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ʢ 2014йAPP淢 ϸ ҵ߽ڳϵ Ƶָϵй ƶʱٴҵ 姴ʢ䣺ĵӰ ̨ѵѧУΪ˥ ߽ AA boy with his cat

For many people, a pet can be their most loyal companion - a trusted soul-mate with whom they experience the highs and lows of life.


Now, photographer Elena Shumilova has captured the inseparable bond that exists between pets and their owners in a heart-warming selection of pictures.


They capture children and their pets at various moments in every-day life in Moscow and Andreapol, Russia.


The pictures are taken by Elena Shumilova, a mother-of-two. She said: 'I felt so inspired when I was creating these images. Pets are members of our family and there's nothing more natural and more important than the desire to care for someone you love.


A boy with his dogA boy with his dog

A young boy rests his head against his loyal companion as they snuggle up together on a cosy rug.


A girl with her catA girl with her cat

The photographer shows the moving moment a girl cuddles her cat.


A girl with her petsA girl with her pets

A girl shelters under the lashing rain on a rock with her spaniel and cat also jostling for a dry spot under her umbrella.


A boy with his catA boy with his cat

A boy and his cat create drawings on a misty window in the selection of pictures that show the powerful bond owners have with their pets.


A child with his petA child with his pet

A child drifts off to sleep while cuddling her puppy - the photographer said she felt 'inspired' while capturing the moving moments.



网址: ˫Ȼ Ӻͳܰ˲䣨ͼ https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview629782.html

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