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Machine Learning(一):基于 TensorFlow 实现宠物血统智能识别 – 前端开发,JQUERY特效,全栈开发,vue开发


Hello TensorFlow

Tensorflow is not a Machine Learning specific library, instead, is a general purpose computation library that represents computations with graphs.

TensorFlow 开源软件库(Apache 2.0 许可证),最初由 Google Brain 团队开发。TensorFlow 提供了一系列算法模型和编程接口,让我们可以快速构建一个基于机器学习的智能服务。对于开发者来说,目前有四种编程接口可供选择:

C++ source code: Tensorflow 核心基于 C++ 编写,支持从高到低各个层级的操作; Python bindings & Python library: 对标 C++ 实现,支持 Python 调用 C++ 函数; Java bindings; Go binding;


环境准备 安装 TensorFlow C library,包含一个头文件 c_api.h 和 libtensorflow.so

安装 Go 语言环境,参考:玩转编程语言:Golang

安装 Tensorflow Go binding library

go get github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go

go get github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go/op

下载模型(demo model),包含一个标签文件 label_strings.txt 和 graph.pb

mkdir model

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception5h.zip -O model/inception.zip

unzip model/inception.zip -d model

chmod -R 777 model

Tensorflow Model Function

//Loading TensorFlow model

func loadModel() error {

  // Load inception model

  model, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./model/tensorflow_inception_graph.pb")

  if err != nil {

    return err


  graph = tf.NewGraph()

  if err := graph.Import(model, ""); err != nil {

    return err


  // Load labels

  labelsFile, err := os.Open("./model/imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt")

  if err != nil {

    return err


  defer labelsFile.Close()

  scanner := bufio.NewScanner(labelsFile)

  // Labels are separated by newlines

  for scanner.Scan() {

    labels = append(labels, scanner.Text())


  if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {

    return err


  return nil


Classifying Workflow

基于 Tensorflow 模型实现图像识别的主要流程如下:

图像转换 (Convert to tensor ) 图像标准化( Normalize ) 图像分类 ( Classifying )

func recognizeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {

  // Read image

  imageFile, header, err := r.FormFile("image")

  // Will contain filename and extension

  imageName := strings.Split(header.Filename, ".")

  if err != nil {

    responseError(w, "Could not read image", http.StatusBadRequest)



  defer imageFile.Close()

  var imageBuffer bytes.Buffer

  // Copy image data to a buffer

  io.Copy(&imageBuffer, imageFile)

  // ...

  tensor, err := makeTensorFromImage(&imageBuffer, imageName[:1][0])

  if err != nil {

    responseError(w, "Invalid image", http.StatusBadRequest)



  // ...


函数 makeTensorFromImage() which runs an image tensor through the normalization graph.

func makeTensorFromImage(imageBuffer *bytes.Buffer, imageFormat string) (*tf.Tensor, error) {

  tensor, err := tf.NewTensor(imageBuffer.String())

  if err != nil {

    return nil, err


  graph, input, output, err := makeTransformImageGraph(imageFormat)

  if err != nil {

    return nil, err


  session, err := tf.NewSession(graph, nil)

  if err != nil {

    return nil, err


  defer session.Close()

  normalized, err := session.Run(

    map[tf.Output]*tf.Tensor{input: tensor},



  if err != nil {

    return nil, err


  return normalized[0], nil


函数 maketransformimagegraph() 将图形的像素值调整到 224×224,以符合模型输入参数要求。

func makeTransformImageGraph(imageFormat string) (graph *tf.Graph, input, output tf.Output, err error) {

  const (

    H, W  = 224, 224

    Mean  = float32(117)

    Scale = float32(1)


  s := op.NewScope()

  input = op.Placeholder(s, tf.String)

  // Decode PNG or JPEG

  var decode tf.Output

  if imageFormat == "png" {

    decode = op.DecodePng(s, input, op.DecodePngChannels(3))

  } else {

    decode = op.DecodeJpeg(s, input, op.DecodeJpegChannels(3))


  // Div and Sub perform (value-Mean)/Scale for each pixel

  output = op.Div(s,


      // Resize to 224x224 with bilinear interpolation


        // Create a batch containing a single image


          // Use decoded pixel values

          op.Cast(s, decode, tf.Float),

          op.Const(s.SubScope("make_batch"), int32(0))),

        op.Const(s.SubScope("size"), []int32{H, W})),

      op.Const(s.SubScope("mean"), Mean)),

    op.Const(s.SubScope("scale"), Scale))

  graph, err = s.Finalize()

  return graph, input, output, err


最后,将格式化的 image tensor 输入到 Inception model graph 中运算。

session, err := tf.NewSession(graph, nil)

if err != nil {



defer session.Close()

output, err := session.Run(


    graph.Operation("input").Output(0): tensor,






if err != nil {

  responseError(w, "Could not run inference", http.StatusInternalServerError)




func main() {

  if err := loadModel(); err != nil {




  r := httprouter.New()

  r.POST("/recognize", recognizeHandler)

  err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)

  if err != nil {





$ curl localhost:8080/recognize -F 'image=@../data/IMG_3560.png'




    {"label":"black swan","probability":0.98746836,"Percent":"98.75%"},


    {"label":"American coot","probability":0.002185003,"Percent":"0.22%"},

    {"label":"black stork","probability":0.0011524856,"Percent":"0.12%"},



通过上面的案例我们可以发现,这个服务目前可以对于黑天鹅图像的推算概率值为 98.75%,非常准确;但是对于另外两张宠物狗的图像,最高的推算概率值也仅有 30% 左右,虽然也没有被识别成猫咪或者狼,但是和理想效果要求可用性还有一段距离(此处暂时忽略物种本身的复杂性)。主要是因为现在我们使用的还只是一个非常“原始”的模型,如果需要为小众领域服务(宠物,也可以是其它事物),需要通过训练(Training Models)增强优化,或者引入更丰富的标签,更合适的模型。当然,训练过程中也会存在样本质量不佳的情况,错误样本和各种噪音也会影响准确度。

扩展阅读:《The Machine Learning Master》

Machine Learning(一):基于 TensorFlow 实现宠物血统智能识别 Machine Learning (二) : 宠物智能识别之 Using OpenCV with Node.js Machine Learning:机器学习项目 Machine Learning:机器学习算法 Machine Learning:机器学习书单 Machine Learning:机器学习技术与知识产权法 Machine Learning:人工智能媒体报道集 数据可视化(三)基于 Graphviz 实现程序化绘图

更多精彩内容扫码关注公众号:RiboseYim’s Blog



Machine Learning(二):宠物智能识别之 Using OpenCV with Node.js

网址: Machine Learning(一):基于 TensorFlow 实现宠物血统智能识别 – 前端开发,JQUERY特效,全栈开发,vue开发 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview759429.html

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