首页 > 分享 > 澳大利亚(澳洲)宠物入境规定和要求


1 月 13 2014





事实上,目前我们国家大陆地区前往的宠物主要是中转香港前往的,因为香港是澳洲认可的第三类国家(最新规定,之前是第四类国家,以下关于宠物前往澳洲的规定也以2013年12月2日开始实施的新规定为准。)香港前往的宠物需要提前7个月开始准备相关的手续,下面的流程是按照澳洲的新规定为准,假设宠物是狗狗为例,将香港宠物前往澳洲的流程和安排罗列如下。(大陆的宠物需要增加前往香港的手续,具体可以咨询 PetSino客服)

芯片植入(Microchip):每个宠物在入境的时候必须植入芯片。 疫苗免疫(Vaccination & Certificate):宠物在入境前必须免疫狂犬疫苗,除外犬类需要免疫五联疫苗(DHPPI)、猫需要免疫三联疫苗(Feline 3-in-1),疫苗的免疫证明上需要注明芯片编号。其中狂犬疫苗必须免疫超过1个月且不到1年的时间。 狂犬病血清抗体检测(Rabies Titer / FAVN-OIE Tests): 狂犬病血清抗体检测是保证宠物狂犬疫苗的免疫产生了效力,使得宠物对狂犬产生了足够的抗体。该项检测目前只能在OIE认可的实验室检测方被认可。目前中国大陆、香港及台湾地区没有被认可的实验室。因此需要检测该项值的宠物家长需要提前联系Petsino,预定国外可以检测的机构,并分离血清将血清寄送到认可的国外实验室检测。检测结果1个月可以拿到。检测的血清抗体浓度必须大于等于 0.5 IU/ml方被认可为达标。 进口和隔离许可(Import Permit):宠物在入境前必须在澳洲的DAFF(Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)获得一份允许入境的进口许可证明。您在申请进口证的时候,需要提供您的护照扫描件、宠物的打针记录、RNATT检查报告等有效的健康证明的复印件。一般来说,进口证需要至少提前42天以上开始申请,申请的进口证将在1个月以上签发给申请者。澳洲目前只允许从墨尔本、悉尼两个机场入境,并在这两个城市设立隔离所,香港前往的宠物入境澳洲需要隔离最短10天的时间。 其他检测(Leishmaniosis,Leptospirosis,Brucellosis,CIV)、驱虫(Internal parasite treatments&External parasite treatments and Ehrlichia canis testingTimeframe),这些检测和检查需要在出发前45天内办理。 官方健康证明(Goverment Health Certificate): 官方健康证明在香港渔农署签发。在申请健康证明前,宠物主人需要带宠物到官方认可的宠物医院进行全身体检和抽血化验,检测合格后携带体检报告、护照复印件、机票复印件等信息到当地出入境检验检疫局申请官方健康证明。 通关单和换单凭证: 宠物主人在申请官方健康证明的同时会得到一份通关单,此通关单将交于机场海关。如果办理官方健康证明的地方不是最后的出境口岸,宠物主人需要申请换单凭证,凭借换单凭证在出境口岸清关。


Category 3: step by step guide for dogs


It is a requirement under Australian legislation that all live animals coming to Australia must be accompanied by a valid import permit. If an animal arrives in Australia and it does not meet all of the conditions on the accompanying import permit, then it may be exported to the country of export or euthanized at the importer’s expense. A Government Approved Veterinarian or Official Government Veterinarian must perform all veterinary procedures listed below. All testing must be conducted in an approved country in a laboratory recognised by the government of the country of export. You must contact the competent authority in the country of export to determine which veterinarians and laboratories are approved to prepare your cat for export. All dogs must complete a minimum 10 day period in an Australian quarantine facility. To be eligible for import, all dogs must be compliant with all the import conditions stated on the valid import permit. The Department of Agriculture recommends that you take this information to your Government Approved Veterinarian or pet transport agent to assist you with understanding the requirements.

