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pet psychologist 上 #宠物心理学家 #趣味英语动画

Thanks to my mystical powers -none other than- Inow know the jewel thief j5 -the Jewelry store owner himself!|know me! 多亏有神秘之力 "Thanks to mystical powers|Written by 我才会知道珠宝大盗 I know that jewel thief is none other than...|Storyboards by Larry Leker 就是珠宝店的老板 the jewelry store owner himself!|大师怎么知道 How did Mystro know?|Directed by 他是世界上最厉害的读心师 Mystro is the world's greatest psychic!|psychic通灵的;心灵的;灵魂的;有通灵术的人; MISIR2 他能解读别人的想法 He can tell what anyone's thinking.|115S1 MSIR? PECACLB Comics gronp 才知道骗子在想什么 He can read the crook's mind!||前三名超能力 top three favorite super powers.|糟糕 Whoa!Oops!|三明治 My sandwich!|不用担心奇奇 Frenchy won't eat it.|它比较爱我的帕马森起司鸡肉 He'll prefer my parmesan chicken bite.|看吧我就知道 See?I knew it|predict预测;预报;预言;预告; 妮妮你怎么会知道 Nancy,how did you know that?|他是我的狗狗我当然知道 He's my dog.I know what he thinks.|真的吗为什么 Really?Tell me more.|因为奇奇很花俏 Well,Frenchy's fancy.|它才不会吃 He would never eat a|没有切边的三明治 sandwich with the crust still on.|等它吃饱之后看好喔 And now that he's full,watch|它会舔舔嘴巴 he'll lick his lips|到屋子里去睡午觉 and go inside to take a nap|看(法文) Voila!|你是宠物读心师 You're a pet psychic.|psychic通灵的;心灵的;灵魂的;有通灵术的人;|我(法文) Moi?|因为我的才艺已经够多了 I already have so many other talents.|不要跑了小傻瓜 Stop running!Silly dog|我真希望知道你在想什么 Sometimes you're a mystery to me|mystery神秘的事物,不可理解之事; 不好意思亲爱的 Excuse us,my darlings.|我也不晓得它今天是怎么搞的 I don't know what's gotten into her today.|也许它想要你抱抱 Maybe she just needs a hug|抱抱 A hug?Well,let's try it.|真的耶你说得对 Why,Nancy,you're right|它只是想抱抱 A hug was all it took.|抱抱(法文) Toodle-oo.|你怎么知道珠儿想要抱抱 how did you know that Jewel needed a hug?|我不知道就是一种感觉 I don't know.It just came to me.|你不只会读奇奇的想法 You just read Jewel's mind|也会读珠儿的 and Frenchy's too!|呜啦啦 Ooh la la!|我真的是宠物读心师 I am a pet psychic.|等一下 But wait!|宠物读心术是很了不得的能力 The power to read a pet's mind is monumental.|那是了不起的花俏讲法 That's fancy for"very important".|我可以用它来做什么 What should I do with it?|这么花俏的能力 There's only one thing|应该只有一个用途 to do with such a fancy power|用它来帮助别人 Nancy.You must use it to help the world.|(你家狗狗 (Where


pet psychologist 上 #宠物心理学家 #趣味英语动画
宠物美容沙龙 (Pet SPA Challenge)

网址: pet psychologist 上 #宠物心理学家 #趣味英语动画 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview437427.html

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