FEDIAF has produced a nutritional guideline which members follow; the FEDIAF Nutritional Guidelines for Complete and Complementary Pet Food for Cats and Dogs. This is a comprehensive review of the NRC data and other existing science produced as a practical guide for manufacturers. The guidelines are peer re-viewed by independent veterinary nutritionists throughout Europe. Version 2024 is now available and you can read about the latest updates in our news release.
The objectives of FEDIAF’s Guidelines for Complete and Complementary Pet Foods for Cats and Dogs are:
To confirm the basic nutrient levels required in cat and dog food and the industry adhere to these when manufacturing their wide range of products and recipes under biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic control. To help pet food manufacturers assess the nutritional value of practical pet foods for healthy animals. To act as the reference document on pet nutrition in Europe for EU and local authorities, consumer organisations, professional and customers To enhance cooperation between pet food manufacturers, pet care professionals and competent authorities by providing scientifically sound information on the formulation and assessment of pet foods. To complement FEDIAF’s Guide to Good Practice for the Manufacture of Safe Pet Foods and the FEDIAF’s Guide to Good Practice for Communication on Pet Food.Please be advised that this publication and their parts are protected by copyright. They may be duplicated for use in companies, by authorities or for private use. Any commercial use is prohibited and may only be allowed on a written application and after a written permission may have been granted by FEDIAF.
FEDIAF also works closely with numerous other recognised authorities such as the American Association of Food Control Officers (AAFCO) plus internationally respected nutritionists, vets, biochemists and animal behaviourists, in order to keep up to date on the latest science and feeding requirements of pets.
FEDIAF 发布了更新的猫和狗的营养指南
重磅丨FEDIAF发布新版猫狗营养标准指南,有何变化? 作为欧洲和全球宠物营养的主要参考标准之一,FEDIAF此次更新与之前有哪些差异?又会对国内宠物行业带来哪些影响?宠物行业...
FEDIAF Nutritional Guidelines欧盟营养标准上篇-犬的推荐营养水平
网址: FEDIAF https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview305473.html
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