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Step 1: Confirm general eligibility
Timeframe: Before starting the export process

Dogs must not be under quarantine restrictions at the time of export and can only be exported to Australia from an approved country. Pregnancy: Dogs must not be more than 30 days pregnant nor be suckling young at the time of export. Dog Breeds: In accordance with the Customs (prohibited imports) Regulations 1956, dogs of the following pure breeds are prohibited and not eligible for import into Australia: dogo Argentino; fila Brasileiro; Japanese tosa; American pit bull terrier or pit bull terrier; Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario.
[For information about prohibited dog breeds, contact the Australian Customs by phone: +61 2 6275 6666 or 1300 363 263 (within Australia) or email.] Hybrids : Any domestic/non-domestic animal hybrids (e.g. wolf-dog crosses) are generally not eligible for import.
[For information about prohibited dog breeds, contact the Department of the Environment on 1800 803 772.]

Step 2: Verify existing microchip or implant a new microchip
Timeframe: A microchip must be present before you can start blood sampling for any pre export testing

Dogs must be identified by a microchip that can be read by an Avid, Trovan, Destron or other ISO compatible reader. A Government Approved Veterinarian must scan the microchip at each veterinary visit. The scanned microchip number must be correctly recorded on all documentation. If the microchip cannot be read or is inconsistent across the animal’s documentation, the animal will not be eligible for import to Australia.

Step 3: Check Rabies Vaccination
Timeframe: Dependent on vaccine validity

Your dog must be vaccinated with an inactivated rabies virus vaccine in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. Dogs must have a current rabies vaccination record at the time of export that shows that an inactivated vaccine was given when the dog was at least 90 days of age. Dogs must be more than 12 weeks of age when vaccinated. The rabies vaccine must be approved for use in dogs by the Competent Authority of the country of export. Three (3) yearly rabies vaccinations are acceptable. Rabies vaccinations must be administered in an approved country.

Step 4: Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre (RNAT) test
Timeframe: Between 6 and 24 months before export

For your RNAT test to be valid, the following requirements must be met:

Following a rabies virus vaccination, a Government Approved Veterinarian must scan the animal’s microchip and collect a blood sample for the RNAT test. The blood sample must be drawn in a Department of Agriculture approved country. The animal’s microchip number must be written on the blood tube and the laboratory submission form. The testing laboratory must be approved by the Competent Authority in the exporting country. It is acceptable to draw blood in a Department of Agriculture approved country and be tested at a laboratory in a different approved country. The laboratory report must be in English and completed on the testing laboratory’s letterhead. The report must include the animal’s microchip number, the blood sampling date, the signature of the person responsible for issuing the laboratory report, the location where the blood sample was taken and test result. A result of 0.5 IU/ml or more is acceptable. A result of less than 0.5 IU/ml is not acceptable and in this circumstance you may re-vaccinate and repeat the testing process. The department recognises the RNAT test result for 24 months from the date of blood sampling to the date of export. The animal must have a valid RNAT test laboratory report at the time of export. If the RNAT test is due to expire (i.e., greater than 24 months old) prior to the date of export, you must have your dog retested prior to the expiry date. The animal is not eligible for importation into Australia until at least one hundred and eighty (180) days have passed from the date that the blood sample is drawn for the RNAT test (with a satisfactory result).

Step 5: The Official Government Veterinarian must complete the Rabies Vaccination and Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre (RNAT) test declaration
Timeframe: Before applying for the import permit

You must contact an Official Government Veterinarian in the country of export to complete the RNAT test Declaration. This is not the Government Approved Veterinarian (your preparing veterinarian). You must submit the RNAT test laboratory report and rabies vaccination certificate to the Official Government Veterinarian so they can complete the RNAT test Declaration. The RNAT test Declaration form is available at Application to Import Cats and Dogs. The microchip number, test result and blood sampling date must be consistent between the RNAT test laboratory report and RNAT test Declaration. You must ensure that the completed RNAT test Declaration states the name of the testing laboratory, not the submitting laboratory.

Step 6: Apply and pay for the import permit
Timeframe: After you have received the completed Rabies Vaccination and RNAT test declaration, and at least 42 days prior to proposed date of export.

Please ensure you allow at least 20 working days for the processing and granting of your permit application.
How to apply

You may submit your import permit application, as well as full payment and all supporting documentation by any of the following methods: Online application using e-lodge (You must scan and attach all supporting documentation). Manual application – send a copy of your application and all supporting documentation to: Email to Animal Import Branch Fax to +61 2 6272 3110; or Post to Animal Import: GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Additional charges may be applied if information required to assess the application is missing, incorrect or if an application is put on hold. Import permits are valid for up to twelve (12) months from the date of issue.

