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社交媒体对青年政治参与的影响及网络规制的调节作用 ——基于大陆九所高校大学生的调查研究
卢家银The Impact of Social Media on Young Adults’ Political Participation, and Moderation Effects of Internet Regulation: A Survey on Students from Nine Universities in China
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在回顾互联网对公民政治参与影响的基础上,本文对中国大陆境内九所高校的大学 生进行了问卷调查(N=1471),系统分析了当前风靡社会的社交媒体对当代青年政治 参与的影响。研究结果显示,与互联网的负向作用不同,社交媒体不仅推动了青年群体 的线上政治参与,而且促进了青年人群的线下政治参与。并且,互联网规制对青年的线 上和线下政治参与具有限制作用。其中,网络规制虽未能有效减弱社交媒体对青年线上 政治参与的促进作用,但是它却削弱了社交媒体对青年线下政治参与的积极影响。 关键词
Based on the reviewing the impact of Internet on the people’s political participation, this paper conducted an online survey of college students in China (N=1471) and examined whether social media affected young adults’ political participation and what role Internet censorship plays in the process of political participation facilitated by social media. The results show that social media promotes young adults’ online as well as offline political participation, which different with the negative effects of the Internet. And Internet regulation had a negative effect on youth’s online as well as of?ine political participation. Governmental regulation not weaken the positive impact which social media on youth’ online political participation among them, but moderated the positive impact which social media on young people’s of?ine political participation.
社交媒体 /网络规制 /政治参与 /媒介治理{{custom_keyword}} /
Social media /Internet regulation /Political participation /Media governance{{custom_keyword}} /
卢家银.社交媒体对青年政治参与的影响及网络规制的调节作用 ——基于大陆九所高校大学生的调查研究. 国际新闻界. 2018, 40(8): 98-121
.The Impact of Social Media on Young Adults’ Political Participation, and Moderation Effects of Internet Regulation: A Survey on Students from Nine Universities in China. Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2018, 40(8): 98-121
本文为国家社 会科学基金青年项目“社交媒体对当代青年政治参与的影响与引导机制研究”(项目编号 为:14CXW032)的阶段性成果。
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社交媒体对青年政治参与的影响及网络规制的调节作用 ——基于大陆九所高校大学生的调查研究
网址: 社交媒体对青年政治参与的影响及网络规制的调节作用 ——基于大陆九所高校大学生的调查研究 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview462669.html
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