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莽山原矛头蝮(Protobothrops mangshanensis)为中国特有的濒危大型毒蛇,仅分布于湘粤交界的南岭山脉莽山林区,其野外数量稀少,亟需保护。为了建立莽山原矛头蝮人工繁育种群,2011年7月8日,我们从湖南莽山国家级自然保护区获得9枚前一天产出的莽山原矛头蝮卵(卵径(34~38) mm × (50~66) mm,卵重31~40 g),次日运至湖南京湘源蛇类养殖有限公司,采用蛭石法进行人工孵化。2011年9月1日—9月2日9条幼蛇相继全部成功孵出,初孵幼蛇平均全长(38.17±0.98) mm,平均体重(27.37±2.15) g。为了确定该蛇人工饲养条件下的食性,对莽山原矛头蝮幼蛇进行了投喂试验,发现刚孵出后的幼蛇主动进食性很低,故对不能主动捕食的幼蛇进行人工灌喂饲养。经人工灌喂饲养后的幼蛇仍能自主捕食小白鼠,生长较快。截至2012年4月13日,5条幼蛇的平均体重增重15.74 g,增幅达55.57%;平均全长增长10.16 cm,增幅达26.65%。本研究采用空调控温、苔藓薄土和海绵保湿的方法对幼蛇进行无冬眠饲养,幼蛇过冬存活率为83.33%。该试验结果可为珍稀濒危蛇类的人工繁育提供参考。

关键词: 河流微生境, 地统计学, 大型底栖动物, 异质性

Abstract: Mangshan pitviper (Protobothrops mangshanensis, formerly Zhaoermia manshanensis) is the largest pitviper in China, and a critically endangered snake species only found in the Nanling Mountains of China. The wild P. mangshanensis population is extremely rare, and needs to be urgently protected. To save this rare and endangered species and to establish a captive breeding population, nine P. mangshanensis fresh eggs (34-38 mm × 50-66 mm in size and 31-40 g in weight) were collected from the Hunan Mangshan National Nature Reserve on July 8th, 2011, and transferred to the Hunan Jingxiangyuan Snakes Breeding Limited Company in Changde City of Hunan Province on the next day to carry out artificial incubation. By using vermiculite as the incubation substrate, nine snakelets were successively hatched from September 1st to September 2nd, 2011. The average total length and average weight of the nine newly hatched snakenets were (38.17±0.98) mm and (27.37±2.15) g, respectively. During the captive breeding of snakelets, a feeding experiment was conducted to determine the diet of P. mangshanensis under captive condition. It was observed that the newly hatched snakenets had very low initiative to prey, and thus, were fed artificially. After artificial feeding, the snakelets could prey on small mice independently, and grew faster. Up to April 13th, 2012, the average weight of five snakelets increased by 15.74 g, with an increment of 55.57%, and the average total length increased by 16.02 cm, with an increment of 26.65%. The snakelets were nonhibernation fed by using aircondition to control the temperature of the breeding room, and using wet sponge and thin moss soil to control the humidity. The survival rate of the overwintered snakelets was 83.33%. This study could provide references to the captive breeding of P. mangshanensis.

Key words: macroinvertebrate, heterogeneity, geostatistics., river microhabitat


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网址: 莽山原矛头蝮的人工孵化及幼蛇人工饲养 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview591340.html

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