The management of outsid walking for boarding animals 寄养动物的运动管理 Firstly and most importantly of all--------NO missing and NO hurting!!!
1. The manage regulation 管理条例 1.1 Keep the safe of all the boarding animals, keep their quality of life, keep their appetite. 保证寄养动物的安全,保证他们的生活质量,和食欲。
1.2 While walking the dog,be careful of the vehicle, avoid fighting with other dogs, far away from the unknown food on the floor. 遛狗时,当心行驶的车辆,避免与其他狗打架,远离未知的地面食物。
1.3 Firstly make sure what is the owner's demand about walking before the owner sign on the boarding protocols, and you had better do it as how he did at home, but must considering what we can. 首先,在宠物主人在寄养登记单上签字之前,需要明确其对寄养动物遛狗的具体要求。最好遛狗时要和
1.4 Clear up the feces as soon as you can whenever and wherever while outside walking, so you had
better take some paper with you before setting out. 遛狗时,无论何时何地,狗排粪便了,需要及时清理,因此出发之前需要带上纸。 1.5 Recording about the action, feces and urine on the "Boarding Management Sheet", report back to
the vet about some abnormal signs as soon as possible 遛狗回来时,在寄养管理单上仔细记录狗的活动情况,以及排便拍尿情况,若有异常,及时将相关异
重庆佑宁宠物医院 电话023-67937499
常信息反馈给医生。 2. How to use the drawing rope in walking dog: 遛狗时如何使用牵引绳:
① Use two drawing ropes at the same time .同时使用两根牵引绳。
② Tying up the neck across the left front leg with the first rope.用第一条绳子套住狗的脖子并绕过左前肢。
③Tying up the neck across the right front leg with the second rope. 用第二条绳子套住狗的脖子并绕过右前肢。
④ Make sure both are steady and comfortable 确保两条绳子都套牢且舒服。
⑤ Ok~ let's go to play. hahahah!! 好吧,我们去玩吧!哈哈哈哈哈!!
Note:To avoid of the infectious dermotosis, and some other infectious disease, the drawing rope should be separated and sterilized. 注意:为了预防传染性皮肤病和其他传染病,绳子应该分开并消毒。