A Research on the Frustration of the Undergraduate Employment and Its Adjustment Strategy
摘要: 自从实行高校扩招,毕业生自主与企业间“双向选择”的就业体制以来,就业形势越发严峻,社会就业的需求量与毕业生的供给量严重失调。在残酷的竞争中,大学生遭遇就业挫折后可能会出现各种就业挫折心理,对大学生的心理素质提出前所未有的挑战,引起社会各界的广泛关注。了解和分析大学生就业挫折现状、就业挫折心理的表现、就业挫折归因、就业挫折的应对方式以及不同类型大学生在这些方面的差异,并在此基础上从心理辅导的角度提出大学生就业挫折心理的调试策略:对就业挫折有正确认知;调整就业期望;积极寻求社会支持;建立积极的心理防御机制;培养良好的心理素质。
Abstract: Since a lot of universities have implemented the policy of enrollment enlargement and the employment system of self-selection and two-way selection between the undergraduates and the enterprises, the situation of the employment is becoming more and more severe. At the same time, the demand of social employment and the supply of the undergraduates lose balance heavily. In such a fierce employment environment, a lot of psychological setbacks will appear among the undergraduates while they are confronted with the frustration. All these are great challenges towards the college students. It attracts great attention of the society. This research takes the measure of the interview outline written by myself. In this research, we do person-to-person or group interviews towards 30 undergraduates in two colleges in Nanning by random selection. We try our best to understand and analyze their current situation of the employment frustration, the manifestation of their psychological setbacks, the cause and the measures towards the employment frustration and the discrepancy of different type of students in this aspect. What’s more, on the basis of this, we propose the adjustment strategies for psychological setbacks of the undergraduate employment from the point of psychology. Firstly, we should hold a correct attitude towards the frustration of employment. Secondly, we should teach some knowledge of the employment. Thirdly, we should build up a positive psychological protection system. At last, we ought to cultivate good psychological quality.
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