首页 > 分享 > 内分泌干扰物对鱼类跨世代毒性效应及机制的研究进展


摘要:目前的研究对于内分泌干扰物(endocrine disrupting chemicals,EDCs)暴露人类和野生动物所引起的毒性危害已有较为深入的科学认识。然而,近年来的研究发现,EDCs引起的亲代生理功能异常会传递给子代,即产生跨世代毒性效应,即使子代没有直接受到暴露,但其存活、生长、发育、生理、内分泌系统和行为等功能仍然也会受到严重影响。不同于已有的许多综述主要总结了EDCs对亲本产生的毒性危害,本文针对鱼类这一重要的生态毒理学研究模型,全面归纳了EDCs分别经母本、父本和双亲引起跨世代毒性效应的最新研究进展,并从EDCs的跨世代传递、内分泌激素和其他生理因子的跨世代传递以及表观遗传修饰的跨世代继承这3个方面,综述了EDCs对鱼类产生跨世代毒性效应的作用机制,以期为全面认识EDCs的生态风险提供参考。

Abstract:Toxic effects induced by exposure of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on human beings and wild animals have received relatively deep scientific understanding. However, it was reported by recent studies that physiological dysfunction in EDC-exposed parents could be transmitted to offspring, leading to production of transgenerational toxicity. The survival, growth, development, physiology, endocrine system, and behavior of the offspring could also be seriously damaged even though they were not exposed to EDCs directly. Comparing with previous reviews that mainly focused on toxic effects induced by EDCs on parents, this study comprehensively summarized latest research progress on transgenerational toxicity occurred in fish offspring produced by only maternal, only paternal, or parental exposure to EDCs. In addition, underlying mechanisms for transgenerational toxicity were further reviewed from aspects of transgenerational transmit of EDCs, transgenerational transmit of endocrine hormones and other physiological factors, and transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic modifications. This study aims to offer references for comprehensive understanding on ecological risks caused by EDCs.

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