目 录 ABSTRACT 1摘要 2前前言言 3调调查查方方法法 5数据处理与参数描述 7市市场场状状况况 9宠物物种类群 9原产地分析 10濒危等级状况 受威胁等级 11 CITES 公约附录 12 国家保护级别 13 花鸟市场概况 13饲养人状况 14宠物死亡状况 16存存在在的的问问题题 17宠物贸易市场缺乏有效管理,且存在隐密市场 17公开市场缺乏有效管理 17 隐秘市场暗流汹涌 18 家庭违规饲养,条件难以满足两栖爬行动物生存 19违规饲养濒危宠物 19家庭饲养条件不足 21 两栖爬行动物宠物贸易加速野生种群濒危或灭绝 23外来两栖爬行动物宠物带来物种入侵威胁 25市市场场管管理理对对策策 27修订现行法律法规,积极引导产业发展 27加强部门合作,培训管理和执法人员 29宣传动物保护,提供饲养指导 30附附录录 31致谢 31参考文献 31附录I统计显著性表格 33表一有关北京宠物市场两栖爬行动物宠物物种的统计显著性表格 33 表二北京两栖爬行动物花鸟市场统计显著性表格 34 表三北京两栖爬行动物饲养者统计显著性表格 34 附录II北京市场两栖爬行动物宠物名录 351Abstract The wild populations of amphibian and reptile are running into predicament of extinction sped up by pet culture and derivative illegal global trade. This business could also be harmful to the native population by invasion of alien species. The survey in Beijing provides us an overview of herpeton exotic pet trade in China. A total of 33 exotic pet shops in five markets were surveyed every week from July to December 2007. Species and quantity of herpeton pet were recorded. Furthermore 93 raisers in the city answered online questionnaire about their pets fed during last five years. 132 species (subspecies) of herpeton exotic pets belonging to 33 families were recorded, in which 102 species are sold in market and 76 species are raised by residents in Beijing. Chelonian is the most popular pet consisting of 64 species with high price (average: RMB 1703±540) and abundant market supply (411±232 individuals per day). Most Chelonians are alien (47 species), whereas snakes are mostly native to China. In all species surveyed, 51 species are native to China, including three species designated to the Grade I Key State-Protected List, and three of them are listed in the Grade II. Price of native adult pet (RMB 283±94 in average) is much lower than that of the alien species (RMB 1596±433 in average). Four herpeton exotic species are categorized on the Red List as Critically Endangered, 17
《北京市两栖爬行动物宠物市场现状调查报告2》.pdf 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.
科普讲座:远古的神秘来客—— 两栖爬行动物
网址: 《北京市两栖爬行动物宠物市场现状调查报告2》.pdf https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview525171.html
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