Heart Island — Pet Museum
Heart Island Pet Museum is a new concept pet museum located in Shenzhen. Unlike traditional pet museums, Heart Island Pet Museum is committed to creating a cute pet space that combines pet socializing, grooming, merchandise, and customer leisure activities.
The brand visual identity is centered around the words "Heart Island." Through the creation of an island, the brand's visual identity is presented in a more three-dimensional manner. In order to make the brand more intuitive, different functional areas of the cute pet space are divided and presented through various images with the island as the main theme. This has become an important visual symbol second only to the logo. The hope is that through this type of visual presentation, customers can find the area that suits them best on this island.
The brand design uses gray and orange as its brand colors. Gray is used as the main color in the brand design, and orange is used as an auxiliary color in the icon. When the plain gray collides with the joyful orange, it implies that the joy brought by pets will be injected into our ordinary and dull lives. Heart Island aims to create a spiritual belonging for each customer.
Come and visit Heart Island during your leisure time!
livly island宠物岛游戏
Livly Island 宠物岛
Livly Island宠物岛游戏下载v1.1.0
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庆祝《Livly Island 宠物岛》1周年!开放新 P 种、赠送特别帽子等纪念活动
岛湾度假村(Island Bay Resort)预订价格,联系电话位置地址【携程酒店】
网址: HEART ISLAND — 心岛宠物馆 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview1035051.html
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