摘要 随着生活质量的提升,饲养宠物成为现代社会的一种潮流,为宠物提供正常的日常的日常所需,便成为了宠物饲主的琐碎任务。本设计为智能宠物自动喂食系统,主要是通过研究实现在预先设定好的时间为宠物进行智能自动投喂操作。智能宠物喂食系统分别由:STC89C52单片机、矩阵按键板模块、电源模块、LCD1602显示屏模块、DS1302电路模块、传感器模块、SG90舵机模块以及蜂鸣器模块等组成。其中主要是通过STC89C52单片机为核心,对传感器及控制器完成对宠物投喂的操作系统。整个投喂过程主要为:通过使用矩阵按键板模块,预先设定好投喂时间,到达预设时间系统会自动通过观测LCD1602显示屏模块,以检测托盘上是否有食粮剩余,若有所剩余,则记录且显示食粮余量,从而判定继续给粮的量,接着蜂鸣器模块会启动提醒功能,吸引宠物前来进食,完成对宠物的智能投喂,若然后对多次宠物投喂食粮的剩余量进行记录与统计,得出最科学的食粮投喂量,模拟实现现实中智能喂食功能。本设计能有效解决宠物饲主不能陪守宠物的时候亦为宠物进行投喂,确保解决了宠物饮食方面不规律带来的问题,并且本系统设计简单、优良,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词:智能宠物喂食系统、STC89C52单片机、压力传感器、自动投喂 Abstract With the improvement of life quality, keeping pets has become a trend in modern society. Providing pets with normal daily needs has become a trivial task for pet owners. This design is intelligent pet automatic feeding system, and trying to achieve intelligent automatic feeding operation for pets in preset time. The intelligent pet feeding system is composed of STC89C52 MCU, matrix keypad module, power module, LCD1602 display module, DS1302 circuit module, SG90 steering gear module and buzzer module.As for the operating system, the core is STC89C52 SCM, As for the operating system, the core is STC89C52 SCM, combining with the sensor and controller to complete feeding pets. The whole feeding process is mainly as follows: First of all, by using the matrix by the keypad module, it is set in advance good feeding time, arrived at the preset time system automatically by observing the LCD1602 display module, to detect whether the food is surplus. If yes, record and display food allowance, and continue to give more food. Then a buzzer module will start to remind function, attract pet food, and complete the intelligent feeding pets. Key words: intelligent pet feeding system, STC89C52 SCM, pressure sensor, automatic feeding 目录 TOC o 1-3 h z u 21912 第一章 引言 1 31609 1. 研究背景与概况: 1 10202 2. 国内外发展现状与趋势: 1 29401 3. 系统设计内容及论文组织结构: 2 25320 3.1 系统设计内容: 2 6984 3.2 论文组织结构: 2 9581 第二章 硬件芯片介绍 4 18018 1. 主控芯片的选取及介绍: 4 22987 2. 显示模块
宠物领养系统的设计与实现 毕业设计
网址: 智能宠物喂食系统设计与实现.doc https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview93172.html
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