Hello,小树枝们,又见面啦!今天我们一起来看一篇 经济⛄的文章《 more equal than others》。
【para1】 ➡️猪是一种聪明的社会性动物
【para2】➡️生物人类学家Ivan Norscia研究猪打架后的和解方式
【para3】 ➡️猪之间的冲突在短时间内便会结束
【para4】 ➡️猪之间的冲突一般会有旁观猪介入劝架
How pigs reconcileafter fighting confirms their intelligence
【Para.1】“I like pigs,” Winston Churchill supposedly once said. “Dogs look up at us, cats look down on us, but pigs treat us as equals.” Whether Churchill’s contemporaryGeorge Orwell also liked pigs is less clear. But he, too, surely saw something in them that was lacking in other domestic beasts, for it was they who ended up running the showin hisallegoricalnovel, “Animal Farm”. Pigs, then, are intelligent social creatures.
【Para.2】And, like all animals, they sometimes fight. A study just published in Animal Cognition by Ivan Norscia, a biological anthropologistat the University of Turin, in Italy, and his colleagues, looked at how a group of 104 domestic pigs went about resolving such incidents. In total, Dr Norscia and his team studied the details of 216 porcine conflicts over the course of six months.
【Para.3】Some pigs tend to be aggressors; others tend to be victims. Who is what depends largely on weight, for, among pigs (as, indeed, among many animals), pounds mean power. The aggressor might bite, kick, bump or lift the victim (or string together a sequence of those actions). Most conflicts ended in seconds, but some lasted a minute or two.
【Para.4】In most animal species that would be that. However, many of the porcine conflicts Dr Norscia observed had interested parties beyond the protagonists. He therefore wanted to understand the role of these bystanders in resolving fights—and what this says about pigs’ cognitive abilities.
【Para.5】Since there was usually not enough time for a bystander pig to intervene during the heat of a conflict (though this did occur), he and his colleagues looked at what happened in the three minutes directly following an aggressive interaction. Sometimes, they found, the protagonists made up on their own—for instance, by touching noses. The more distantly related the combatants were, the more frequently this happened. Dr Norscia speculates that relations between close relatives are more secure to start with, so rapid and explicit reconciliation is less necessary for them than for those who are not close kin.
【Para.6】On other occasions, though, a third pig stepped in. Sometimes this bystander acted as a peacemaker, engaging with the aggressor and reducing the number of subsequent attacks compared with what might otherwise have been expected. Sometimes, by contrast, the bystander engaged with the victim. This appeared to calm the victim down, for it reduced anxiety-related behaviour such as shaking and scratching.
【Para.7】 Welcome to the club
Offering such consolation to the downtrodden adds pigs to a small and exclusive club. Some primates, including human beings, do it. So do certain canids and crows. And elephants, cetaceans, parrots and some rodents are suspected of it, though so far the evidence concerning them is anecdotal. This list is familiar to zoologists as comprising groups of species known to have developed, independently of one another, high levels of intelligence, both individual and social.
【Para.8】Social intelligence need not, though, be entirely altruistic. Pigs were more likely to intervene after a conflict if they were closely related to either the aggressor or the victim. This is probably an example of kin selection, which favours the evolution of behaviour that assists the collateral passage of an individual’s genes alongside the more normal route of direct descent.
【Para.9】People engage in kin-selected behaviour all the time, of course. It is known as nepotism. Which also helps to explain the number of people with the surname “Churchill” who have sat in Britain’s Parliament. It takes one to know one.
reconcile v. /ˈrekənsaɪl/ ~ sb (with sb) to make people become friends again after an argument or a disagreement 使和解;使和好如初 The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology. 杰克逊公开道歉之后,这两个人又言归于好了 contemporary adj. /kənˈtɛmprərɪ/ Contemporary people or things were alive or happened at the same time as something else you are talking about 同时代的 ...drawing upon official records and the reports of contemporary witnesses. …借助官方记录以及当时目击者的证言 run the show phrase He is the one who loves to run the show. 他是一个喜欢操纵一切的人 allegorical adj. /ˌælɪˈɡɒrɪkəl/ allegorical story, poem, or painting uses allegory 寓言的 Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita. 每个俄罗斯人都知道寓言小说《大师与玛格丽特》 anthropologist n. / ˌænθrəˈpɑːlədʒɪst / a social scientist who specializes in anthropology 人类学家 Look at your work environment like an anthropologist. 像人类学家一样观察你的工作环境【来源声明】:本文原文摘选自 NOVEMBER 12TH–18TH 2022|Science & technology,原文版权归杂志所有,仅供个人学习交流使用。
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动物冷知识 ”猪队友“比您想象的要聪明!
网址: 猪是一种聪明的社会性动物 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview784600.html
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