Hello everyone, I'm your editor Buu. In this article, we will share an updated SS pet compendium, focusing on those combinations that don't involve the unpopular formulas for creating Grondilizer, Pounding Lord, and Machess. This will help you better understand which pet combinations can result in strong SS pets.
Firstly, let's take a look at the advanced guide to SS pet synthesis. This guide has excluded all combinations that may result in Grondilizer, Stormlord, and Machess, making it easier for you to grasp the important information. Remember that each pair of pets has four possible outcomes, with the lowest SS strength pets excluded. Following the charted combinations, the worst-case scenario should result in an excellent Owen pet.
Despite the low chances of obtaining an SS pet, caution is still recommended during synthesis. However, remember that even the most ordinary SS pet is usually stronger than an S-grade pet. Additionally, there are some formulas that might produce a trio of strong pets along with one less-than-ideal pet, such as "Treasure Hunter + Treasure Hunter". If you have confidence, these combinations are worth a shot, with a 3/4 chance of success.
We also found detailed maps for all levels of territory resources. This includes the level at which resources appear, the stone requirements for leveling up, and the number of resources at each level. In short, you should at least raise your territory level to Level 9 before considering your resources to be good.
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