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第二课堂Debate辩论养宠物的好处和坏处.ppt 免费在线阅读

* Discussion Debate Discuss the following questions with your group members. L Talk et’s Discussion L Talk et’s Discussion a. Do you or your family keep pets? Why or why not? b. What do you think will happen if everyone in China keeps a pet? c. What kinds of people are most likely to keep pets at home? Give at least three kinds. Discuss and Debate Directions:Work in groups and debate on the advantages vs. the disadvantages of keeping pets. The side who come out with a longer list will win. Talking about It Process: Step 1: 1 minute’s presentation of each side’s point. Step 2: 8-10 minutes’ free debate, which begins with the cons’ questioning. Step 3: 1 minutes’ final statement for each side. Pros VS. Cons Talking about It Tips for debating a. Pets are good company, especially to lonely old people. They can help people kill loneliness. Reference L Talk et’s b. Besides providing mere companionship, pets teach us to love and be loved. Pros: c. Often a cat or dog can comfort us at times when human words don’t help. Debate d. Pets can communicate with human beings. They are quick to sense anger and sorrow. L Talk et’s e. People keep pets for emotional rather than economic reasons. It’s relaxing to watch tropical fish swimming in the tank. Debate a. Keeping pets costs time and money. It is just a waste of time and resources. L Talk et’s b. Pets and children often fight over care and love in the family. Cons: c. If every family owns one pet, a campaign should be launched against the overpopulation of pets. Debate * * *



网址: 第二课堂Debate辩论养宠物的好处和坏处.ppt 免费在线阅读 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview739476.html

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