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死亡链坠 are a type of Offerings The Killers can use in Dead by Daylight .

They grant The Killers the ability to kill Survivors by their own hands.

Memento Moris[ | ]

Icon Name Stacks? Description Rarity Bloodpoints FulliconFavors cypressMementoMori 柏木死亡链坠 赐予你在下一次游戏中亲手处决最后一个逃生者 的能力。 保密类祭品。


4,000 血点 FulliconFavors ivoryMementoMori 象牙死亡链坠 赐予你在下一次游戏中亲手处决一个逃生者 的能力,但被处决前逃生者必须至少上钩一次。 保密类祭品。


5,000 血点 FulliconFavors ebonyMementoMori 黑檀死亡链坠 赐予你在下一次游戏中亲手处决所有被你勾住的逃生者的能力。 保密类祭品。


7,000 血点

Change Log[ | ]

Patch 1.5.3[ | ]

Ivory Memento Mori and Ebony Memento Mori now require you to hook the Survivor at least once before being able to kill them.

Trivia[ | ]

During development, Killers originally were able to choose whether to sacrifice or kill the Survivors. This ability gave the Killers too much of an advantage and was scrapped. Instead, the Memento Mori Offerings were created. Memento Mori translates to "Remember Death" in Latin.

Movies[ | ]

Trapper Wraith Hillbilly Nurse Shape Hag Doctor Huntress Cannibal Nightmare


「图」宠物挂坠 LED发光猫闪光狗吊坠挂饰球狗牌不带铃铛宠物吊牌热卖图片20
「图」宠物挂坠 LED发光猫闪光狗吊坠挂饰球狗牌不带铃铛宠物吊牌热卖图片24
生产供应不锈钢链扣 不锈钢狗链扣 箱包挂钩
狗链 金属项圈厂家
三楼带露台的房子 如何防止高空坠物?

网址: 死亡链坠 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview286656.html

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