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The Natural Pet Treat Company

New Zealand, God must have a preference for this place, 

where is called "the last pure land in the world" ,

and that brings the different sunshine and soil to us.

The monsoon of pacific is blowing toward here,

Rain is as gentle as love,

Cattle and sheep flocks on the vast pastures.

They conform to the laws of nature and are open to heaven and earth.

The growth of all things is in one way without other. Here you can see the coming and going, and return to the real life.

In 1999, New Zealander Harjit Sidhu, who with a love of natural food, sense of responsibility for the sustainable development of the earth's environment awe to nature, 

founded the ZEAL Natural Pet Food Brand.

Answer the secrets of the world's gold origin.

Natural Coast, Golden Ranch.

Every ingredient is the most natural gift of nature

True feelings, true love, ZEAL

ZEAL natural pet food

Taking you to taste authentic life.

So there is no distance between you and your pet.


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网址: The Natural Pet Treat Company https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview370044.html

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