这里要提的是,在一个消灭了狂犬病的国家(如英国、 爱尔兰、澳大利亚等国)生活了6个月后再进入其它国家的宠物,则可以不必具备此证书。然而,出于对宠物的爱护,以及到达目的地时,让海关确信该宠物符合检疫要求,最好还是让宠物注射狂犬病疫苗。
The following rules apply to movement of dogs, cats and ferrets both between Member States and from third countries into the EU:
Since 3 July 2004, the conditions for the movement of pet animals have become harmonised under the conditions laid down in Regulation 998/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003. It lays down the animal health requirements for both the movement of pets between Member States and from third countries.Entry into Member States other than Finland, Ireland, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom:
Valid rabies vaccination is the sole requirement as regards rabies Member States may allow entry of young animals under 3 months old under certain conditions ( to be defined by the competent national authorities)Entry into Finland, Ireland, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom:
Until 30 June 2010, the national legislation applies to entry of cats and dogs into Finland, Ireland, Malta, Sweden or the United Kingdom.
In addition to vaccination, an antibody titration (a test to see if the vaccine has been effective) will need to be carried out by an approved lab before travelling with the pet to Ireland, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Furthermore, an anti-tapeworm (echinococcosis) treatment is required to enter Finland, Ireland, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom and an anti-tick treatment to enter Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom.
For more details, go to the following national websites :
Irish website : http://www.agriculture.gov.ieDOCUMENT
For all movements, whatever the Member State of destination, the animal needs to be accompanied by a Passport complying with the model in the annex of Commission Decision 2003/803/EC
The information included in the Passport shall comply with the conditions required by the Member State of destination.
The animal shall be identified by an electronic identification system (transponder), or by a clearly readable tattoo. The tattoo, as a means of identification will only be accepted until 3 July 2011 and not for movements to the UK, Malta and Ireland (transponder obligatory).
海关普法 | 携带宠物入境规定知多少
美国海关关于入境人员携带动物入境的规定是什么? 爱问知识人
网址: 欧洲宠物入境规定 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview163941.html
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