I 摘要磁共振成像( ic Resonance Image , MRI )是近 40年来出现的新型医学影像学诊断技术,具有无放射线及强磁性危险、软组织对比度高、可在任意设定的图像断面上获得图像等优点。被广泛地用于脑、脊髓、心血管、纵隔、肝、胰、肾、膀胱、软组织、骨骼和关节等组织器官疾病的诊断。能清晰地显示宠物体内细微的解剖结构,还能提供组织丰富的病理及新陈代谢信息;尤其对于中枢神经系统疾病的诊断, MRI 图像的空间分辨率和对比度都超过计算机断层扫描及其他影像仪器。宠物中枢神经系统疾病主要包括脑部疾病与脊髓疾病,在宠物中常见的中枢神经疾病主要分为先天性和后天性疾病。先天性脑部疾病包括脑积水和脑部发育不全, 脊髓疾病中包含脊髓发育不全与脊髓空洞。后天性疾病中脑部疾病包含外伤性脑积水、脑出血、脑部肿瘤等病。脊髓疾病包含椎间盘突出、脊髓肿瘤、椎体脱位及脊髓挫伤等。这些疾病的 MRI 诊断在国内并未有专门的报道。本文力求总结这些疾病的诊断标准,为国内宠物临床诊断提供更多的依据。宠物磁影像质量的研究主要包括: 适合宠物不同系统及疾病诊断的序列,包括重复时间( TR )、回波时间( TE )、层厚、层间距、视野( FOV )、扫描方位等。同时也研究宠物磁共振检查的操作流程及避免伪影产生的方法。本研究采用国产宠物专用磁共振对华南区域宠物中枢神经系统疾病进行诊断。包括脑积水、脑部肿瘤、寰枢椎脱位,椎间盘突出、脊髓空洞等常见疾病。本研究对某些常见的中枢神经系统疾病进行了治疗,并且总结治疗的效果与预后情况,结果显示部分病例预后良好。综上所述,宠物磁共振在宠物中枢神经系统疾病的诊断具有重大的意义。本文总结出一套基本符合宠物中枢神经系统疾病的诊断流程, 为中国宠物临床诊疗提供了一种新的检测手段。其诊断结果亦能为治疗与预后做出有意义的参考。关键词:中枢系统疾病;磁共振;宠物 II III M RI diagnosis and T reatment of the Central nervous system diseases in pets ( College of Veterinary Medicine , South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642 , China ) Abstract : MRI (ic Resonance Image, MRI) isa kind of new medical imaging diagnostic technique which appeared in recent 40 years. With the advantages of safety (no risk of radiation and ic), high soft tissue contrast, detailed images which can be obtained on arbitrary sections, etc, MRI has been widely used in diagnosis of brain, spinal cord, cardiovascular, mediastinum, liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, soft tissue, bone and joint diseases. Itnot only can show pet body anatomy clearly, but also can provide a wealth of pathological and metabolic information of tissues. On the spatial resolution and contrast, MRI is better than CT scan images and other instruments. The central nervous system diseases of pets include brain diseases and spinal cord diseases, and monly divided into congenital diseases and acquired diseases. Congenital brain diseases include hydrocephalus and brain hypoplasia. Spinal cord diseases include hypoplasia and syringomyelia. Acquired brain diseases include traumatic hydrocephalus, cerebral hem
宠物中枢神经系统疾病的mr诊断与治疗大学生毕业设计论文 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.
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