Pet Travel Services Market By Pet Type (Dog, Cat, Birds, Others), By Travel Type (Domestic, International), By Mode of Transport (Ground, Air, Sea): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031
到 2021 年,由于全球对狗和家养宠物的偏爱,狗类将占据最大的市场份额。 您可以使用空运、陆运和海运等宠物旅行服务。 研究范围还包括运输服务,例如宠物运输和假日旅游服务。
宠物旅游服务是指专门经营宠物动物的旅游服务。 宠物人性化,也称为拟人化,正变得越来越普遍,因为许多宠物主人对待他们的宠物就像对待家人一样。 这种趋势正在增加人们花在宠物身上的钱,并增加满足宠物需求的产品和服务的数量。 据APPA称,2021年美国将在宠物上花费1236亿美元,其中95亿美元将用于宠物旅行等服务。 新兴国家的人们越来越意识到养宠物对健康的好处。 许多新兴经济体正在经历快速的城市化、核心家庭和可支配收入的增加。 据认为,这些因素导致饲养的宠物数量增加。 此外,城市地区的老年人为了方便,往往会养鸟、鱼、兔子、豚鼠等小型宠物。 宠物的存在会增加身心健康,包括血压、压力和焦虑。 此外,宠物在年轻夫妇中越来越受欢迎。 在此背景下,携带宠物出行的宠物主人越来越多,宠物旅游服务市场不断扩大。
疫苗接种要求因国家/地区而异。 狗和猫在出境前必须接种狂犬病疫苗。 狂犬病是一种在世界任何地方都不存在的疾病,包括英国,但在非洲和南美洲的偏远地区可能是一个主要问题。 美国兽医协会(AVMA)建议宠物主人过境时携带狂犬病疫苗接种证明。 除了疫苗接种外,您的宠物必须身体健康才能旅行,包括验血、用于识别的微芯片、许可证和健康证明。 但是,不同的航空公司和货船对宠物的旅行规定不同。 美国已于2021年7月暂停犬类狂犬病高危国家犬隻入境,延长至2023年1月。 美国疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 和 APHIS 兽医服务中心对从已确诊狂犬病、螺旋虫和口蹄疫等某些疾病的国家旅行(进口)到美国的宠物狗有具体要求。增加。 这一因素可能会阻碍预测期内宠物旅游服务市场的增长。
动物咖啡馆,也叫宠物咖啡馆,是专门为宠物提供的场所,游客可以在这里观察和与各种宠物动物互动。 宠物咖啡馆提供狗、猫、浣熊、兔子、爬行动物、鸟类、刺猬等。 在宠物咖啡馆,你可以看到你的宠物吃喝。 宠物咖啡馆数量很少,但越来越受欢迎。 随着人口和宠物拥有率的上升,宠物咖啡馆的概念越来越受欢迎。 宠物咖啡馆的兴起会对宠物旅游服务行业的收入产生重大影响。 此外,根据动物种类开设咖啡馆,如狗咖啡馆、猫咖啡馆、刺猬咖啡馆、浣熊咖啡馆等也在推进中。
第一章介绍 第 2 章执行摘要 第 3 章市场概述 市场定义和范围 主要发现 顶级影响因子 顶级投资基金 波特的五力分析 供应商的议价能力 买家的议价能力 替代品的威胁 新进入者的威胁 竞争对手的实力 市场动态 司机 严格的宠物疫苗接种和旅行政府标准 宠物死亡率很高 约束因素 宠物人性化导致需求扩大 新兴国家的城市化进程和核心家庭 机会 宠物咖啡馆越来越受欢迎 分析 COVID-19 对市场的影响 第 4 章宠物旅行服务市场:按宠物类型分类 概览 市场规模和预测 狗 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 猫 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 鸟类 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 其他 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 第 5 章宠物旅行服务市场:按旅行类型分类 概览 市场规模和预测 国内 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 海外 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 第 6 章宠物旅行服务市场:按运输方式分类 概览 市场规模和预测 地面 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 航空 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 海洋 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按地区 市场份额分析:国家/地区分析 第 7 章宠物旅行服务市场:按地区 概览 市场规模和预测:按地区 北美 主要趋势和机会 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 市场规模/预测:按国家/地区分类 美国 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 加拿大 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 墨西哥 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 欧洲 主要趋势和机会 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 市场规模/预测:按国家/地区分类 德国 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 英国 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 法国 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 西班牙 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 意大利 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 波兰 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 其他欧洲 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 亚太地区 主要趋势和机会 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 市场规模/预测:按国家/地区分类 中国 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 日本 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 印度 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 韩国 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 澳大利亚 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 其他亚太地区 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 拉美 主要趋势和机会 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 市场规模/预测:按国家/地区分类 巴西 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模及预测:按旅游类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 阿根廷 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 阿联酋 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 南阿拉伯 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 南非 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 LAMEA 的其余部分 主要市场趋势、增长动力和机遇 市场规模和预测:按宠物类型 市场规模和预测:按旅行类型 市场规模/预测:交通方式 第八章竞争格局 介绍 关键成功策略 10 家主要公司的产品映射 比赛仪表板 竞争热图 定位顶级公司,2021 年 第九章公司简介 Pawsome Pet Travel Ltd. Across the Pond Pets Travel World Pet Travel Pet Travel Services Guam PetSpot Best Pet Travel Service Pet Airways Pets Travel, Inc. Pet-Express Royal Paws AirPets Relocation Services Pvt. Ltd. Blue Collar Pet Transport Happy Tails Travel, Inc. Air Animal, Inc. PetRelocation, Inc.
