration rules, a social networking site users often have different personalities, different hobbies. For these two issues, so I chose to develop a platform-based pet dating, which on the one hand allows pets to make friends, also allows the owner to hand allies. Doggy club, as a social web site, is developed under the MVC pattern, with using Node.JS frame and MongoDB database. For little popularity of above techniques in china, researching and debugging costs much time. Apart from some differences in grammar, Node.JS work similarly as Django in frame. As for database, situation becomes simple. Different from relationship type database which requires advanced design of format of data, the flexibility of format in MogonDB saves lots of time, so does the convenience of inquiry. In terms of views, using Bootstrap helps construct a simply fr
宠物爱好者分享平台(宠物社交网站Doggy Club).doc
Mr. Doggy BOBO宠物空间 甜宝哈比引领宠物经济浪潮
网址: 宠物爱好者分享平台(宠物社交网站Doggy Club).doc https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview222097.html
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