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5月8 日《蛋白水解物对宠物营养的作用》公开课 咨询问题汇总答疑 1. 如何控制蛋白水解物中氨基酸的比例保证批次间稳定? How to control the stability of aa ratio between different batches of protein hydrolysates? - By selecting and controlling the raw material (purity), before process. - At DPF, the analysis of the aa ratio is only done one time for qualification but not at each batch - AtDPF,wecarefully selectandqualifyrawmaterialsthatareused to produce protein hydrolysates. AA are analysed during product development, on different qualified bacthed, to guarantee AA profiles. - 在加工前,严格挑选和控制原材料 (纯度) 网 - 在戴安娜宠物食品,对氨基酸比例的分析只做一次鉴定,而不是每个批次 都做 伴 在产品开发过程中,我们对不同鉴定批次的氨基酸作分析,以确保氨基酸 的比例。 伙 2. 蛋白水解物添加在配方原料中与后喷涂添加效果有什么不同? Protein hydrolysate put in coating: difference with the spraying? 品 - If the protein hydrolysate is put in coating: the protein hydrolysate will not be submitted to the high pressure and high 食 temperature of the extrusion process (nutritional values of the hydrolysate might be positively impacted if applied in coating) - However the protein hydrolysate is not developed for palatability purposes, and applying it in coating (max 4-5%) will take over the possibility to apply palatability enhancer - We recommend to apply protein hydrolysates in inclusion as we can include higher quantities. In term of quality, we have measured protein digestibilitywhen included into thekibbleswith success. - 如果将蛋白水解物用于喷涂:蛋白水解物将会错过膨化过程中的高压和高 温的处理过程,这会影响蛋白水解物的营养价值。 - 而且,蛋白水解物的研发目的并不是为了提高适口性 (虽然对适口性有积 极的作用),如果将蛋白水解物喷涂在颗粒表面 (最多喷涂4%~5%)将会 占用适口性增强剂的喷涂量。 - 我们建议在预混过程中添加蛋白水解物,添加量不会仅限于4%~5%,可以 更高。在使用效果和质量方面,我们在测量干粮消化率的时候,也是使用 了预混蛋白水解物的颗粒,才得出了添加了蛋白水解物的颗粒能提高消化 率的结果。


Diamond CARE钻石护理荣获2023年推荐水解狗粮

网址: 《蛋白水解物对宠物营养的作用》公开课咨询问题汇总答疑(9页) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview113117.html

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