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  当今社会掀起了一股饲养宠物免兔的风,但是什么是宠物兔呢? 究竟作为主人的你有没有真正的认识你的宠物兔呢 ?

  In today's society, there is a trend of keeping pets without rabbits, but what is a pet rabbit? Have you, as the owner, truly known your pet rabbit?

  旧社会的观念包括各位的家长都会认为:兔子是红眼睛白毛长耳朵的是吃青菜不能喝水不能洗澡的,但这是错误的观念:为什么这么说呢? 因为以前最早引进中国的兔免是红眼白毛长耳,但这只是一种品种而已,叫作新西兰白免。而今免兔的品种不断的引进了中国也就多样化起来了[免兔的常见品种]:垂耳兔、狮子免、安哥拉长毛免、熊猫兔、新西兰白兔、喜玛拉雅免、野兔、西施免

  The concept of the old society, including all parents, would believe that rabbits have red eyes, white hair, and long ears, and cannot eat vegetables, drink water, or take a shower. However, this is a wrong concept: why do you say that? Because the earliest rabbits introduced to China in the past were red eyed, white haired, and long eared, but this is just a variety called New Zealand white rabbits. Nowadays, the variety of rabbit free rabbits has been continuously introduced to China, which has led to diversification. [Common varieties of rabbit free rabbits] include the hanging ear rabbit, lion rabbit, Angolan long haired rabbit, panda rabbit, New Zealand white rabbit, Himalayan rabbit, wild rabbit, and Xishi rabbit


  In general, the most commonly raised animals are the hanging ears, lions, pandas, and white rabbits. The rabbits bought from roadside and flower and bird markets are basically the size of the palm of the hand. The vendor will tell you that this is a rabbit that is not big enough for you. In fact, these rabbits are all meat free, After growing up and reaching adulthood, the weight can reach 7.10 pounds (depending on the feeding situation). When purchased, it is usually not weaned, and the newly opened milk is exempt, which is extremely difficult to feed. If not raised correctly, it will leave oneself permanently within a week to a month. Let's first talk about the characteristics of several common exempt varieties:

  1、熊猫免(德国花巨兔): 黑耳(灰耳)黑眼、身上有黑于白毛交杂或者只有白毛2、白兔: 这就是普通常见的红眼睛、长耳朵、全身雪白的毛

  1. Panda Exemption (German Flower Giant Rabbit): Black Ears (Grey Ears), Black Eyes, Mixed Black and White Hair or Only White Hair on the Body. 2. White Rabbit: This is the common red eyes, long ears, and snow-white fur on the whole body

  3、垂耳兔:耳朵下垂,黑眼,眼色分很多种: 纯色( 黄、白、黑、灰等还有就是杂色的(黄白、黑白、黄黑白等)还有一种垂白色的垂耳免眼睛基本都是蓝色的。

  3. Dropped ear rabbit: With drooping ears and black eyes, there are many types of eye colors: solid colors (yellow, white, black, gray, etc.), as well as mixed colors (yellow white, black and white, yellow black and white, etc.), and a type of drooping white rabbit. The eyes are mostly blue.


  4. Lion Rabbit: Characterized by its ears and face, the ears are short and triangular in shape, with a hairy star like lion head on its head


宠物兔子有哪些品种 十种常见的宠物品种

网址: 宠物兔的常见品种 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview22443.html

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