尼奥宠物 是一个网上虚拟宠物游戏. 这个网站是亚当·鲍威尔(Adam Powell)和多娜·威廉姆斯(Donna Williams)于1999年11月15日创办的,但公司建立后很快转手给了Doug Dohring。目前该公司属于Viacom所有,价值一百六十万美元。
尼奥宠物一开始是设计给无聊的大学生们,但这个网站的使用者很快的遍及了各个年龄层,(许多成年人在此站玩耍,有些则和他们的孩子一起玩), 并且是目前网路上最受欢迎的主流站点之一。用户,称为“尼奥居民”(Neopians),照顾他们的尼奥宠物并与之喂食和玩耍。用户也能够游戏,交易,或者玩一种类似存货市场之类的东西来获取尼奥点数(Neopoints, NP),它是尼奥世界的货币,能用来购买与虚拟的物品来跟他们的的尼奥宠物互动。尼奥点数也许是设计为不能够被用来做真实的交易或是售出,虽然如此,但是这类行为已经企图出现在eBay之类的网站上。
虽然公司设于美国,但是它的创始人是英国人,站点保留了英式拼法。除了英语之外,时至2005年6月,网站总共有(翻译完成度不一的)11种其他语言:荷兰、葡萄牙文、德文、法文、义大利文、西班牙文、简体中文、繁体中文、日语和韩语。此外尼奥宠物有限公司亦经营一个亚洲分部,部分是由Temasek Holdings所持股的一个由新加坡政府掌管的公司Green Dot Capital所拥有。
在2004年5月,市场调查公司Nielsen/NetRatings发表了一篇对于尼奥宠物的调查。调查指出,人们在一个月中大约会使用3小时去玩尼奥宠物,比Nielsen/NetRatings调查的其他游戏为高。在2005 年前5月, 一个Neopets 附属的电动游戏生产商援引大约35 百万名独特的用户、11 百万个独特的IP 地址每月, 和4 十亿个网页看法每月。这生产商并且描述了20% 用户作为18 或老, 以中点残馀80% 在大约14 。[ 2 ] 。最近, 在Neopets 8月1 日2006 年被报告124 百万个帐户, 和183 百万只宠物(各个帐户可能有4 只宠物最大值并且一些用户有几个帐户) 。更新统计也许被发现在Neopets "宠物中央" Page[3 ] 。但是, 有一些疑义在这些统计诚实(参见"争论" 下面) 。
虽然公司根据在美国, 它的创建者是英国并且站点保留英国英语拼写(虽然有一些例外) 。除英语之外, 7月2006 日自站点是可利用的被翻译(以不同程度完整性) 成十种其它语言: 荷兰语, 葡萄牙语, 德语, 法语, 义大利语, 西班牙语, 中国简化, 中国传统, 日语和韩国语。Neopets Inc. 并且操作一个亚洲分支, 由Green Dot 资本部份地拥有, 新加坡, Temasek 藏品的政府的投资工具的辅助者。
在2005 年6月20 日, Viacom 阐明, 它买了Neopets 在被重视了在大约$160 百万的成交[ 4 ] 。根据Viacom, Dohring, Neopets 的当前的CEO, 与其它Neopets 高级管理人员一起, 将继续担任他们的职务在承购被完成了之后。
一旦尼奥居民对于基本的事情满意,他们就可以更进一步花费他们的尼奥点数在物品上来照料他们的宠物。受欢迎的目标包括"笔刷" 以及其他能够让宠物转变成另一个色彩、甚至是另一种完全不同的风格的物品。宠物玩伴(你的宠物的宠物)也十分受欢迎。甚至还有"宠物玩伴伴",是附在宠物玩伴上的小生物。这些目标中的任何一种都能花上一笔相当庞大的尼奥点数,因此热衷的用户将会花掉他们数个月的所得。
也见: 尼奥世界列表
整个游戏发生在 (或环绕于) 尼奥世界这颗行星上。主要的设置是尼奥中心─一个坐落著主要基本商店的城市。更有不同的主题设置,叫做世界: 暴虐大地(史前)、精灵仙境 (精灵)、阿塔都(交替的精灵)、神秘岛 (Polynesian)、鬼怪森林 (万圣节/恐怖)、狂妄岛 (海盗)、失落的沙漠 (古埃及)、恐怖山 (冬天/圣诞节)、虚拟宠物太空站 (太空站)、科硫墩(月亮)、马里戴尔 (中世纪)、光明圣谷 (中世纪重视知识和启蒙、及文艺复兴)森空(亚洲建筑特色).
