概述:欧洲养宠家庭数量持续增长,2023年达到50%,宠物食品市场规模扩大,企业数量激增。俄罗斯、德国等国居养宠榜首,同时,FIDIAF年度报告揭示了宠物食品的繁荣和技术创新,如犬流感疫苗和RNA颗粒技术。宠物品牌如Thrive被收购,扩大国际市场,Maxi Zoo和i-Tail等公司也取得扩张和上市里程碑。
FIDIAF's Annual European Pet Report Published
In 2023, the number of pet households in Europe will account for about 50% of all households. In terms of dog and cat ownership rates, 25% of households in Europe have at least one pet dog, and 27% of households have at least one pet cat.
The number of pets in Europe has reached 352 million yuan, an increase of 12 million from last year's 340 million yuan. The countries with the most pets are Russia, Germany, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom.
In 2023, the scale of pet food in Europe reached 29.20 billion euros. The number of pet food companies and factories in Europe has grown rapidly, with 375 pet food companies in 2023, an increase of 225 compared to 2022 (150).
默沙东动物保健宣布,其最新产品NOBIVAC NXT犬流感H3N2疫苗已获得美国农业部(USDA)批准。该疫苗是一种利用RNA颗粒技术实现精确免疫反应的疫苗,可预防一系列细菌和病毒病原体。并且是目前第一个也是唯一一个基于该公司RNA 颗粒平台构建的大流感疫苗,旨在保护宠物免受在美国蔓延流行的大流感侵害。The First Canine Influenza RNA Particle Vaccine Has Been Approved
Merck Animal Health announced that its latest product, NOBIVAC NXT Canine Influenza H3N2 Vaccine, has been approved by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The vaccine is a vaccine that uses RNA particle Technology to implement precise immune responses and can prevent a range of bacterial and viral pathogens. It is currently the first and only pandemic influenza vaccine built on the company's RNA particle platform, aimed at protecting pets from the pandemic influenza epidemic spreading in the US.
瑞典超高端宠物食品品牌财团 Petbuddy Group (PBG) 以未公开的金额收购了英国宠物食品和零食制造商Thrive Pet Foods,PBG 目前将其产品出口到 50 个国家,大大拓宽了Thrive的市场机会。Acquisition of Thrive Pet Foods
Swedish consortium of super-premium pet food brands Petbuddy Group (PBG) has acquired Thrive Pet Foods for an undisclosed amount. PBG currently exports its products to 50 countries, significantly broadening the market opportunities for the British pet food and treat manufacturer Thrive’s portfolio.
Maxi Zoo在法国开设第350家门店
最近,德国宠物零售集团 Fressnapf 旗下的Maxi Zoo在法国开设了第 350 家门店。
这家“2024年度最佳零售连锁店”的Maxi Zoo在法国的目标是到 2024 年底拥有 384 个销售点,并计划到2028 年达到 600 家门店。Maxi Zoo Opens 350th Store in France
Maxi Zoo, owned by German pet retail group Fressnapf, has opened its 350th location in France.
This“Best Retail Chain of the Year 2024” in the pet food category aims to have 384 points of sale by the end of 2024 and plans to reach 600 stores by 2028.
泰国宠物食品制造商i-Tail Corporation 将于 2024 年下半年纳入 SET50 指数。该股票价格指数包含在泰国证券交易所交易的市值和流动性排名前 50 的股票。该公司在 2024 年第一季度表现强劲,营业收入为 35.8 亿泰铢(9770 万美元/9130 万欧元),同比增长 12%。净利润同比增长 93% 至 8.21 亿泰铢。i-Tail to Become One of the Most Influential Corporations in Thailand’s Stock Exchange
The pet food manufacturer i-Tail Corporation will be listed in the SET50 Index in the second half of 2024. This stock price index comprises the top 50 stocks trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in terms of market capitalization and liquidity.
The announcement comes after a strong first quarter in 2024, witnessed a 12% year-on-year (YoY) increase from THB 3.58 billion ($97.7M/€91.3M) in Q1 2023.Net profits improved 93% YoY to THB 821 million
猫品牌Lucky Lou
Lucky Lou 隶属于宠物食品制造商 Pets Nature 旗下,在 2024 年德国品牌奖的动物与宠物用品类别中荣获“年度新秀品牌”金奖。
评审团选择该品牌不仅是因为其以“狩猎猫的天然饮食”为中心的高品质宠物食品,还因为其“俏皮、现代和可爱的品牌个性”和“引人注目”的设计。Lucky Lou Reigns Supreme at the German Brand Awards
Lucky Lou, which falls under the umbrella of pet food manufacturer Pets Nature, has been awarded “Gold” in the “Newcomer Brand of the Year” category in Animal & Pet Supplies by the German Brand Awards 2024.
