对于 初学者 来说,所需技能最少但能够获得最大产出的方法就是 钓鱼。 每种方法中列出的技能要求都是 最低 要求,如果没有达到相关要求,比如 技能斗篷 或是从其他技能中获得提升的能力,你通常会难以达到最大产出率。
名称 效果 扒窃公主专精等级99级 +100% 扒窃公主获取金币默认情况下,偷窃方法不一定比使用 龙岩标枪 (最大每小时 18,265k)赚钱更快。 这两种方法都严重依赖于物品、被动效果和技能的增益效果。 使这种方法能够起步的最重要的增益效果是所有与潜行和偷窃间隔减少有关的增益效果。 一旦可以稳定生存下来,下一个重要的增益效果是利用矮妖和恶魔的协同作用,增加翡翠石的收集数量。
此外,在制作翡翠箭矢期间,高资源保留和物品返回也非常好用。强烈建议在这里使用Rhaelyx之冠及其充能石。 如果这些增益效果大多数都没有的话,偷窃收益可能会低到每小时4,000k金币。
使用Nomeru#4261的扒窃金币计算器 来检查自己的偷窃设置。
需求 扒窃88级 召唤55级 召唤小矮妖4级 召唤猴子3级 提高金币加成除了上面列出的增益效果之外,对于这种特定方法还有更多的增益效果:
名称 效果 扒窃骑士专精等级99级 +100% 扒窃骑士获取金币这种方法依赖于矮妖+猴子的连携效果,增加了普通掉落物的销售价值:“从偷窃中获得普通掉落物后,自动以其基础销售价值的1500%出售。”
制作小矮妖和猴子的石板并装备它们。 扒窃骑士。 出售所有未售出的掉落物。对价值超过10,000金币的掉落物使用物品炼金 III。如果没有大多数增益效果,偷窃收益可能会低至每小时8,000k 金币。
使用Nomeru#4261的扒窃金币计算器 来检查自己的偷窃设置。
使用上面列出的障碍物和并获取所有可用的加成,最多可以减少59%的灵巧间隔,并增加195%的金币获取量。 该课程的总时长为79秒,减少了59%后为32.39秒。 总金币获取量为15,187,增加195%之后为 44,802,总共每小时获取金币 4,979,498,也就是大概5,000k。 尽管灵巧无法达到其他方法那样更高的金币获取效率,但其主要优势在于省心。 一旦设置好,它可以持续运行,十分稳定地赚取金币。
重要文章: 模板:钓鱼赚钱
购买宝石手套 挖精金矿或者是更高的矿点 卖出全部矿石和宝石这种方法依赖于宝石手套,当采矿时,它可以将掉落宝石的几率提高到100%,当然是除了符文精华之外的任何矿石。 平均一个宝石的价值为381.25,而宝石手套的一次使用只需 250。因此,每次采矿操作从宝石中可以获得 131.25的利润。
如果搭配龙岩镐和50级采矿专精,你将每小时获得大约 470k。
如果是完全体挖龙岩矿的花,每小时将获得大约 1,350k。 请注意,此设置已经包括了在击败大地之神地牢后解锁的自然之主效果。 这个升级对于达到如此高的金币获取率非常重要。 此时的玩家可能已经有更好的赚钱方法。 如果没有自然之主升级,只有精雕细琢药水III的花,金币获取率将下降到 787k。
这些结果是由 Kidbiz20#2026 创建的 [梅尔沃放置速率和资源计算器] 计算得出。 要检查您自己的配置,请执行以下步骤:
将电子表格复制到您的Google Drive中。 在 Equipment 标签页上,为采矿设置您穿戴宝石手套。 在"Mining"标签页上,将"Current Experience"设置为您所解锁的矿石、矿石专精等。 如果需要,可以在表格中指定任何其他附加信息,比如宠物等。 您应该在"Mining"标签页的"kGP/h"列中看到您的收益。The following setup will maximize total profits when all things are considered, note that a lot of the optional improvements marginally contribute to the final GP rate.
