iPhone 摄影奖™ (IPPAWARDS) 是自 2007 年以来举办的第一届以来也是持续时间最长的 iPhone 摄影比赛。自从第一部 iPhone 发布、激发和吸引着全球的用户,IPPAWARDS 一直在庆祝 iPhone 用户的创造力。从那时起,IPPAWARDS 每年都会从来自全球 140 多个国家/地区的 iPhone 摄影师提交的数千张图片中选出最佳照片。评委会成员分几个步骤选出获奖者,并颁发年度摄影师和类别获奖者奖品。
2022 年 3 月 31 日
Deadline: March 31, 2022
参赛作品面向全球范围内使用 iPhone 或 iPad 的摄影师开放。照片以前没有在任何地方发布过。个人帐户(Facebook、Instagram 等)上的帖子是可以的。不得在任何桌面图像处理程序(例如 Photoshop)中更改照片,但可以使用任何 IOS 应用程序。
允许使用任何 iPhone。可以使用 iPhone 附加镜头。在某些情况下,我们可能会要求原始图像验证它是使用 iPhone、iPad 拍摄的。无法核实的照片取消参赛资格。
提交的作品必须是原始尺寸或高度或宽度不小于 1000 像素。
Entries are open worldwide to photographers using an iPhone or iPad. Photos should not be published previously anywhere. The posts on personal accounts (Facebook, Instagram etc.) are eligible. The photos should not be altered in any desktop image processing program such as Photoshop. It is OK to use any IOS apps.
The use of any iPhone is permissible. iPhone add-on lenses can be used. In some cases we may ask the original image to verify that it’s taken with an iPhone, iPad. The photos that can not be verified are disqualified.
The submissions must be in the original size or not smaller than 1000 pixels in either height or width.
抽象、动物、建筑、儿童、城市景观、风景、生活方式、自然、人物、肖像、系列(3 张图片)、静物、日落、旅行、其他。
Abstract, Animals, Architecture, Children, Cityscape, Landscape, Lifestyle, Nature, People, Portrait, Series (3 images), Still Life, Sunset, Travel, Other.
All photographers compete for the 4 IPPAWARDS Photographers of the Year. Grand Prize, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
所有摄影师都将角逐 IPPAWARDS 年度最佳摄影师奖的 4 位。特等奖,一、二、三等奖。
最高奖项 ::所有参赛作品都将争夺享有盛誉的 IPPA 年度摄影师奖称号,前 3 名获奖者将获得奖品,稍后公布。
18 条金条 ::18 个类别的第一名获胜者将赢得来自世界上最知名的私人金币厂的金条。
18 条白金条 ::18 个类别的第二名和第三名获胜者将赢得来自世界上最知名的私人金币厂的白金条。
每个类别的最高获奖者和第一、第二、第三名获奖者的作品将在 IPPAWARDS 在线画廊和任何已发布的 IPPAWARDS 材料上公布。转载注明来自秀设计:xiusheji.com
所有类别的证书 ::每个类别的所有第一、第二和第三名获奖者都将获得 IPPAWARDS 证书。
荣誉奖:: IPPAWARDS 评委将向参赛作品颁发若干荣誉奖,以表彰他们认为合适的人才。
Top Prizes :: All entries compete for the prestigious IPPA Photographer of the Year Award title, and the top 3 winners will receive a prize to be announced later.
18 Gold Bars :: The 1st place winner of the 18 categories will win a Gold Bar from the most recognizable private gold mint in the world.
18 Platinum Bars :: The 2nd and 3rd place winners of the 18 categories will win a Platinum Bar from the most recognizable private gold mint in the world.
The work of the top winner and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Winners on each category will be publicized on IPPAWARDS online gallery and any published IPPAWARDS materials.
Certificates in all Categories :: All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each categories will receive a IPPAWARDS certificate.
Honorable Mentions :: IPPAWARDS judges will award several Honorable Mention to entries to acknowledge talent as they deem fit.
Judging Criteria :: Members of the Jury will review all entries and judge images on the basis of artistic merit, originality, subject, and style and ultimately decide the winners.
1 image:$5.50, 3 images:$12.50, 5 images:$18.50, 10 images:$37.50, 15 images:$55.50, 20 images:$67.00, 25 images:$75.50. There are no limits in the number of entries however we recommend that you only submit your best ones.
参赛作品将不会被退回。只有获胜的参赛作品才会被存档以供宣传之用。IPPAWARDS 将不对任何损坏或丢失的提交负责。
Entries will not be returned. Only winning entries will be kept on file for promotional purposes. IPPAWARDS will not be responsible for any damaged or lost submissions.
版权和所有其他权利归摄影师所有。IPPAWARDS 使用的任何照片都应带有摄影师的信用额度。使用可能包括在任何 IPPAWARDS 媒体赞助出版物中发表。所有参赛者都理解并同意,IPPAWARDS 可以将提交给比赛的任何图像用于营销和促销目的,包括用于任何媒体,例如与 IPPAWARDS 比赛直接相关的展览、印刷和数字媒体。
Copyright and all other rights remain that of the photographer. Any photograph used by IPPAWARDS shall carry the photographer’s credit line. Use may include publication in any IPPAWARDS media sponsor publication. All entrants understand and agree that any image submitted to the competition may be used by IPPAWARDS to use for marketing and promotional purposes including in any media such as exhibitions, print and digital media directly related to the IPPAWARDS competition.
(1) 照片是原创的,并且他们拥有照片的权利
(2) 照片不侵犯任何第三方的权利
(3) 照片不传达虚假或误导性的印象
(4) 他们提交的关于照片的任何附加信息都是准确的
Participants represent and warrant that (1) the Photographs are original and that they own the rights to their Photographs, (2) the Photographs do not violate the rights of any third party, (3) the Photographs do not convey a false or misleading impression, and (4) any additional information they submit about the Photographs is accurate.
All winners will be announced online eight to twelve weeks after the final submission deadline. Only top winners in each categories will be notified before the official announcement.
©来源: IPPAWARDS大赛官网
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