基于 web 的宠物领养助养系统的设计及实现 内 容 摘 要 为了解决流浪动物泛滥问题,各省市先后出现了公有或私有的动物救 助站,但是因为区域限定、资金短缺、宣传困难等问题,流浪动物的领养、助养发展缓慢。但是随着Internet 技术的发展,尤其是电子商务的快速普及,为动物的领养、助养的普及及快速发展提供了良好的条件。虽然网络上已有一些相关的救助网站,但因信息更新不及时、地域限制、人力物力资源匮乏等问题造成有领养意向和条件的爱心人士的不能或者推迟领 养;救助站内部又存在动物泛滥、资金紧缺的情况;不能形成一个良性循环。因此开发一个在线的宠物领养助养系统就成了当务之急。 本文主要介绍了基于ASP.NET 的宠物领养助养系统,该系统凭借web 服务器和客户的浏览器,利用网络高效率、低成本、及时更新的特点,为爱心人士提供交易平台。管理员在Internet 上发布或审查、修改宠物信息、管理订单和配送方式、报表;会员可以查阅、搜索、发布、领养或助养宠物。为爱心人士提供全天候的、更好、更快的服务。为流浪动物提供一次新生的机会。 关键词:宠物领养助养 Pets Adoption or Sponsorship System Based on Web Abstract To solve the overflowing problem of vagrant animals, some provinceshaveappearedpubliclyorprivatelyanimalrescue shelters. Thesalvation is slow development,because of limited areas, shortageoffunds,publicitydifficultissues.Butwiththe development of Internet technology, especially the rapid spread of e-commerce, animal adoption and help are raising.Although several salvationsdevelopedtherelatedwebsites,somesympathetic members can not or postpone adoption or help because of geographical restrictions, lack of resources and the information’s update slowly.The salvations are shortage of funds and have many animals that are waiting for help. Because it is a vicious circle, so developing an online pet adoption sponsor system is urgent. This paper describes the pet adoption or sponsorship system based on ASP.NET, which used the web server and the client browser. Because it has high efficiency, low cost, and update timely features, the webcanprovideagoodtradingplatformforeveryone.The administratorcan publish, review or modify pet information and also manage orders or delivery method, research reports.Memberships can access, search, publish, adoption or help pets. This software provides anall day and faster good service, in order to provide a new life opportunity forvagrant animals. Key words:petadoptionsponsorship 目 录 一、绪 论 3 二、系统可行性分析及开发相关技术 4 (一)可行性分析 4 技术可行性 4 经济可行性 4 运营可行性 5 4.敏感性分析 5 5.法律可行性 5 (二)相关技术 5 1.C#
基于Java web的宠物领养系统的设计与实现
网址: 基于web宠物领养助养系统设计及实现 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview470883.html
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