Equip the following: 模板:ItemIcon 模板:ItemIcon 模板:ItemIcon (or 模板:ItemIcon when 模板:Skill, 模板:ItemIcon when 模板:Skill, 模板:ItemIcon when 模板:Skill, 模板:ItemIcon when performing 模板:Skill and 模板:ItemIcon when 模板:Skill) 模板:ItemIcon 模板:ItemIcon 模板:ItemIcon 模板:ItemIcon on Passive Slot 模板:ItemIcon on 模板:Skill 模板:ItemIcon on 模板:Skill 模板:ItemIcon on 模板:Skill 模板:ItemIcon on 模板:Skill 模板:ItemIcon 模板:Skill Obstacle 6: Tree Hop 模板:Skill Obstacle 9: Ice Jump 模板:Skill Obstacle 10: Lava Waterfall Dodge 模板:Skill Pillar: Pillar of Generosityfor every hour of fletching intended:
模板:Skill Change 模板:Skill Obstacle 3 to Stepping Stones to get another -6% 伐木 Interval (Min cost 模板:GP, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon) Change 模板:Skill Obstacle 5 to Rock Climb to get +5% Chance to Double Items in 伐木 and 采矿 (Min cost 模板:GP, 模板:ItemIcon, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon) Cut 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon 模板:Skill Mine 模板:ItemIcon, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon 模板:Skill Runecraft 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon 模板:Skill Equip 模板:ItemIcon Change 模板:Skill Obstacle 4 to Cave Climb to get +5% Rune Preservation (Min cost 模板:GP, 模板:ItemIcon, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon) Cast 模板:Icon to create 模板:ItemIcon 模板:Skill Equip 模板:ItemIcon Change 模板:Skill Obstacle 3 to Pipe Balance to get +10 采矿 Node HP and +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills (Min cost 模板:GP, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon) Change 模板:Skill Obstacle 4 to Coal Stones to get +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills (Min cost 模板:GP, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon) Change 模板:Skill Obstacle 5 to Mountain Climb to get rid of the -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills from Rock Climb (Min cost 模板:GP and 模板:ItemIcon) Smith 模板:ItemIcon 模板:Skill Charge your 模板:ItemIcon Fletch 模板:ItemIcon until you run out of resourcesIt is recommended to fletch for many hours at a time as to minimize the cost of switching between 灵巧 obstacles
RatiosFor each hour of Fletching you'll need to spend (on average):
00:01s 采矿 模板:ItemIcon 00:11.5s 采矿 模板:ItemIcon 00:23s 采矿 模板:ItemIcon 00:27s 符文锻造 模板:ItemIcon 01:04s 符文锻造 模板:ItemIcon 01:21s Superheat IV'ing 模板:ItemIcon 37:16s 伐木 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon 09:38s Smithing 模板:ItemIconand it'll generate 50,297 Dragon Javelins, selling for 32,693,142 GP and leave as byproducts:
8.09 模板:ItemIcon 2.60 模板:ItemIcon 0.70 模板:ItemIcon 0.02 模板:ItemIcon 0.03 模板:ItemIcon 0.12 模板:ItemIcon 0.30 模板:ItemIcon 1.06 模板:ItemIcon 40.71 模板:ItemIcon 1351 模板:ItemIcon 2330 模板:ItemIconand consume:
2.57 模板:ItemIcon 0.08 模板:ItemIcon 0.39 模板:ItemIcon 0.64 模板:ItemIconIt is recommended to first combine 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon into 模板:ItemIcon, then convert the crowns into GP by using 模板:Icon while utilizing GP boosts. This will add (per hour of fletching) 0.02 seconds to sell crowns and 0.04 seconds to sell the leftover 模板:ItemIcon. Combined with the sale of other leftover elements, this will result in a maximum possible profit of approximately 模板:GP per hour, all things considered.
提高金币加成 名称 效果 模板:UpgradeIcon -50% Cut time 模板:ItemIcon -15% Base 伐木 Interval (additive with the bonuses above a total of -65% cut time) 模板:UpgradeIcon -15% Base 伐木 Interval (additive with the bonuses above to a total of -80% cut time) 模板:Skill -6% Base 伐木 Interval (additive with the bonuses above to a total of -86% cut time) 模板:Skill +5% Chance to Double Items in 伐木 模板:MasteryReq Decreased cut interval by 0.2s for this Tree (on top of the -86% cut time from above modifiers)Please note: Although the requirements seem low, using 模板:ItemIcon and minimum action time (模板:UpgradeIcon, 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:UpgradeIcon god upgrade) are advised or else the GP rate drops significantly.
方法Cut down 模板:ItemIcon, selling the logs and 模板:ItemIcon for profit. Do not cut any other logs as doing so will significantly increase the action time, which decreases the amount of Bird Nests gained over time.
A portion of the nests can be opened for 模板:ItemIcon to make more potions if required.
Expected Resources Per HourThe maximum rates assume:
The 模板:UpgradeIcon, and 模板:UpgradeIcon upgrades have been purchased 模板:PetIcon is unlocked The following items are equipped: 模板:ItemIcon, 模板:ItemIcon (in the Passive Slot), 模板:ItemIcon, 模板:ItemIcon, 模板:ItemIcon The 模板:ItemIcon + 模板:ItemIcon Synergy is in use The 95% 伐木 Mastery Pool Checkpoint is active, and level 99 模板:Icon in the trees being cut has been reached The following 模板:Skill obstacles are active: 模板:Skill (3), 模板:Skill (5), 模板:Skill (9), and 模板:Skill 模板:Icon provides both +15% chance to double items in 模板:Skill, and +15% chance for 模板:ItemIcon to dropPer hour, this yields the following:
Simply cut down 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon, selling the logs and 模板:ItemIcon for profit.
