首页 > 分享 > 因公益而相聚,为流浪小动物筑“家”慈善集市诚邀您的参加!


Adoption of Street Animals

What kind of stress can't be cured by a soft and cuddly pet?

The Charity Bazaar

Honestly advocate adoption instead of purchase

Give street animals a warm home

Passionate Band Performance

Band culture is an essential part of campus activities in an international community like HC.

It is an indispensable moderator of campus activities

Without the limitation of a stage,

Students express their individuality and perform at their own will.

The whole bazaar follows the rhythm of the bands.

Sale of Unused Goods

Students and parents brought out their unused items

to find new owners for them

Enjoying with family and friends

A little surprise to experience the environmental protection life!

Mini Auction

Used goods auction

-Electric appliances: computers, ovens, cell phones

-Complete set of tea ceremony equipment

-Light luxury products, etc.

Exchanging small for big

Used goods lottery


-Toys ( bulk/complete )

-Small electrical accessories

-Clean used clothes

-Stationery, etc.



必胜客发起特殊“宠物友好”主题聚会 为公益领养打Call 让爱不爱流浪
志愿服务|关爱流浪小动物 用公益传递爱——我们为十多只“毛孩子”们找到了家
宠爱国际积极投身公益活动 为流浪小动物送温暖
宠爱国际动物医院关爱流浪动物健康 为流浪动物送温暖
给流浪猫狗安家 百脑汇宠物慈善捐助会
萌犬来袭!爱上海 · 文明养宠公益集市6月20日开市!

网址: 因公益而相聚,为流浪小动物筑“家”慈善集市诚邀您的参加! https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview162258.html

上一篇: 盘点几款治愈人心的动物小游戏,既
下一篇: 爱心义卖|以爱之名,尊宠与您一同