海马(海马spp。)受到栖息地退化和过度捕捞的威胁。它们在水族产业中具有作为传统药物,古玩物品和宠物的商业价值。有48种有效物种,其中27种在国际水族馆贸易中具有代表性。水族馆行业中的大多数物种都相对较大,并且在海马分类学的历史中就已被描述过。2002年,海马成为第一批受CITES(濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约)管制的国际贸易的海鱼,并于2004年开始实施。此后,水产养殖业得到发展,以提高可持续性海马贸易。这篇综述提供了对野生捕捞和养殖个体在各种国际水族贸易中的作用的分析。海马 species for the period 1997–2018. For all species, trade numbers declined after 2011. The proportion of cultured seahorses in the aquarium trade increased rapidly after their listing in CITES, although the industry is still struggling to produce large numbers of young in a cost-effective way, and its economic viability is technically challenging in terms of diet and disease. Whether seahorse aquaculture can benefit wild populations will largely depend on its capacity to provide an alternative livelihood for subsistence fishers in the source countries. For most species, CITES trade records of live animals in the aquarium industry started a few years earlier than those of dead bodies in the traditional medicine trade, despite the latter being 15 times higher in number. The use of DNA analysis in the species identification of seahorses has predominantly been applied to animals in the traditional medicine market, but not to the aquarium trade. Genetic tools have already been used in the description of new species and will also help to discover new species and in various other kinds of applications.
Progress in biocultural diversity research
Community/Ecosystem Functional Diversity: measurements and development
Functional diversity of freshwater fishes and methods of measurement
今年是国际生物多样性年.下列保护生物物种多样性的做法中不正确的是 A.制定保护物种多样性的法律和法规 B.在需要保护生物的地方建立自然保护区 C.用高科技手段对濒危生物的遗传物质进行保护 D.饲养宠物并进行近亲交配以保证血统纯正 题目和参考答案——青夏教育精英家教网——
行为多样性,Behavioral diversity,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
网址: 国际水族馆贸易中海马物种的多样性,Diversity https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview676451.html
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