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2006/09-2012/12,南京农业大学,动物医学院基础兽医系,博士, 导师,赵茹茜教授




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31402161,日粮中添加亚精胺对断奶仔猪 肌肉生长抑素表达的影响及其表遗传调控机制,2015/01 -2017/12, 22万元,在研,主持

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,BK20140692,母源性亚精胺对新生仔猪 肝脏自噬的影响及其表遗传机制,2014/7-2017/7, 20万元, 在研, 主持

3. 农业部农产品质量安全监管(饲料)项目,蛋氨酸羟基类似物保育猪的安全 性评价,2014/01 -2014/12, 25万元, 结题, 主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31572482,炎症状态下GR和NF-ΚB介导的猪脂 肪组织ZAG转录调控研究,2016/01-2019/12,65万元,在研,参加。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,20873999,细菌内毒素干扰TFAM线粒体定位诱 发猪精子氧化损伤的分子机制,2016/01-2018/12,20万元,在研,参加。


(1) Jia Y#, Hong J#, Li H, Hu Y, Jia L, Cai D, Zhao R*. Butyrate stimulates adipose lipolysis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation through histone hyperacetylation-associated β(3) -adrenergic receptor activation in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. Exp Physiol. 2017 Feb 1;102(2):273-281. (2) Jia Y, Ling M, Zhang L, Jiang S, Sha Y, Zhao R*. Downregulation of miR-150 Expression by DNA Hypermethylation Is Associated with High 2-Hydroxy-(4-methylthio)butanoic Acid-Induced Hepatic Cholesterol Accumulation in Nursery Piglets. J Agric Food Chem. 2016 Oct 12;64(40):7530-7539.

(3) Hong J#, Jia Y#, Pan S, Jia L, Li H, Han Z, Cai D, Zhao R*. Butyrate alleviates high fat diet-induced obesity through activation of adiponectin-mediated pathway and stimulation of mitochondrial function in the skeletal muscle of mice. Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 30;7(35):56071-56082.

(4) Jia Y, Song H, Gao G, Cai D, Yang X, Zhao R*. Maternal Betaine Supplementation during Gestation Enhances Expression of mtDNA-Encoded Genes through D-Loop DNA Hypomethylation in the Skeletal Muscle of Newborn Piglets. J Agric Food Chem. 2015 Nov 25;63(46):10152-60.

(5) Jia Y, Gao G, Song H, Cai D, Yang X, Zhao R*. Low-protein diet fed to crossbred sows during pregnancy and lactation enhances myostatin gene expression through epigenetic regulation in skeletal muscle of weaning piglets. Eur J Nutr. 2016 Apr;55(3):1307-14.

(6) Jia Y, Li R, Cong R, Yang X, Sun Q, Parvizi N, Zhao R*. Maternal low-protein diet affects epigenetic regulation of hepatic mitochondrial DNA transcription in a sex-specific manner in newborn piglets associated with GR binding to its promoter. PLoS One. 2013 May 14;8(5):e63855. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063855.

(7) Jia Y, Cong R, Li R, Yang X, Sun Q, Parvizi N, Zhao R*. Maternal low-protein diet induces gender-dependent changes in epigenetic regulation of the glucose-6-phosphatase gene in newborn piglet liver. J Nutr. 2012 Sep;142(9):1659-65.

(8) Zou H#, Li R#, Jia Y#, Yang X, Ni Y, Cong R, Soloway PD, Zhao R*. Breed-dependent transcriptional regulation of 5'-untranslated GR (NR3C1) exon 1 mRNA variants in the liver of newborn piglets. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40432.


1 2016年动物医学院学科发展基金“佑本奖” 青年教学质量奖

2 2012年和 2016 年南京农业大学青年教师授课竞赛 三等奖

3 2014年动物医学院勃林格殷格翰 奖教金

4 2012年和 2013 年动物医学院青年教师授课竞赛 一等奖


1.《表达绿色荧光蛋白的乳酸杆菌基因工程体》(申请号/专利号: 200510126291); 发明设计人:杨倩,庾庆华

2.《高效表达山羊生长激素 GH 的乳腺特异性表达载体》(申请号/专利号: 201010544629.4) 发明设计人:杨倩, 张强, 庾庆华, 林建

3.《表达高致病性禽流感病毒 H5 亚型血凝素蛋白的重组嗜酸乳杆菌》(申请 号/专利号:201010544665.0) 发明设计人:杨倩,王志胜,庾庆华

4.《一种用于鸭禽流感口服黏膜免疫的复合佐剂》(申请号/专利号: 201010544683.9) 发明设计人:杨倩,王红丽,康海泓,庾庆华


1. Bao ZK, Lin J, Ye LL, Zhang Q, Chen JQ, Yang Q, Yu QH(通讯作者)(2016) Modulation of Mammary Gland Development and Milk Production by Growth Hormone Expression in GH Transgenic Goats. Front Physiol.7.