在那里也有其他迷你世界和"下面"的世界, 例如 布玛岛、 奇扣湖和失落之城歌阿提窟。 每个世界 (这些地方,实际上更像是领域或环境) 有各自独特的商店、游戏、和活动用来搭配各自的主题。
这些世界一般来说,经由他们配合故事情节的战争或活动,而被“发现”或是“毁灭”。举例来说,马拉科 (水下)原先被船长Dread和他的海盗手下们在一次plot-line中毁灭,但如今因为"马拉科战争"的故事情节被重建起来。
在尼奥网站里的游戏大多是 Flash or Shockwave 游戏,需要下载到玩家的电脑上。很多游戏我们很熟悉,像是"米卡追踪 1 和 2(Meerca Chase I and II)"的玩法和贪食蛇一样;还有"弹珠球(Korbat's Lab)"和"弗拉姆球(Frumball)"是分别从Breakout和Arkanoid演变出来的.而最近尼奥新出的游戏"捕蝇高手(Flycatcher)"则是从Centipede演变出来的.
而尼奥宠物每天也会选出一个游戏作为每天的游戏精选,当玩家发送分数时,可以获得多一倍的尼奥点数。而发送的最多尼奥点数限制也会变成2000尼奥点数。如你拥有"Lucky Space Faerie Charm"(只要你是Neopets Premium的会员而又曾经推荐别人加入Neopets Premium的话便会拥有)的话,这个令人好运的护身符可能会(随机地)令你获得多一倍的尼奥点数啊!
除了Flash和Shockwave游戏外,尼奥宠物也有PHP游戏(这些游戏在运作较慢的电脑是比Flash和Shockwave游戏快的喔),例如"尼奥索礼"和"绒毛玩具大亨",还有卡片游戏,如"金字塔游戏"和" 圣甲虫 21点".而"尼奥索礼"和"尼奥索礼 II"是让玩家与怪物战斗、打败坏蛋的经典角色扮演游戏。 Plushie Tycoon allows the player to simulate running a business which sells Neopets plushies. 这类游戏还包括:每日更新的纵横字谜("Faerie Crossword"),骰子游戏 ("骰子大逃亡"), 及尼奥版的扫雷 ("新奇蛋扫雷行动")。
Current plots have a comic book-style story style, often leading up to a "war". Once the plot has reached a certain point, players are sometimes given the option to choose a side to support. Fighters are given a series of enemies to fight in the Battledome in order to gain points for their side. In the latest plot, players were given the option to "support" a side by collecting items or playing games instead of fighting. The latest plot is taking place in the lost desert (September 2005)。
The Neopian arch-villain, 斯洛斯博士, 是重要地作为号召的 in 数个的 site-wide 故事. His greatest 达成 were the 奴役 of the 宇宙滚豆, an alien-like race, and his creation of the Transmogrification Potions, which change the appearance or species of a Neopet into a mutant version (this is supposed to be evil but actually the potions are highly sought after).