Product Code: A31661
The global pet travel services market size was valued at $782.4 million in 2021, and is estimated to reach $1,315.3 million by 2031, registering a CAGR of 5.4% from 2022 to 2031. In 2021, the dogs segment occupied the largest market share due to the preference for dogs and household pets across the world. Pet travel services, such as air, road, and sea travel, are available to pets. Under the scope of the study, the report includes transportation services such as pet relocation and holiday travel services for pets.
Pet travel services are referred to as travel services that are specifically designed for pet animals. Pet humanization, also known as anthropomorphism, is a becoming a common practice because most pet owners treat their pets as if they were family members. This trend has increased the amount of money people are willing to spend on their pets, as well as the number of products and services available to meet the needs of their pets. According to the APPA, the United States will spend $123.6 billion on pets in 2021, with $9.5 billion going toward services such as pet travel. People in emerging economies are becoming more aware of the health benefits of having pets. Most emerging economies are rapidly urbanizing, shifting toward nuclear families, and increasing disposable income. These elements can be linked to an increase in pet adoptions. Furthermore, due to their convenience, the elderly population of urban areas is more likely to adopt small pets such as a bird, fish, rabbit, or guinea pig. The presence of a pet improves both mental and physical health, as well as blood pressure, stress, and anxiety. Pet adoption is also becoming increasingly popular among young couples. As a result of these factors, more pet owners are taking their pets on vacation, which is propelling the pet travel services market forward.
Vaccination requirements differ from one country to the next. Before leaving their home country, all dogs and cats should be vaccinated against rabies. Rabies may be a non-existent threat in some parts of the world, such as the United Kingdom, but it can become a major problem in some remote areas of Africa or South America. If pet owners cross international borders, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recommends that they bring a rabies vaccination certificate. Aside from vaccination, the pet should be in good enough health to travel and meet the requirements, which may include blood tests, microchips for identification, permits, and health certificates. However, different airlines and cargo ships have different pet travel policies. The United States temporarily suspended the entry of dogs from high-risk countries with dog rabies in July 2021, which will be extended until January 2023. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and APHIS Veterinary Services have specific requirements for pet dogs travelling (imported) to the United States from countries where specific diseases, such as rabies, screwworm, and foot and mouth disease, have been identified. This factor is likely to impede the growth of the pet travel services market during the forecast period.
