首页 > 分享 > 宠物头部检查—耳朵检查技术(宠物临床检查技术课件)(28页)


《耳朵检查》Ear Examination Outline 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 PURPOSE To examine and evaluate the external ear canal 检查以及评估外耳道 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 INDICATIONS适应症 1. Whenever possible, an external ear examination should be performed as part of a routine physical examination 若情况允许,应将外耳检查列入常规理学检查的一部分 2. A complete external ear exam is especially important in animals exhibiting head shaking, ear scratching, ear odor or discharge, hair loss around the ears, deafness, head tilt, or incoordination 完整的外耳检查非常重要,特别是出现甩头、抓耳、耳有异味或分泌物、耳周围脱毛、耳聋、头倾斜或者共济失调的宠物。 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 CONTRAINDICATIONS AND WARNINGS 1. Few dogs or cats with inflammatory disease of the external ear canal will allow thorough examination of the ear canals without heavy sedation or general anesthesia.在没有重度镇静或全身麻醉之下,仅有少数外耳道发炎的犬或猫,愿意接受完整的耳道检查。 2. Examination of the external ear canal in a struggling patient could lead to injury to the tympanic membrane.检查外耳道时若患畜挣扎,可能会伤及骨膜。 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 3. When an external ear canal is filled with exudate or debris, the ear canal should be cleaned and lavaged with warm saline or another nondetergent, nonalcoholic flushing solution before thorough examination. This usually requires sedation or anesthesia.当外耳道充满涌出液或碎屑,应该将耳道清干净,进行完整的检查前,以温食盐水,或其它非清洁剂的无酒精溶液冲洗,冲洗实施前通常需要镇静或麻醉。 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 POSITIONING AND RESTRAINT位置与保定 1. The animal should be positioned standing, sitting, or in sternal or lateral recumbency. 动物应以站姿、坐姿、正趴或侧躺保定 2. The holder should firmly grasp the closed muzzle of the patient with one hand while restraining the body of the patient with the other hand.保定者应以一只手稳稳抓住患畜闭起的嘴部,并以另一只手保定患畜的身体 3. Sedation or general anesthesia should be administered if necessary.必要时,可给予镇静或全身麻醉 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 SPECIAL ANATOMY 解剖 1. The pinna, or auricle, is the external flap of the ear。外耳(pinna, or auricle)为耳的外侧瓣 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 2. The external ear canal is composed of a long vertical ear canal that at its end bends approximately 75 degrees to form the shorter horizontal ear canal. The ear canal is lined with a stratified squamous e


运动神经检查 宠物神经系统检查(宠物临床检查技术).pptx

网址: 宠物头部检查—耳朵检查技术(宠物临床检查技术课件)(28页) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview514673.html

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