在大兴安岭山脉呼中地区、塔河地区和呼伦湖地区,小兴安岭山脉萝北地区,长白山山脉横道河子地区、三道关地区、牡丹峰地区、凤凰山地区和新宾地区,对我国东北地区鼩鼱科动物进行了调查。共获得686号标本,首先利用形态特征描述和形态测量进行形态学物种鉴定,然后利用mtDNA Cyt b基因全序列构建系统发生树,使用ABGD软件进行分子生物学物种鉴定,形态学和分子生物学物种鉴定结果一致。证实东北地区鼩鼱科动物包括麝鼩属2种:大麝鼩(Crocidura lasiura)和山东小麝鼩(C. shantungensis); 鼩鼱属9种:大鼩鼱(Sorex mirabilis)、中鼩鼱(S. caecutiens)、远东鼩鼱(S. isodon)、苔原鼩鼱(S. tundrensis)、长爪鼩鼱(S. unguiculatus)、栗齿鼩鼱(S. daphaenodon)、细鼩鼱(S. gracillimus)、扁颅鼩鼱(S. roboratus)和姬鼩鼱(S. minutissimus)。调查发现大麝鼩和山东小麝鼩呈同域分布,且其分布更临近人类生活区。在我国东北地区,中鼩鼱、细鼩鼱和远东鼩鼱种群数量与分布范围较大,其它物种种群数量明显小于这3个物种;大鼩鼱和扁颅鼩鼱分布数量较小,苔原鼩鼱仅在呼伦湖地区被采集到,在此地与姬鼩鼱同域分布。栗齿鼩鼱仅在大兴安岭地区捕获到。文中测量各物种标本的外形(体重、头体长、尾长、尾长/头体长、后足长、耳长),及头骨(颅全长、颅基长、基长、脑颅宽、脑颅高、眶间宽、上齿列长、下齿列长、腭前部宽、腭后部宽),通过照片展示了鼩鼱属9个物种的颅骨形态特征,并给出每一物种的鉴别特征,作为东北地区鼩鼱科物种形态分类依据。
关键词: 东北地区, 鼩形目, 鼩鼱科, 分类
We investigated Soricidae species in the Daxinganling Mountains (Huzhong, Tahe and Hulun Lake regions), the Xiaoxinganling Mountains (Luobei region) and the Changbaishan Mountains (Hengdaohezi, Sandaoguan, Mudanfeng, Phoenix Mountain and Xinbin regions). We collected 686 specimens of Soricidae. Morphological species identification was first performed using morphological characterization and morphometric measurements. Phylogenetic trees and ABGD software were then used for species identification at the molecular level, based on the cyt b gene complete sequence of mtDNA. Specimens comprise 2 species of Crocidura (C. lasiura and C. shantungensis) and 9 species of Sorex (S. mirabilis, S. caecutiens, S. isodon, S. tundrensis, S. unguiculatus, S. daphaenodon, S. gracillimus, S. roboratus and S. minutissimus). The distributions of C. lasiura and C. shantungensis were sympatric, and both representatives of Crocidura were distributed in closer proximity to human-occupied areas than were species of Sorex. The number of distributions of S. caecutiens, S. gracillimus and S. isodon was greater than the number of other species of Sorex. The number of distributions of S. mirabilis and S. roboratus were very low. S. tundrensis was captured only in the Hulun Lake region, and its distribution was sympatric with that of S. minutissimus. S. daphaenodon was captured only in the Daxinganling Mountains. We recorded external body measurements of specimens (body weight, head and body length, tail length, tail length/head and body length, hindfoot length and ear length) and cranial measurements (greatest length of skull, condyloincisive length, basal length, cranial breadth, height of the braincase, interorbital breadth, upper toothrow length, length of mandibular toothrow, anterior and posterior width of palate). The skull morphological features of 9 species of Sorex were photographed. The more obvious distinguishing features of each species were identified to establish a basis for morphological classification of Soricidae in Northeastern China.
野生动物保护系列讲座. 野生动物保护系列讲座 野生动物保护系列讲座 鼠,俗称 “ 耗子 ” 、 “ 老鼠 ” , 一提起鼠,我们总是会联想 起它的种种 “ 恶习 ” 。其实这 指的只是狭义上的鼠,在生 物分类上,广义的鼠其实包 括了哺乳动物纲啮齿目所含 的所有现生的与已灭绝的种 类。因此,鼠家族在动物王.
网址: 中国东北地区鼩鼱科动物分类与分布 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview462366.html
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