competitor uk /kəmˈpet.ɪ.tər/us /kəmˈpet̬.ə.t̬ɚ/ B1 noun
a person, team, or company that is competing against others:
Their prices are better than any of their competitors. 他们的价格比所有竞争对手的都要优惠。
entrant uk /ˈen.trənt/us /ˈen.trənt/ noun
a person who takes part in a competition or an exam:
All entrants complete two three-hour papers. 所有的考生都要完成两场历时3小时的笔试。
all comers uk /ˈɔːlˌkʌm.əz/us /ˈɑːlˌkʌm.ɚz/ noun
any people who want to take part in a particular competition or activity
one-horse race uk /ˌwʌn.hɔːs ˈreɪs/us /ˌwʌn.hɔːrs ˈreɪs/ noun
a race or competition that only one of the competitors has a real chance of winning:
This election has been a one-horse race right from the start. 这场竞选从一开始就是一场一人稳操胜券的竞赛。
one-horse race uk /ˌwʌn.hɔːs ˈreɪs/us /ˌwʌn.hɔːrs ˈreɪs/ noun
a race or competition that only one of the competitors has a real chance of winning:
This election has been a one-horse race right from the start. 这场竞选从一开始就是一场一人稳操胜券的竞赛。
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美国防部举办“地表之下挑战赛” 参赛者须研制地下测绘导航系统
纯品种和沙龙自由式考试 – IGA – International Groomers Association
搞笑野生动物摄影奖2020 参赛作品精选
网址: 参赛者
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