首页 > 分享 > 适合狗的步态分析和平衡分析 自动识别足迹,动态压力分布测量 #动物步态 #动物行为学 #步态评估 #步态分析

适合狗的步态分析和平衡分析 自动识别足迹,动态压力分布测量 #动物步态 #动物行为学 #步态评估 #步态分析

CanidGait®|CanidGait® Stance and Gait Analysis for Dogs 犬类的站姿和步态分析系统|Dzebris|zehric FDM-TPROF CanidGait®压力分布跑台:有助于诊断,治疗和康 Measuring System for Diagnostics,Therapy and Rehabilitation|Select Patient/Record.perform desire Enter properties of a new patient here Database初次使用,先在数据库增加被试者信息|Select Patient/Record.perform desired action. 10.1020191210 点击“Measure”开始测量 Database直观的数据库记录管理|Measurement preparation: Press'Start'to proceed. 步态分析-平板模块步态分析-跑台模块站姿分析模块 Gait Analysis|Measurement preparation: Press'Start'to proceed. Gait Analysis进行步态分析测试|Measurement preparationc Press'Start'to proceed. Gait Analysis进行步态分析测试|吕 Stop 880 9880 mDO|S Power Online Starl Speed 88日 Slope 888 Time/Timer 0022 Distance 0083 Stop zebris Medical GmbH 设置合适的跑带运行速度 Adjustment of Treadmill Speed|zeb Power Onine Start Speed 830 Distance 0.889 Slope 888 Time/Timer 00.29 Stop zebris Medical Gmbh 设置合适的跑带运行速度|zeplls Measurement Procedure步态分析测量|zeprls Measurement Procedure步态分析测量|zebris Measurement Procedure步态分析测量|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. 1001321001 测试过程中,实时查看 四足与地面的接触压力 04 步态分析测量Measurement Procedure|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. 3.071121001 测试过程中,实时查看 四足与地面的接触压力 0 步态分析测量Measurement Procedure|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. 1.07%12.100se 测试过程中,实时查看 四足与地面的接触压力 04 步态分析测量Measurement Procedure|zebr 02550138 zebris Measurement Procedure步态分析测量|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. 2.07012.100se 实时查看动态3D压力图 ??aQ Measurement Procedure步态分析测量|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. 实时查看动态3D压力图 ??aQ Measurement Procedure步态分析测量|zeprls Measurement Procedure|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. zebris 。。0 Signal Viewer回放查看:步态分析的测量记录|Review the record and press'Report'to analyze and print it. zebris a Signal Viewer回放查看:步态分析的测量记录|Review the record and press"Report'to analyze and print it. zebris 显示步行过程中的MPP(最大压力) MPP Maximum Pressure Plots|Review the record and press'Repo


适合狗的步态分析和平衡分析 自动识别足迹,动态压力分布测量 #动物步态 #动物行为学 #步态评估 #步态分析
Walkaloosas 如何在步态马术表演中表演?

网址: 适合狗的步态分析和平衡分析 自动识别足迹,动态压力分布测量 #动物步态 #动物行为学 #步态评估 #步态分析 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview451968.html

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