尼奥世界有形形色色的物品可供收集。玩家可选择收集有兴趣的物品─通常稀有或昂贵─放进他们的展览馆。 其他选择包含虚拟的交易卡(不要和实际上的TCG卡片搞混)、邮票和珍币,他们可以被收集进收集本/集邮册里。 尼奥屋的每个房间可用一定数目的尼奥点数购得。家具可以放进尼奥屋,并扩增购买(安全系统、地毯、中央暖气系统、墙纸、灯、保险......等)。主要目的通常是想试著赢得众人注目的奖项或是展示这些物品并收集。
在尼奥宠物, 头像 是可以被尼奥居民在讨论区使用的图像。除此之外,有很多较难取得的秘密头像可供收集。为了找到这些头像,使用者必须完成一些任务,像是在flash游戏中取得高分、拜访特定的页面、或是使他们的宠物装备一些特定的武器。一些头像也许得付出很多的代价, 像是很受欢迎的 Malevolent sentient Poogle Plushie 头像,也许将花掉你超过三千万np;有的则是隐密得让人难以获得。用户头像也有高分表,列出获得最多头像的使用者。 Outside sources exist 在找困难头像的方面助你一臂之力。
除了尼奥世界里面平常的商店之外,每个玩家都可以设立自己专属的商店,并且可在自己的商店里销售在尼奥世界里得到的物品。就像一般网路上想要搜寻物品时会有的搜索器(如:google),在尼奥世界里也有类似的搜索器称做商店魔法师(the Shop Wizard ),利用商店魔法师可以帮助尼奥玩家在众多玩家的商店中寻找自己想要的物品,当然商店魔法师会搜寻最低价的物品提供给使用者。有部分尼奥世界的玩家会囤积物品,利用商店魔法师搜索低价的物品,将比自己设立的价钱还低的物品全部买下,日后使用商店魔法师的玩家就只能买到囤积者的物品,囤积者就借此获得暴利。附带一提,当有精灵索礼任务在身上的时候就不能够使用商店魔法师,她会说:“这是作弊!”,不过商店魔法师在尼奥世界里非常重要,而且会常常使用到。另一方面,虽然有任务在身时不可以使用商店魔法师,但用户仍然可以透过第三者(例如:尼奥朋友或公会)来得到任务所需的物品。
As with all Internet communities, there is risk in giving out personal information to strangers. Players under 13 years of age who wish to access any of the site's communication features must fax or mail a document stating parental consent, with the parent's signature, to the Neopets headquarters, to comply with COPPA. The system is, however, easily evaded by entering a fake age.
Users with similar interests can create or join guilds, which are basically clubs. These usually have a theme, such as the "Faerie Guild" or the "Nimmo Lovers Guild," or non-Neopets themes such as a guild dedicated to celebrities or Harry Potter. Guilds dedicated to certain causes, goals, or mutual interests such as helping poorer Neopians and/or new players, adopting abandoned Neopets, collecting avatars, earning more Neopoints, or real life interests. There are discussion forums inside of the guilds, only accessible to members of that group. Guilds may also offer certain advantages to members, such as guild shops, lotteries for free food/items, "newbie packs", and helpful tips. Different guilds also have different requirements for advancing in rank, usually accompanied by the appropriate increase in benefits and status. Some guilds have external, user run Web sites where they share additional information. See external links for some of these sites.
Communities of users develop on the 24 Neoboards. Some of the more popular ones include:
Avatars/Neosignatures: Discussions include the method of obtaining new avatars, help on obtaining avatars, designing a font compatible with certain avatars, scattered font discussion, and games. Battledome: Many announcements regarding recent accomplishments can be found here, due to the fact that it is the home of some of the wealthiest users and strongest pets. As a result, these users are most vocal about problems or cheating incidents within Neopets. Evil Things and Monster Sightings: This board consists mostly of users identifying themselves as 'emo' or 'goth', and is typically used for general chat. Fan Clubs: This board replaced General Chat in popularity upon its deletion and covers a range of topics. Help Chat/Newbie Chat: This is the place to go to get help using an account. Help Chat is more likely to be on topic. Jelly World Chat: This board is "hidden", and how to access it is a well-known "secret". Premium Boards: Only Premium users have access to this board. Since Premium is a pay service, this boards consists of mostly honest people posting various threads. Posts on these boards are at a slower pace than other, heavily-trafficked, boards. Trading Post/Auction:: the board consists mainly of people who spend their time trading for profits. Roleplaying: The main purpose of this board is a venue for the players to roleplay.Several regular players that are named "Moderators" moderate the board. Users can self-moderate as well by reporting a message they deem unsuitable for Neopets. There is also a filter which prevents a user from using profanity or lewd conduct on the site. However, the filter does not capture typographical errors intentionally placed by spammers and scammers, so chain mails and scams are abundant. It has been known that there are several hidden boards featured somewhere on Neopets, such as the Jelly World chat board.
Neopets now produces a range of merchandise, including plushies, stickers, and hand-held video games. The merchandise retails at many mainstream outlets such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Limited Too. There are also exclusively online retailers involved, such as 99dogs.com, which was the first outlet for Neopets merchandise.
In September 2003, Wizards of the Coast released the Neopets Trading Card Game, a collectible card game, based on the online characters and setting. It is distributed by card shops, as well as Wal-Mart and Target. To date, there have been six individual "sets" of cards (a base set and five expansions) released, with the sixth set recently released. Most of the card releases are associated with "plots," or stories, on the site. This is another controversial marketing move, which has at once managed to endear and estrange players from the site.