Expected Resources Per HourOther than the addition of the 模板:UpgradeIcon upgrade, the maximum rates assume the same setup in terms of equipment, upgrades, and so on as the above method for Normal Logs and Bird Nests.
Per hour, this yields the following:
模板:OldStrategy Combat can yield decent GP rates, but will generally not be comparable with a dedicated skilling setup. 模板:Skill is the generally the most profitable, but it can differ greatly based on the gear and skills in your possession. Assuming 模板:SkillReq and 模板:ItemIcon, Magic is almost always superior to Melee and 模板:Skill.
Calculating the specific GP/hr depends heavily on your stats, gear, and buffs. The Combat Simulator can help you to calculate the gains for your build. The exact rates are difficult to determine, but the best targets, in rough descending order by profit and tier are:
模板:ZoneIcon 模板:MonsterIcon 模板:MonsterIcon 模板:MonsterIcon 模板:MonsterIconThe two most important items to make this method good are 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon.
To stress again, calculating the specific GP/hr depends heavily on your stats, gear, and buffs. The Combat Simulator can help you to calculate the specific gains for your specific build.
The most profitable target is the 模板:ZoneIcon because it drops a lot of raw GP that gets doubled with the 模板:ItemIcon. The raw GP gained with the ring is 250,000 per clear.
It also drops the 模板:ItemIcon and the 模板:ItemIcon that will net you 402,400 additional GP per clear if sold with Item Alchemy III.
For one clear 模板:ZoneIcon will yield a total of 250,000 + 402,400 = 652,400 GP per clear.
Do note that all God Dungeons should net around about 6-10,000k/h minimum while 农务 them with appropriate gear, so if you're working on or near these dungeons, you could be looking at a nice payday without needing to rely on other methods to earn GP.
Some of the setups are listed below, but it is (yes, again) advised that you use the Combat Simulator to check your build. By default, all of the listed setups are 99 in all skills, have optimized 模板:Skill obstacles, and have only 30% accuracy from 模板:Skill
Each setup will have a second listed amount, this will be the gp/h with standardized rates applied to all consumables (excluding food) in combat sim.
Infernal Stronghold (~24,200k/hr) Head 模板:ItemIcon Body 模板:ItemIcon Leggings 模板:ItemIcon Boots 模板:ItemIcon Hands 模板:ItemIcon Cape 模板:ItemIcon Neck 模板:ItemIcon Passive 模板:ItemIcon Ring 模板:ItemIcon Weapon 模板:ItemIconSpells: 模板:Icon or 模板:Icon (-4% total gp, -1.5% adjusted gp, -13% runes), 模板:Icon, and 模板:Icon.
祝祭: 模板:Icon and 模板:Icon
Tablets: 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon
Potion: 模板:ItemIcon
Total GP: ~24,200k/hr Adjusted GP: ~18,800k/hrWith better 模板:Skill, this method gets closer to the (Max ~24,350k/hr) listed above
Hunting Greater Dragon (~16,750k/hr) Head 模板:ItemIcon Body 模板:ItemIcon Leggings 模板:ItemIcon Boots 模板:ItemIcon Hands 模板:ItemIcon Cape 模板:ItemIcon Passive 模板:ItemIcon Neck 模板:ItemIcon Ring 模板:ItemIcon Weapon 模板:ItemIcon Offhand 模板:ItemIcon祝祭: 模板:Icon and 模板:Icon
Tablets: 模板:ItemIcon and 模板:ItemIcon
Potion: 模板:ItemIcon
Total GP: ~16,750k/hr Adjusted GP: ~15,950k/hrPotion: 模板:ItemIcon or 模板:ItemIcon if you do not have the 模板:ItemIcon
Consumables: 模板:ItemIcon
# Obstacle 1 X 2 X 3 模板:Skill 4 模板:Skill 5 模板:Skill 6 模板:Skill 7 模板:Skill 8 模板:Skill 9 模板:Skill 10 模板:Skill P 模板:Skill 11 模板:TotH 模板:Skill 12 模板:TotH 模板:Skill 13 模板:TotH 模板:Skill 14 模板:TotH 模板:Skill 15 模板:TotH 模板:Skill EP 模板:TotH 模板:SkillSee the Item Alchemy page for more information on how to improve the return from item alchemy!
Kill 模板:MonsterIcon, collect and cast 模板:Icon on all of the loot.
Just fletching bolts is approximately 240m/h, adjusted for the smithing/alt-magic required to obtain 模板:ItemIcon, works out to around 80m/h
See the 模板:Skill page for how to acquire the maximum Stealth value
Thieve Vampires, sell everything you get.
大规模养宠物赚钱吗 宠物犬养殖赚钱吗
网址: 赚钱 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview894906.html
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