Losing a tooth would land most of us in prickly situation bt for Norman the hedgehog it's made him an internet sensation
It is not known how the African pygmy hedgehog owned by American Brett Jessie damaged his front gnasher
However, when Mr Jessie, 23, posted a picture of his beloved pet's mishap online he had no idea it would make the animal an internet hit
Construction engineer Brett, from Kentucky, said he took Norman on as a pet two years ago after a friend could no longer look after him
ȳؼɹȱHe said: 'I've had cats, dogs, lizards and fish, so I thought why not look after a hedgehog
'I started posting pictures of him online but since I put the picture of him losing his tooth I've had hundreds more followers
'Norman has lost a tooth but I'm not sure how or why, I was worried but the vet said so long as he's still happy it's fine
'He eats meal worms mostly but I've tried everything and his favourite is cat food.'
网址: ȳؼɹȱ(˫) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview561501.html
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