In 2004 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced the upcoming release of Neopets: The Darkest Faerie, available for the PS one and PlayStation game consoles. However, in March 2005 they confirmed that they had already began remaking the game for the PlayStation 2.
In March 2005 it was confirmed that the Neopets team had also begun work on a Neopets film (which the creators of the site had kept secret from their own staff until it was confirmed). When informing the users of this, they also implied that there may be more than one Neopets film in the future (although, of course, this will depend entirely on the success of their first film).
While some educators and 父母 affirm the value of Neopets as a place for children to learn the basics of things like supply and demand, economics, stocks, and even HTML, others criticize it for its liberal placement and promotion of their sponsors' products, a technique they have dubbed "Immersion Advertisement".
Much of the company's revenue is gained through promotion of sponsors and their products and they have long accomplished this without a single banner or pop-up advertisement. However, in October 2004, a considerable number of banners that link to external websites such as eBay (instead of linking to various areas on the Neopets website itself as they had previously) were introduced. These banners are displayed on many site pages in three places, one at the top of the page, one at the bottom, and the other on a sidebar, making avoidance of advertisements increasingly difficult.
The primary method of advertising is still through creating items based on sponsor products (such as "Baby Bottle Pops", a real candy found in many American stores) or offering rare items, Neopoints, or, in one case, a special pet (the "Ice Bori") in return for signing up for sponsors' services. Neopets also features many games for sponsors, such as "The Incredibles Split-Shot".
While immersive advertising is doubtlessly effective, some believe this constitutes subliminal advertising and is therefore immoral, particularly considering the target demographic is children. Others disagree, pointing to the fact that not only are many of the sponsors' offers now grouped on one page and are somewhat avoidable, but that no user is ever required to sign up for these offers. Neopets claims these offers and sponsor ads are only to keep the site free.
The introduction of a premium service - which removes advertisements and gives special gifts at sign-up - has also sparked controversy, with users stating that Neopets has started "selling Neopoints", something prohibited under the site's terms and conditions.
In October of 2004, while McDonald's was promoting Neopets plushies in their Happy Meals, a story on the Australian news show Today Tonight featured a nine-year-old boy claiming that the site requires one to gamble in order to receive enough Neopoints to feed one's Neopet, or else it is sent to an orphanage. While much of this is factually incorrect (gambling is not required, nor are pets ever sent to an orphanage if they are not fed), it is true that the website has a number of games of chance that are directly based on real-life games like blackjack, poker, and even lottery scratch cards. Neopets had prohibited users under the age of 13 to use most games that involve gambling. However, there are neither blocks to prevent a user under 13 from accessing gambling games nor any safeguards to prevent a minor from creating an adult account.
This article sparked a nation-wide controversy as concerned parents voiced their complaints about the website, prompting McDonald's to pressure Neopets into temporarily blocking Australian accounts from accessing games of chance for the duration of the promotion, which ended on November 5th. When this happened, a flurry of complaints appeared on Neopets itself when even Australians able to legally gamble could not access any game of chance on the website. Complaints quickly died down after users realized that by merely changing the country setting on their user preferences the temporary ban could be bypassed.
Some dispute Neopets' registered users count, which has reached over 100 million, a figure Neopets often cites in promotional campaigns. A large percentage of these users are multiple secondary accounts owned by one person, frozen accounts or accounts no longer in use. Such accounts are never deleted, and even accounts that have not been accessed since the creation of the site linger.
It has also been found that Neopets is closely affiliated with the controversial Church of Scientology through CEO Doug Dohring [1]. The impact of his beliefs on the site itself is not apparent, though Dohring has been quoted as saying "Having used his technology in every business activity... Mr. Hubbard's organizational concepts are always with me" (according to the Hubbard College of Administration).
Groups of people believing that Neopets treats users poorly and who are also against the immersive advertising have formed anti-Neopets websites expressing their views. These groups have bought domain names for their movement, talked about their movement on the Neopets forums, and have even reported Neopets for what they believe to be potential copyright violations.
Accounts are also often frozen because of the actions of someone else—other than the original account number—using the account. Because many Neopets players are young or relatively new to the Internet, they can be particularly vulnerable to "scams" that attempt to trick them into giving out their passwords. Neopets claimed that there has never been a hacked account; they attribute that to the fact that users may fall for scams such as filling out a form on a site that mimics the Neopets login page or cookie grabbers (websites which take the login cookie from victims' computers).
