截至2023年1月, 中国共记录312种蛇类, 是世界上蛇类多样性最丰富的国家之一。物种特征决定其在环境中的生存能力, 在进化生物学、生态学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。但是, 目前还没有关于我国蛇类形态学、生活史和生态学等特征的完整数据库。本文通过系统查阅已出版的蛇类专业书籍、已发表的文献和爬行动物数据库, 共收集整理了中国现有312种蛇类的41个特征数据。这些特征包括以下3个方面: 形态特征(包括鳞片、牙齿等25个特征)、生活史特征(包括体长、食性、捕食方式、繁殖方式、活动时间、有无毒性等11个特征)和生态学特征(包括是否中国/岛屿特有种、成体生境、地理分布范围和海拔分布等5个特征)。在收集的41个特征中, 除颏鳞、吻鳞和地理分布范围数据完整外(100%), 其余特征数据都有不同程度的缺失(完整度为7.72%-99.70%)。本数据集是目前中国最新和最完整的蛇类特征数据集, 可为我国蛇类的生态学、生物地理学和保护生物学等方面的研究提供基础数据支持。
数据库(集)名称 中国蛇类形态、生活史和生态学特征数据集 作者 王江, 赵一凡, 屈彦福, 张财文, 张亮, 陈传武, 王彦平 通讯作者 王彦平(wangyanping@njnu.edu.cn) 时间范围 截止到2023年1月 地理区域 中国全域, 包括香港、台湾和澳门等地区 文件大小 610 KB 数据格式 .xlsx 数据链接 http://dataopen.info/home/datafile/index/id/288https://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/1005-0094/DATA/2023126.zip
关键词: 中国蛇类, 形态特征, 生活史特征, 生态学特征, 地理分布
As of January 2023, China has a total of 312 snake species, establishing itself as one of the most diverse countries in terms of snake biodiversity worldwide. The characteristics exhibited by snakes hold significant sway over their survival within their respective environments, making them an important role in the study of their evolutionary biology, ecology, and conservation biology. However, a comprehensive dataset encompassing the morphological, life-history, and ecological traits of Chinese snakes has yet to be established. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive dataset comprising the various traits exhibited by Chinese snakes. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a systematic collection of data from a range of sources, including published snake books, the peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed literatures, as well as the Reptile Database (https://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/). Our data compilation encompasses 41 distinctive traits, which were classified into three main types: morphological traits (25 traits such as scales and teeth), life-history traits (11 traits such as body length, diet, foraging mode, reproductive modes, clutch size, egg size, activity time, and venomousness), and ecological traits (5 traits such as Chinese/island endemism, adult habitat, geographical and elevational distributions). Among all these 41 traits, apart from geographical distribution, mental and rostral scales, which are 100% complete, the data on other traits were incomplete to varying degrees, ranging from 7.72% to 99.70%. This dataset is the most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of Chinese snake traits available to date. It provides a unique and invaluable resource for exploring the evolution, biogeography, ecology, and conservation biology of Chinese snakes.
Database/Dataset Profile
Title A dataset of the morphological, life-history and ecological traits of snakes in China Authors Jiang Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yanfu Qu, Caiwen Zhang, Liang Zhang, Chuanwu Chen, Yanping Wang Corresponding author Yanping Wang (wangyanping@njnu.edu.cn) Time range Until January 2023 Geographical scope The People's Republic of China, including Taiwan, Hongkong, and Macao File size 610 KB Data format .xlsx Data link http://dataopen.info/home/datafile/index/id/288Key words: Chinese snakes, morphological traits, life-history traits, ecological traits, geographic distribution
网址: 中国蛇类形态、生活史和生态学特征数据集 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview660905.html
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