2. Xia M, Ye L, Hou Q, Yu Q(通讯作者)(2016) Effects of arginine on intestinal epithelial cell integrity and nutrient uptake. Br J Nutr.1-7.

3. Gao X, Huang LL, Zhu LQ, Mou CX, Hou QH, Yu QH(通讯作者)(2016) Inhibition ofH9N2 Virus Invasion into Dendritic Cells by the S-Layer Protein from L. acidophilus ATCC 4356. Front Cell Infect Mi.6.

4. Huang L, Qin T, Yin Y, Gao X, Lin J, Yang Q, Yu Q(通讯作者)(2016) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 induces dendritic cell maturation and enhances the immune response against inactivated avian influenza virus. Sci Rep.6:21363.

5. Bao Z, Gao X, Zhang Q, Lin J, Hu W, Yu H, Chen J, Yang Q, Yu Q(通讯作者) (2015) The Effects of GH Transgenic Goats on the Microflora of the Intestine, Feces and Surrounding Soil. PloS one.10(10):e0139822.

6. Yu QH, Yuan LX, Deng J, Yang Q (2015) Lactobacillus protects the integrity of intestinal epithelial barrier damaged by pathogenic bacteria. Front Cell Infect Mi.5.

7. Yu Q, Zhu L, Kang H, Yang Q (2013) Mucosal Lactobacillus vectored vaccines. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics.9(4):805-7.

8. Yu Q, Zhu L, Lin J, Zhang Q, Tian Q, Hu W, Yang Q (2013) Functional analyse of GLUT1 and GLUT12 in glucose uptake in goat mammary gland epithelial cells. PloS one.8(5):e65013.

9. Yu QH, Wang ZS, Li PC, Yang Q (2013) The effect of various absorption enhancers on tight junction in the human intestinal Caco-2 cell line. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.39(4):587-92. 10. Wang Z, Yu Q(共同第一作者), Gao J, Yang Q (2012) Mucosal and systemic immune responses induced by recombinant Lactobacillus spp. expressing the hemagglutinin of the avian influenza virus H5N1. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI.19(2):174-9.

11. Yu Q, Wang Z, Yang Q (2012) Lactobacillus amylophilus D14 protects tight junction from enteropathogenic bacteria damage in Caco-2 cells. Journal of dairy science.95(10):5580-7.

12. Yu Q, Zhu L, Wang Z, Li P, Yang Q (2012) Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. lactis R4 prevents Salmonella typhimurium SL1344-induced damage to tight junctions and adherens junctions. J Microbiol.50(4):613-7.

13. Yu QH, Wang ZS, Yang QA (2011) Ability of Lactobacillus to inhibit enteric pathogenic bacteria adhesion on Caco-2 cells. World J Microb Biot.27(4):881-6.

14. Yu Q, Li P, Yang Q (2010) Improving the absorption of earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes with mucosal enhancers. Pharmaceutical biology.48(7):816-21.

15. Yu QH, Yang Q (2009) Diversity of tight junctions (TJs) between gastrointestinal epithelial cells and their function in maintaining the mucosal barrier. Cell Biol Int.33(1):78-82.

16. Yu QH, Dong SM, Zhu WY, Yang Q (2007) Use of green fluorescent protein to monitor Lactobacillus in the gastro-intestinal tract of chicken. Fems Microbiol Lett.275(2):207-13.


贾丁氏鹦鹉说话能力 贾丁氏鹦鹉是容易学舌的
逸诺SOS 持久留香型香波沐浴露 猫用 530ml
《海洋奇缘》发感恩节海报预告 吉克隽逸送祝福
鑫安狗狗皮肤瘙痒猫咪过敏皮屑掉毛止痒药增强皮肤屏障加速修复异位性皮炎真菌细菌过敏肤敏昔马来酸氯苯那敏 肤敏昔+马来酸氯苯那敏片【报价 价格 评测 怎么样】

网址: 贾逸敏 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview64006.html

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