“ScalersTalk 口译进阶小组” 的前身是 “ScalersTalk 交传小组”,成立于 2015 年 2 月,现阶段,小组继续专注高级阶段的交替传译与同声传译训练,在巩固语言基本功的同时训练各类口译技能,从而为承担正式场合的口译打下坚实基础。 96 周起,小组全面引入 CATTI 新版二口教材的训练,时间为每天晚上 8 点到 9 点,训练期间播放录音、记笔记,在空白处按暂停键后做口译,用 QQ 发群语音,然后对照文档,查找漏译和错译的部分,标出口译时较为困难的词汇和表达,随时发到群里;每天早上 6 点到 7 点训练复述。
第 157 周训练材料选自 speech repository 的一系列训练材料,目的在于提升会口译员培训质量。小组成员利用该材料练习了交替传译和限时视译,并学习原文的词汇、表达和句型句式。设备建议:你需要电脑或手机播放音频、手机发送语音。本日志整理的是第 157 周英译汉练习的内容。
第 157 周——知识点整理 段落一
Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Helen Campbell, formerly of DG Interpretation of the European Commission. I am going to talk to you today about pets and the effect of pets on your health. Now I'm British and as you probably know, most British people love animals, and most have pets as well. Usually it will be a dog or a cat, but there is also now a fashion for pythons, many people are buying pythons as pets.
the DG Interpretation of the European Commission欧盟口译司 there is also now a fashion for pythons:现在也流行养大蟒。 Python:a large tropical snake that kills animals for food by winding itself around them and crushing them(热带地区的)大蟒 there is a fashion for:流行,盛行 段落二Well, whatever the pet might be, we all know that it's comforting when you come home, for example, your dog is waiting for you. And it's good for you to take the dog for a walk. People generally are happy to have these pets, but in fact, it goes a little further than that, because there have been some studies carried out recently that show that owning a pet actually has a very positive effect on your health. People who own pets tend to suffer less than others from headaches, migraines, back pain or depression. They feel generally healthier and they feel fitter for owning that pet, of course, especially if it's a dog, because as I remember, when I was younger, we had a wonderful dog whom I loved very much, but he had to be taken for two very long walks every day. Now you take a dog for a long walk twice a day, maybe for half an hour, and you are probably going to be very fit.
It's comforting for you:对你来说是一种安慰;让你很欣慰。 It goes a little further than that:“Go further than that”直译“直得更远”,此处指“不仅仅如此”。 some studies carried out:carry out some studies 进行的调查 People who own pets tend to suffer less headaches, migraines, back pain or depression: suffer:遭受(苦难); migraine:偏头痛 feel fitter:fit means strong(强壮的);someone who is fit is strong and healthy, especially because they exercise regularly (尤因经常锻炼而)健壮的,健康的。 段落三So by and large, owning a pet is going to be good for you. Some people will say yes, but it's quite expensive, in fact. Yes, it is. It costs quite a lot to feed a large dog. And that's true, and that's perhaps the downside. The other thing is, and this is certainly my own case, I travel an awful lot and I live in a flight. And so it would be terribly unfair of me to buy a dog, because I would never be around enough, and I would have to rely on lots of friends to take the poor dog for a walk and to feed it. I can assure you, however, that one of these days, when I do calm down, and stop traveling so much, that would be one of my first thoughts. I think that I can see myself with a very pleasant cocker spaniel as a companion. And I shall take the cocker spaniel for long walks. Pets certainly are a good therapy and a great pleasure to have. Thank you!
by and large:大体上来说,总体而言。 downside:a disadvantage of a situation不利的一面,不利因素 a good therapy:宠物当然是一个很好的治疗方法 cocker spaniel 可卡犬★★★★★
网址: ScalersTalk 口译进阶小组第 157 周训练日志 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview442490.html
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