An animal cafe, also known as a pet cafe, is a special place for pets where visitors can observe and interact with a variety of pet animals. Pet cafes serve dogs, cats, raccoons, rabbits, reptiles, birds, and hedgehogs. Pets can be seen drinking and eating in a pet cafe. Pet cafes are few in number, but they are becoming increasingly popular. The concept of pet cafes is gaining traction as the population and pet adoption rates rise. The rise in the number of pet cafes could have a significant impact on the pet travel services industry's revenue. Furthermore, cafes based on animal species are being established, such as dog cafes, cat cafes, hedgehog cafes, and raccoon cafes.
The pet travel services market is segmented on the basis of pet type, pet type, mode of transport, travel type, and region. On the basis of pet type, it is categorized into dogs, cats, birds, and others. By mode of transport, it is segregated into air, ground, and sea. Depending on travel type, it is segmented into domestic and international. By region, the market is divided across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, and the rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Brazil, Argentina, UAE, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and rest of LAMEA).
Some of the major players analyzed in this report are Air Animal, Inc., Happy Tails Travel, Royal Paws, Blue Collar Pet Transport, AirPets Relocation Services Pvt. Ltd., Pet-Express, Pets Travel, Pet Airways, Best Pet Travel Service, Petspot, Pet Travel Services Guam, World Pet Travel, Across the Pond Pets Travel, and Pawsome Pet Travel Ltd.
Key Benefits For Stakeholders This report provides a quantitative analysis of the market segments, current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the pet travel services market analysis from 2021 to 2031 to identify the prevailing pet travel services market opportunities. The market research is offered along with information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities. Porter's five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier-buyer network. In-depth analysis of the pet travel services market segmentation assists to determine the prevailing market opportunities. Major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the global market. Market player positioning facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players. The report includes the analysis of the regional as well as global pet travel services market trends, key players, market segments, application areas, and market growth strategies. Key Market Segments By Pet Type Cat Birds Others Dog By Travel Type Domestic International By Mode of Transport Ground Air Sea By Region North America U.S. Canada Mexico Europe Germany UK France Spain Italy Poland Rest of Europe Asia-Pacific China Japan India South Korea Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific LAMEA Brazil Argentina UAE South Arabia South Africa Rest of LAMEA Key Market Players Blue Collar Pet Transport Royal Paws Pet-Express Air Animal, Inc. PetRelocation, Inc. PetSpot World Pet Travel AirPets Relocation Services Pvt. Ltd. Pets Travel, Inc. Pawsome Pet Travel Ltd. Pet Travel Services Guam Across the Pond Pets Travel Best Pet Travel Service Pet Airways Happy Tails Travel, Inc.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Report description 1.2. Key market segments 1.3. Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4. Research Methodology 1.4.1. Primary research 1.4.2. Secondary research 1.4.3. Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1. CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3: MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1. Market definition and scope 3.2. Key findings 3.2.1. Top impacting factors 3.2.2. Top investment pockets 3.3. Porter's five forces analysis 3.3.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.3.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.3.3. Threat of substitutes 3.3.4. Threat of new entrants 3.3.5. Intensity of rivalry 3.4. Market dynamics 3.4.1. Drivers Stringent government norms on pet vaccination & travel High death rate of pets 3.4.2. Restraints Humanization of pets to augment the demand Surge in urbanization and shift toward nuclear families in emerging economies 3.4.3. Opportunities Growth in popularity of pet cafes 3.5. COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: PET TRAVEL SERVICES MARKET, BY PET TYPE 4.1. Overview 4.1.1. Market size and forecast 4.2. Dog 4.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3. Market share analysis by country 4.3. Cat 4.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3. Market share analysis by country 4.4. Birds 4.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3. Market share analysis by country 4.5. Others 4.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 5: PET TRAVEL SERVICES MARKET, BY TRAVEL TYPE 5.1. Overview 5.1.1. Market size and forecast 5.2. Domestic 5.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3. Market share analysis by country 5.3. International 5.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 6: PET TRAVEL SERVICES MARKET, BY MODE OF TRANSPORT 6.1. Overview 6.1.1. Market size and forecast 6.2. Ground 6.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3. Market share analysis by country 6.3. Air 6.