年轻公马职业生涯的下一步是在秋冬季节进行认证。平均每年只有5%的公马可以获准进入许可程序。只有不到50%的公马能通过为期3天的择选过程,获得作为育种公马的官方许可。但这一许可是有条件限制的育种许可。测试阶段要评估年轻公马的外观、步态、自由超越能力和一般行为表现。3至6岁的公马要求进行一个为期30天的能力测试(VA – Veranlagungsprufung),只有成功通过这一测试的公马才能获得育种许可。但要获得无限制育种许可,公马还要通过一个70天的能力测试(HLP – Hengstleistungsprufung)或是在竞技比赛中取胜。在随后的几年里,年轻的种公马将在竞技中积累比赛经验。
Breeding Program
of the “German Riding Horse”
German animalbreeding laws prescribe that any accredited breeding association must have abreeding program. This is imperative,as it ensures preparatory and forward thinkingbreeding objectives. The breeding objectives are inspired by the preferences andrequirements indicated by buyers. While every breeding association has its ownbreeding objective, all breeding associations that are members of the FNfurther conscribe to a uniform breeding objective from 1975: „Breeding is aimed at producing a noble,large-framed and correct horse with dynamic, spacious and elastic motions – well suited for any riding purpose because of its temperament, itscharacter and its ability to provide an easy ride.”This breeding objective, together with the rules for horse breeding in Germany,is noted in the ZVO, the breeding association regulations (Zuchtverbandsordnung),and updated regularly.
The firststep of the breeding selection in Germany begins at the foal shows. In the summertime,when most foals are born, nearly every German riding horse, pony and heavyhorse foal participates in a foal show. At these shows, experienced judges fromvarious breeding associations evaluate the foals’ exterior and their paces. The best foals are awarded.This preliminary selection allows the breeding associations to gain a goodoverview of the quality of the foals born that year. Furthermore, the breeder gainsan objective assessment of the quality of the foals.
Following theprimary assessment of the foals, a selection process of the mares and stallions,via the grading and accreditation as indicated through the studbooks, takes place.
The next stepin the career of a young stallion is the licensing during fall or winter. Onaverage, only five percent of the stallions born in a year are granted thepermission to take part in the licensing process. Less than 50 % of theparticipating stallions are awarded the official licence as a breeding stallionupon completion of the three day selection period. This licence, however, onlygrants a limited breeding permission. The testing period adjudicates thequality of the young stallions’ exterior, the paces, the free-jumping
competenceand the general behaviour. Stallions aged 3 to 6 are required to pass a 30-dayability test (VA – Veranlagungsprüfung). A stallion can obtain a breeding permission only uponsuccessful completion of this test. For obtaining an unlimited breeding permission,the stallion has to pass the 70- day stallion performance test (HLP – Hengstleistungsprüfung) successfully orsucceed in competition sports. Over the following years, the young stallionsare expected to gain experience in competition sports.
Young maresundertake a performance test at the age of 3 or 4-years old. Their results atthese evaluations are critical for their breeding career. The criteria judgedat these tests are similar to the stallions’ 30-day ability test: interior, gaits and movement, competence infree-jumping and general behaviour. Although broodmares usually do not have acompetitive career before breeding, a trend has developed over the course ofthe last 20 years that young mares participate in one or two competitionseasons to gain more information about their ability and performance beforegoing into breeding. The last selection step for all horses in the breedingprogram of the “German Riding Horse” is the integrated breeding value evaluation, which combines theperformance results of both, breeding and sports perspectives. The horses’ results in various tests at the breeding station or at stallionperformance and ability tests, as well as broodmare tests, are recorded. Thedata about the success in competitions, as well as in the breeding tests anddifferent steps of selection, are continuously sampled from all horses. Combiningthese results with the breeding and competitive lineage of the horses ancestorsenables one to calculate the horses’ breeding value in termsof their conformation, interior, movement, show-jumping and dressagesuitability.