摘要: 金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)是我国稀有的珍贵特产动物,笔者在多年观察金丝猴的繁殖行为的基础上,又于1986年8—9月在北京动物园,对金丝猴的交配、爬跨行为进行了专门观察,发现金丝猴发动性活动的一些特点,并在交配爬跨时,雄性金丝猴有卷尾现象。其交配行为与叶猴和猕猴有差异。
关键词: 金丝猴, 交配行为, 繁殖
Abstract: The golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) is rare in number and little is known about its sexual behaviour. The present paper deals with its characteristics of sexual activities. The examined animals included two adult male and four females which were housed at Beijing Zoo and observed from August to September, 1986.Either the male or the female may be initiator of sexual activities. The female initiates sexual behaviour by displaying the following gestures: She lies on the belly, fully flexing her limbs under it, and the back is level, while her head turning to the side, looking at the male with the tail falling on the ground,The male initiates sexual behaviour by chasing. Throughout copulation his tail forms itself into a circle.After copulation the male is groomed, sitting or lying.In golden monkey, the sexual skin of perineum region of both sex may change into light blue, their callosities being light red but perineum swelling will not occur.The sexual behaviour for the golden monkey is different from that observed in Indian langur monkey (Presbytis entellus) .
Key words: Rhinopithecus roxellanae, Copulatory behaviour, Breeding
金丝猴简介 金丝猴长什么样 金丝猴生活习性
网址: 人工饲养下金丝猴繁殖的观察研究 Ⅰ.交配行为 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview673391.html
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