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3. Market share analysis by country 6.4. Sea 6.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 7: PET TRAVEL SERVICES MARKET, BY REGION 7.1. Overview 7.1.1. Market size and forecast By Region 7.2. North America 7.2.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2. Market size and forecast, by Pet Type 7.2.3. Market size and forecast, by Travel Type 7.2.4. Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.2.5. Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Canada Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Mexico Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.3. Europe 7.3.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2. Market size and forecast, by Pet Type 7.3.3. Market size and forecast, by Travel Type 7.3.4. Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.3.5. Market size and forecast, by country Germany Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport UK Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport France Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Spain Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Italy Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Poland Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Rest of Europe Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.4. Asia-Pacific 7.4.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2. Market size and forecast, by Pet Type 7.4.3. Market size and forecast, by Travel Type 7.4.4. Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.4.5. Market size and forecast, by country China Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Japan Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport India Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport South Korea Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Australia Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Rest of Asia-Pacific Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.5. LAMEA 7.5.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2. Market size and forecast, by Pet Type 7.5.3. Market size and forecast, by Travel Type 7.5.4. Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport 7.5.5. Market size and forecast, by country Brazil Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Argentina Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport UAE Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport South Arabia Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport South Africa Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport Rest of LAMEA Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Pet Type Market size and forecast, by Travel Type Market size and forecast, by Mode of Transport CHAPTER 8: COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Top player positioning, 2021 CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1. Pawsome Pet Travel Ltd. 9.1.1. Company overview 9.1.2. Key Executives 9.1.3. Company snapshot 9.1.4. Operating business segments 9.1.5. Product portfolio 9.2. Across the Pond Pets Travel 9.2.1. Company overview 9.2.2. Key Executives 9.2.3. Company snapshot 9.2.4. Operating business segments 9.2.5. Product portfolio 9.3. World Pet Travel 9.3.1. Company overview 9.3.2. Key Executives 9.3.3. Company snapshot 9.3.4. Operating business segments 9.3.5. Product portfolio 9.4. Pet Travel Services Guam 9.4.1. Company overview 9.4.2. Key Executives 9.4.3. Company snapshot 9.4.4. Operating business segments 9.4.5. Product portfolio 9.5. PetSpot 9.5.1. Company overview 9.5.2. Key Executives 9.5.3. Company snapshot 9.5.4. Operating business segments 9.5.5. Product portfolio 9.6. Best Pet Travel Service 9.6.1. Company overview 9.6.2. Key Executives 9.6.3. Company snapshot 9.6.4. Operating business segments 9.6.5. Product portfolio 9.7. Pet Airways 9.7.1. Company overview 9.7.2. Key Executives 9.7.3. Company snapshot 9.7.4. Operating business segments 9.7.5. Product portfolio 9.8. Pets Travel, Inc. 9.8.1. Company overview 9.8.2. Key Executives 9.8.3. Company snapshot 9.8.4. Operating business segments 9.8.5. Product portfolio 9.9. Pet-Express 9.9.1. Company overview 9.9.2. Key Executives 9.9.3. Company snapshot 9.9.4. Operating business segments 9.9.5. Product portfolio 9.10. Royal Paws 9.10.1. Company overview 9.10.2. Key Executives 9.10.3. Company snapshot 9.10.4. Operating business segments 9.10.5. Product portfolio 9.11. AirPets Relocation Services Pvt. Ltd. 9.11.1. Company overview 9.11.2. Key Executives 9.11.3. Company snapshot 9.11.4. Operating business segments 9.11.5. Product portfolio 9.12. Blue Collar Pet Transport 9.12.1. Company overview 9.12.2. Key Executives 9.12.3. Company snapshot 9.12.4. Operating business segments 9.12.5. Product portfolio 9.13. Happy Tails Travel, Inc. 9.13.1. Company overview 9.13.2. Key Executives 9.13.3. Company snapshot 9.13.4. Operating business segments 9.13.5. Product portfolio 9.14. Air Animal, Inc. 9.14.1. Company overview 9.14.2. Key Executives 9.14.3. Company snapshot 9.14.4. Operating business segments 9.14.5. Product portfolio 9.15. PetRelocation, Inc. 9.15.1. Company overview 9.15.2. Key Executives 9.15.3. Company snapshot 9.15.4. Operating business segments 9.15.5. Product portfolio
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