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乐高CLASSIC经典系列搭建指南:可爱小宠物(Brick Pets: 30 Builds: An unofficial guide to making cute critters from classic LEGO)(Barron's Educational ISBN9781438011967、爱上乐高 ISBN9787115525086


Brick Pets: 30 Builds: An unofficial guide to making cute critters from classic LEGO


Barron's Educational



英文版,96页。出版社:Sourcebooks Trade (October 15, 2018)






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Barron's Educational ISBN9781438011967


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作者:[澳]凯文·霍尔 Kevin Hall

LEGO builders, rejoice! The popular series that includes Brick Animals and Brick Cars and Trucks is back with Brick Pets!

Discover 30 original, ingenious, and unique buildable projects. Free your inner creative genius with these fantastic brick builds that includes a wide range of cute, life-like designs such as a tabby cat, Dachshund, tortoise, frog, goldfish, hamster, and more. Anyone with a drawer full of LEGO bricks will be able to build and customize amazing models with help from this inspiring guide. Based on the brick selection found in some of LEGO's Classic series, each project is a great way to test out unusual building techniques or to mix up pieces from existing kits that have already been broken up. Follow the instructions or go off in your own direction--it's your choice! Many of the designs in these books use fewer than 100 bricks, so you don't need a lot of bricks to get started. With even more descriptions, pictures, and step-by-step instructions than ever before, LEGO fans will find new ways to hit the bricks!

乐高CLASSIC经典系列搭建指南:可爱小宠物(Brick Pets: 30 Builds: An unofficial guide to making cute critters from classic LEGO)属于书籍系列积木套组。首发于2018年。


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网址: 乐高CLASSIC经典系列搭建指南:可爱小宠物(Brick Pets: 30 Builds: An unofficial guide to making cute critters from classic LEGO)(Barron's Educational ISBN9781438011967、爱上乐高 ISBN9787115525086 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview1055259.html

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