首页 > 分享 > 宠物用品宠物自动震动止吠器 自动电击止吠器 遥控训练器训狗器

宠物用品宠物自动震动止吠器 自动电击止吠器 遥控训练器训狗器

一.产品特点:•The characters of our product :•1.最新的智能传感程序.,可鉴别狗狗吠叫并自动制止.非本狗的吠叫不可能触发振动制止功能,有效防止错误.•The newestintelligent transmission system is capable to identify the sound of the dogs. Besides, the “stop” function won’t work if the sound isn’t fromthe right dog .In that case, we can avoid making mistakes.

 •2.第一声吠叫不会发出振动,如吠声持续,从第二声吠叫至第六声吠叫,振动时间自动逐渐加长,如吠声在最强振动后仍然持续,止吠器会自动安全暂停2-3分钟.2-3分钟后自动恢复正常.•The set won’t vibrate at the first bark , but if the bark last , the vibration time will lengthen gradually from the second bark to the six bark .And if the barkstill continue at the highest frequency vibration the set will stop automatically for about 2 or 3 minutes and then get right .

 •3.安全又有效的振动提示,没有电击,是慈爱的止吠项圈,•The vibration remind is safe and effective . It is a fatherly collar without electric shock.

 •4.可调整的吠叫允许程度调节,主人可随意设定吠声允许程度.•The allowable bark level is adjustable. The master can decide the bark level according to their need.

•5.可调整的振动程度调节,.主人可根据宠物的性情调整振动的强度•The vibration level can be adjusted ,the masters can adjust the level according to the personalities of their pets.  

一.产品特点:•The characters of our product :•1.最新的智能传感程序.,可鉴别狗狗吠叫并自动制止.非本狗的吠叫不可能触发振动制止功能,有效防止错误.•The newestintelligent transmission system is capable to identify the sound of the dogs. Besides, the “stop” function won’t work if the sound isn’t fromthe right dog .In that case, we can avoid making mistakes.

 •2.第一声吠叫不会发出振动,如吠声持续,从第二声吠叫至第六声吠叫,振动时间自动逐渐加长,如吠声在最强振动后仍然持续,止吠器会自动安全暂停2-3分钟.2-3分钟后自动恢复正常.•The set won’t vibrate at the first bark , but if the bark last , the vibration time will lengthen gradually from the second bark to the six bark .And if the barkstill continue at the highest frequency vibration the set will stop automatically for about 2 or 3 minutes and then get right .

 •3.安全又有效的振动提示,没有电击,是慈爱的止吠项圈,•The vibration remind is safe and effective . It is a fatherly collar without electric shock.

 •4.可调整的吠叫允许程度调节,主人可随意设定吠声允许程度.•The allowable bark level is adjustable. The master can decide the bark level according to their need.

•5.可调整的振动程度调节,.主人可根据宠物的性情调整振动的强度•The vibration level can be adjusted ,the masters can adjust the level according to the personalities of their pets.  

一.产品特点:•The characters of our product :•1.最新的智能传感程序.,可鉴别狗狗吠叫并自动制止.非本狗的吠叫不可能触发振动制止功能,有效防止错误.•The newestintelligent transmission system is capable to identify the sound of the dogs. Besides, the “stop” function won’t work if the sound isn’t fromthe right dog .In that case, we can avoid making mistakes.

 •2.第一声吠叫不会发出振动,如吠声持续,从第二声吠叫至第六声吠叫,振动时间自动逐渐加长,如吠声在最强振动后仍然持续,止吠器会自动安全暂停2-3分钟.2-3分钟后自动恢复正常.•The set won’t vibrate at the first bark , but if the bark last , the vibration time will lengthen gradually from the second bark to the six bark .And if the barkstill continue at the highest frequency vibration the set will stop automatically for about 2 or 3 minutes and then get right .

 •3.安全又有效的振动提示,没有电击,是慈爱的止吠项圈,•The vibration remind is safe and effective . It is a fatherly collar without electric shock.

 •4.可调整的吠叫允许程度调节,主人可随意设定吠声允许程度.•The allowable bark level is adjustable. The master can decide the bark level according to their need.

•5.可调整的振动程度调节,.主人可根据宠物的性情调整振动的强度•The vibration level can be adjusted ,the masters can adjust the level according to the personalities of their pets.  

一.产品特点:•The characters of our product :•1.最新的智能传感程序.,可鉴别狗狗吠叫并自动制止.非本狗的吠叫不可能触发振动制止功能,有效防止错误.•The newestintelligent transmission system is capable to identify the sound of the dogs. Besides, the “stop” function won’t work if the sound isn’t fromthe right dog .In that case, we can avoid making mistakes.

 •2.第一声吠叫不会发出振动,如吠声持续,从第二声吠叫至第六声吠叫,振动时间自动逐渐加长,如吠声在最强振动后仍然持续,止吠器会自动安全暂停2-3分钟.2-3分钟后自动恢复正常.•The set won’t vibrate at the first bark , but if the bark last , the vibration time will lengthen gradually from the second bark to the six bark .And if the barkstill continue at the highest frequency vibration the set will stop automatically for about 2 or 3 minutes and then get right .

 •3.安全又有效的振动提示,没有电击,是慈爱的止吠项圈,•The vibration remind is safe and effective . It is a fatherly collar without electric shock.

 •4.可调整的吠叫允许程度调节,主人可随意设定吠声允许程度.•The allowable bark level is adjustable. The master can decide the bark level according to their need.

•5.可调整的振动程度调节,.主人可根据宠物的性情调整振动的强度•The vibration level can be adjusted ,the masters can adjust the level according to the personalities of their pets.  


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网址: 宠物用品宠物自动震动止吠器 自动电击止吠器 遥控训练器训狗器 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview490384.html

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