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摘要: 以生态系统稳定性和生境适宜性评价数据为基础,综合分析云南大中山黑颈长尾雉觅食生境的生态系统稳定性。结果显示:大中山自然保护区生态系统可划分为极稳定、稳定、较稳定、不稳定和极不稳定等5类区域。黑颈长尾雉的潜在和实际觅食生境主要分布于生态系统极稳定、稳定和较稳定的东坡,在不稳定和极不稳定的区域分布较少。这种分布格局降低了由于环境波动导致其适合度下降的生态风险。潜在和实际觅食生境在生态系统不稳定区域的比例存在差异,实际觅食生境面积依稳定性程度降低而明显降低;人为干扰降低了局部区域生态系统的稳定性,影响黑颈长尾雉对潜在生境的利用并压缩了实际觅食生境的面积。生态系统稳定性参评因子的评价标准仅反映因素本身的稳定性属性,不反映黑颈长尾雉的生境需求,黑颈长尾雉对栖境生态系统稳定性的偏好是被动适应环境的结果。黑颈长尾雉觅食生境的植物多样性高,这能提供丰富的食物来源以满足其生存需求,动物与环境的相互作用及区域内较高的物种多样性有助于生态系统稳定性的形成与维持。

Abstract: The ecosystem stability of foraging habitat of Humes Pheasant(Syrmaticus humiae) in Dazhong Mountain Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province was synthetically analyzed, based on evaluating the data reflecting ecosystem stability and habitat suitability. The results showed that the ecosystem of Dazhong Mountain Nature Reserve could be divided into five different types of stability zones, including the most stable, stable, relatively stable, instable and the most instable areas. The potential and actual habitats of Humes Pheasant mainly distributed in the most stable, stable and relatively stable areas on the eastern slop,whereas less distributed in the instable and the most instable areas. This distribution pattern reduced the ecological risks from the suitability degradation caused by environmental fluctuation. There was a significant difference in proportion between the potential and actual habitat areas in the instable area of the ecosystem, and the actual habitat areas was significantly reduced with decline of the ecosystem stability. Human disturbance degraded the ecosystem stability in some parts of the reserve, as well as influenced upon the utilization of potential habitat and reduced the actual habitat area for Humes Pheasant. The ecological factors involved in evaluating the ecosystem stability only reflected the attribute of stability rather than habitat requirement by Humes Pheasant. The preference choosing habitat ecosystem with higher stability by Humes Pheasant was the result from adapting the environment passively. The plant diversity was high in the foraging habitat of Humes Pheasant so that it could provide the bird with abundant food for its survival. The relationship between animal and environment with the addition of higher species diversity was conductive to the formation and maintenance of the ecosystem stability.


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0047# 黑颈长尾雉
#0046 白颈长尾雉

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