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驯化动物伴随了人类上万年的进化历程。在驯化过程中, 家养动物表型和行为特征发生巨大改变, 并与人类生产生活的进步相适应。研究动物驯化问题对于了解遗传多样性及适应性进化, 解析复杂性状的遗传机制等具有重要的意义, 成为生物学领域的重点研究内容之一。本文专注于动物驯化的初始阶段, 首先介绍了驯化起源的时间与地点、驯化途径和驱动因、驯化后的扩散和品种选育; 其次从驯化对象的角度着重介绍了考古学、分子和群体遗传学两方面的家养动物驯化起源的研究策略、优势与不足, 以及未来的发展方向; 最后, 我们综合多方面的证据, 介绍了在中国驯化的家猪(Sus domesticus)和家鸡(Gallus gallus domesticus)以及其他主要家养动物考古和分子水平上驯化起源的研究进展。本文整合多种证据为家养动物驯化起源的研究提供了相对完整的视角和新的思路。

关键词: 驯化起源, 动物考古学, 分子和群体遗传学, 遗传相似性, 遗传多态性


Background & Aim: Domesticated animal coevolved with human for thousands of years. During the process of domestication, significant changes on phenotype and behavior traits have been taken place on animals, and changes are accompanied with human civilization. As one of the important topics in biological research, studying on animal domestication will not only extend our understanding on genetic diversity and adaptation, but also help to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms on complex traits. This article focuses on the initiation of animal domestication.

Progress: Firstly, we summarized the timing and locations where domestication happens, as well as domestication pathways and driving factors, spreading and breed formation after domestication. Secondly, we introduced classical and latest advancements, pros and cons, and future directions of the analysis strategies of animal domestication in both archaeology and molecular and population genetics areas. Finally, by integrating various evidences we introduced the research progress on the origin of domestication of pigs (Sus scrofa f. domestica) and chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) which were domesticated in China, as well as other major livestocks.

Conclusion: This article provides a comprehensive perspective and new ideas for the study on the origin of animal domestication.

Key words: origin of domestication, zooarchaeology, molecular and population genetics, genetic similarity, genetic diversity


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网址: 家养动物驯化起源的研究方法与进展 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview242451.html

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