Pets have gained the upper paw over their so-called owners
There is a range of theories about how Homo sapiens came to rule the planet. Opposable thumbs, cranial size, altruism and cooking all played a part, but central to the naked ape’s success was its ability to dominate other species.
Bovids, equids and, in particular, canids, were put to work by H. sapiens; felids always took a slightly different view of the matter, but were indulged for their rodent-catching talents.
As humanity has got richer, animals’ roles have changed. People need their services less than before. Fewer wolves and bandits meant less demand for dogs for protection; the internal-combustion engine made horses redundant; modern sanitation kept rats in check and made cats less useful.
The trend is not a new one. Archaeologists have found 10,000-year-old graves in which dogs and people are buried together. Some cultures—such as in Scandinavia, where canines have long been both working dogs and companions—have kept pets for millennia.
But these days the pet-keeping urge has spread even to parts of the world which have no tradition of snuggling up on a comfy chair with a furry creature.
In parts of Asia where people used to regard the best place for man’s best friend as not the sofa but the stewing-pot, along with some onions and a pinch of seasoning, and where cats were made into tonics, norms are changing fast. The South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, has a rescue dog, and the mayor of Seoul has promised to shut down dog butchers.
China, where dogs were once rounded up and slaughtered on the ground that keeping pets was bourgeois, has gone mad for cutesy breeds like Pomeranians, whose wolfish ancestors would have swallowed them whole for elevenses. Traditionalists attending the annual dog-meat festival in Guangxi now find themselves under attack by packs of snarling animal-lovers.
The pet business is growing even faster than pet numbers, because people are spending more and more money on them. No longer are they food-waste-recyclers, fed with the scraps that fall from their masters’ tables.
Pet-food shelves groan with delicacies crafted to satisfy a range of appetites, including ice cream for dogs and foods for pets that are old, diabetic or suffer from sensitive digestion; a number of internet services offer bespoke food, tailored to the pet’s individual tastes.
In the business this is called “pet humanisation”—the tendency of pet owners to treat their pets as part of the family. This is evident in the names given to dogs, which have evolved from Fido, Rex and Spot to—in America—Bella, Lucy and Max.
这在商业领域被称为“宠物人类化”,即宠物的主人更倾向于将宠物视为家庭的一份子。从给狗起的名字就能看出这一点,在美国,宠物名从以前的 Fido、 Rex 和 Spot 到现在的 Bella、Lucy 和 Max。
It is evident in the growing market for pet clothing, pet grooming and pet hotels. It is evident in the demand for breeds such as the French bulldog, which, tellingly, looks a bit like a human baby.
People still assume that pets must be working for humanity in some way, perhaps making people healthier or less anxious. But the evidence for that is weak. Rather, new research suggests that canines have evolved those irresistible “puppy-dog eyes” precisely to manipulate human emotions. It has worked.
The species that once enslaved others now toils to pay for the care of its pets, which lounge on the sofa waiting to be taken to the grooming salon. Sentimental Americans often refer to themselves not as cat-owners but as the cat’s “mommy” or “daddy”.
South Koreans go one further, describing themselves as cat “butlers”, pandering to every feline whim. Watch a hapless dog-walker trailing “his” hound, plastic bag in hand to pick up its mess, and you have to wonder: who’s in charge now?
cranial['krenɪəl] adj. 颅的,与颅骨有关的
altruism['æltruɪzəm] n. 利他;利他主义
indulge[ɪn'dʌldʒ] vt. 满足;纵容;使高兴;使沉迷于… vi. 沉溺;满足;放任
bandit['bændɪt] n. 强盗,土匪;恶棍;敲诈者
redundant[rɪ'dʌndənt] adj. 多余的,过剩的;被解雇的,失业的;冗长的,累赘的
sanitation[,sænɪ'teʃən] n. 环境卫生;卫生设备;下水道设施
snuggle['snʌgl] vt. 使舒适温暖;紧抱;偎依 vi. 偎依;舒服地蜷伏
seasoning['sizənɪŋ] n. 调味品;佐料;风干;增添趣味的东西
bourgeois[,bʊr'ʒwɑ] adj. 中产阶级的;世俗的;资产阶级的 n. 中产或资产阶级分子
bespoke[bɪ'spok] adj. 定做的;预定的 vt. 预约,显示出
tellingly['teliŋli] adv. 有效地;显著地
pander['pændɚ] vi. 迎合;勾引;怂恿;拉皮条 n. 怂恿者;拉皮条者;老鸨 vt. 为…拉皮条
养了一只八哥 想让它学人说话可没那么简单!
网址: 经济学人 | 宠物和你,谁才是主子? https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview305216.html
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