Although the above scams occur often, Neopets has in fact been hacked. During July 2005, a large number of items were duplicated by the ability of Mozilla browsers to edit the locally stored and displayed copy of the source code of a page. The timing of the attack and the duplication and release of mundane, common items (supposedly to implicate innocent users) fueled speculation of a concerted attack. [2]
Neopets is also accused of extreme disorganization, with many pages continuing to sport pictures of "old" versions of Neopets, old-style graphics, misspellings, and broken links. Many pages are not linked to from anywhere on the site but are still accessible by typing in the URL.
During February 4, 2004, an issue with coding was discovered on a Friday afternoon where anyone requesting a lost password for any user's account was presented with the password on the screen rather then sent via email. Neopets did not correct this over the weekend and a number of accounts were lost or destroyed. Many players use the same password for multiple purposes, which may have allowed anyone stealing the account to also access information within other sites, including the email account attached to the Neopets profile. The only public reply on the site had been the fact that there had been an issue, and that there would be an attempt to correct all the accounts that had been harmed. [3]
Many users have also complained that in recent times the site has become too focused on merchandising, with many of the recent plots also having trading card game (TCG) tie-ins, and some online items only being available by buying Neopets merchandise. The site has also begun to refer to their plots as "plots" rather than "something happening in Neopia," which may break users' suspension of disbelief.
Some users complain about the advertising on the site. However, the creators of Neopets have promised never to allow pop-up ads on the site. As Neopets uses a third-party advertiser, however, some pop-ups may appear due to Neopets' inability to control what an external link may piggyback to its users.
Some users also complained about the starting of Neopets Premium. They think that in order to be really "Free To Play", there should not be any extra features for people who pay to play. The starting of Neopets Premium has made more people worried about the possibility of Neopets becoming "Pay to Play" in the future.
In addition, there have been accusations of favoritism by the Neopets staff because of rumors of known cheaters not being punished.
Also, recent controversy has sprung up from the changing of the addition sign (+) to a "dagger" (†, †) in most places where users can post messages. Some feel the character looks like a cross of Christian origin. It is possible that the change is meant to break any script or exploit which involves the use of the + character. [4]
Neopets Premium is an extended version of the site, for which members pay $7.99 a month, or $69.95 a year. Different packs may be purchased which include Premium, such as dial-up internet service. With this Premium membership, external ads are omitted and certain "perks" are added, such as bonus Neopoints, rare items, premium-only boards, e-mail at a neomail.com address, an increased number of random events, and access to beta versions of games. Also, there is a Super Shop Wizard that searches the entire site for the cheapest instances of an item, but Premium users can only use this service a limited number of times per hour.
Some groups believe that the Neopets staff members are even transferring some free features to Premium. There have been many debates concerning whether Neopets will soon become less attractive as a free service.
To begin Premium service, a player must first be invited by another Premium member. There is then a free 15-day trial. There are even "prizes" (an avatar, sidebar, and trophy) for referring people to Premium who have remained after their trial has expired. The prizes are revoked if the referrer ends Premium service.
If a user is frozen while on Premium, they must keep Premium in order to be unfrozen, and must use the same channels of communication as free users.
Many people complain that canceling premium is quite a hassle, since calling the Premium Service is needed.
尼奥宠物除了有它自己活跃的用户文化之外,更影响了电影、电视游戏,及其他更多更多。 The List of references in Neopets article contains an extensive list of such references.(这篇“尼奥影响表单”的文章即列表包含了尼奥如此的广泛影响。)
2001: "Neopet Makeovers" gave Neopets new names and different looks.[55] 2002: Some users' Safety Deposit Boxes were emptied, since the Pant Devil stole them. [56] 2003: Neopets becomes "Neopetz", a "cooler" website! Now it looks better and no more neopoints, making everything free, including the extremely expensive items found in the Hidden Tower. [57] 2004: A "Quiguki" expansion set was to be released based on an imaginary new world called "Quigara". 2005: Fifty new pets were drawn, and the Neopets staff claimed they were releasing all of them. Also, they claimed from there on, you could own 10 neopets. [58] 2006: "尼奥收费" was a Neopoint tax that players had to pay depending on which and how many pages were visited. When players actually tried to pay the charge, they would be taken to a page that said it might take up to 24 hours to process.Coming Soon!
奧克蘭現貨 ...
网址: 尼奧寵物 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview358805.html
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