The jury selected the brand not just for its high-quality pet food centered on the “natural diet of hunting cats” but also for its “cheeky, modern and likable brand personality” and “eye-catching” design.
2023年中国电商平台猫产品总销售额为190亿元,而狗产品总销售额仅90亿元,猫市场份额接近狗市场一倍。猫用湿粮销售额增速为100%、犬用湿粮销售额增速为110%;猫用风干粮/烘焙粮销售额增速为210%、犬用风干粮/烘焙粮销售额增速为190%;猫用处方粮销售额增速为789%、犬用处方粮销售额增速为720%。2023 China Pet E-commerce Market Report Released
In 2023, the scale of China's e-commerce pet market reached 52 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of over 8% compared to 2022. Among them, the market scale related to dogs and cats accounted for 80%, while other categories (aquariums, small pets and exotic pets) accounted for 20%.
In 2023, the total sales of cat products on Chinese e-commerce platforms were 19 billion yuan, while the total sales of dog products were only 9 billion yuan, and the market share of cats was close to twice that of dogs. The sales growth rate of wet cat food was 100%, and the sales growth rate of wet dog food was 110%; the sales growth rate of dry cat food/baked cat food was 210%, and the sales growth rate of dry dog food/baked dog food was 190%; the sales growth rate of prescription cat food was 789%, and the sales growth rate of prescription dog food was 720%.
根据海关总署数据,今年1至4月,中国宠物食品累计出口量9.31万吨,同比增长19.2%;出口额30.41亿元,同比增长20.6%,出口量和出口额均创历史新高。China's Pet Food Exports Reached a New High in the First Four Months of This Year.
According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, from January to April this year, the cumulative export volume of pet food in China 93,100 tons, an increase of 19.2% year-on-year; the export value 3.041 billion yuan, an increase of 20.6% year-on-year, and the export volume and export value both reached a historical high.
近日,上海市市场监督管理局下发了《关于下达2024年度第二批上海市地方标准制修订项目计划的通知》。在71项制定项目中,《商业场所室内宠物展示及互动体验防护要求》作为第62项标准获准制定立项。Shanghai's "Pet-friendly" Commercial Venue Standards
Recently, the Shanghai Market Supervision Administration issued the "Notice on Issuing the Plan for the Second Batch of Shanghai Local Standard Revision Projects for 2024". Among the 71 formulated projects, the "Protection Requirements for Indoor Pet Display and Interactive Experience in Commercial Places" was approved as the 62nd standard.
近日,乖宝宠物集团宣布推出全新高端犬粮自有品牌“汪臻醇”。这也是继麦富迪、弗列加特之后乖宝宠物推出的第三个自主品牌。目前已上线6款sku,包括2款主粮及1款零食产品。GambolPet launches a new self-owned brand.
Recently, GambolPet Group announced the launch of a new high-end dog food brand "Wang ZhenChun". This is also the third independent brand launched by GambolPet after Myfoodie and Fuliejiate Currently, six SKUs have been launched, including two main food products and one snack product.
PetChoice爪子心选推出藻类DHA美毛猫粮,将高端婴儿奶粉常用的的藻类DHA添加至宠物食品中,原料来自荷兰皇家帝斯曼,避免了海洋污染的风险。PetChoice's New Cat Food Adds DHA from Algae.
PetChoice has launched algae DHA beauty cat food, which adds algae DHA commonly used in high-end baby formula to pet food. The raw materials come from Royal DSM of the Netherlands, avoiding the risk of marine pollution.
东南亚宠物用品展|2024年泰国国际宠物展 SmartHeart Presents Pet Variety
泰国国际宠物狗展 长城展览
宠物营养I 蛋白质 I 蛋氨酸 I 组氨酸 I 赖氨酸的作用
网址: FEDIAF欧洲养宠年度报告出炉,泰国最有影响力宠物上市公司i https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview52275.html
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