Step 7: Book tentative post arrival quarantine accommodation at an Australian government quarantine facility
Timeframe: After you have received your valid import permit

Contact the relevant quarantine facility to make a booking for your animal. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee a space at your preferred quarantine facility. When you make a booking, you will be required to provide the following information: A valid import permit number Flight number and date of arrival in Australia (once confirmed) Air waybill number (once confirmed) Contact telephone number Details of any special needs your animal may have Full payment Detailed information on the Australian quarantine facilities can be viewed at quarantine facility accommodation & fees.

Step 8: Start making travel arrangements
Timeframe: After you have received your import permit

Dogs can only arrive into Australia through the following airports, unless prior approval is granted by the Department of Agriculture: Sydney (New South Wales) Melbourne (Victoria) Animals must complete quarantine in the first port of arrival (i.e. if they arrive in Sydney, they will need to complete quarantine at the Eastern Creek Quarantine Facility). Animals may travel unaccompanied to Australia. On arrival animals will be collected at the airport by a Quarantine Officer and transported directly to the quarantine facility. In general and wherever possible, flights should be booked to arrive in Australia between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Animals must not arrive on Australian public holidays or weekends as they cannot be collected from the airport. The department does not place any restrictions on the airline you choose. However, the animal must travel as “Manifested Cargo” (not in the cabin) and in an International Air Transport Association (IATA) approved crate for dogs. IATA guidelines can be viewed at Traveller’s Pet Corner There are animal transport companies in most countries that can make arrangements on your behalf. Visit Independent Pet and Animal Transportation Association International, Inc. for a list of animal transport companies worldwide. The department accepts no responsibility for animals that escape en route, and all transport costs are at the importer’s expense.Transiting During transport to Australia dogs may transit (touch down but stay on the same plane) in all countries (approved or not).
Transhipment You may require prior approval from the competent authority in the country of transhipment.

Step 9: Check general vaccinations
Timeframe: Dependent on the validity of your dog’s vaccination

The department recommends that your dog receives a vaccination that protects against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Para-influenza and Bordetella bronchiseptica and is valid for the entire post-arrival quarantine period.

Step 10: Check Canine Influenza virus (CIV) vaccination status (only dogs that are exported from the USA)
Timeframe: Between 12 months and 14 days before export

Dogs exported from the USA must have a vaccination against canine influenza virus (CIV) administered between 12 months and 14 days before export. Vaccinations must be valid for the entire quarantine period in Australia. All vaccinations must be administered in an approved country.

Step 11: Testing for Brucella canis (Brucellosis)
Timeframe: Within 45 days of export

If the dog is desexed, no testing for Brucellosis is required (Note: Evidence of desexing may be requested by the Competent Authority in the exporting country or the Department of Agriculture).
OR A blood sample must be taken by a Government Approved Veterinarian from the dog and tested with a negative result for Brucella canis using either serum agglutination test or indirect fluorescent antibody test within 45 days before export. The dog must also not be mated or artificially inseminated from at least 14 days before sample collection until export.

Step 12: Testing for Leishmania infantum (Leishmaniosis)
Timeframe: Within 45 days of export

A blood sample must be taken by a Government Approved Veterinarian from the dog and tested for Leishmania infantum using either an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) or an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) within 45 days before export. The test must produce a negative result.

Step 13: Testing, treatment or vaccination for Leptospira canicola (Leptospirosis)
Timeframe: Within 45 days of export

A Government Approved Veterinarian can either:

fully vaccinate your dog against Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola, according to manufacturers recommendations, at least 14 days before export and the vaccination is valid at the time of export
OR test a blood sample from your dog with a negative result at (less than 50% agglutination) at a serum dilution of 1:100 using a microscopic agglutination test (MAT), once within 45 days before export.

Step14: (only if your dog has ever visited mainland Africa): Babesia Canis Treatment
Timeframe: Within 28 days of export

If your dog has ever visited mainland Africa, it must be treated by a Government Approved Veterinarian with a single dose of imidocarb dipropionate at a rate of 7.5mg/kg body weight, or two doses at a rate of 6.0 mg/kg body weight given at least 14 days apart. Treatments must be by subcutaneous injection and given within 28 days of export.

Step 15: Internal parasite treatments
Timeframe: Two treatments at least 14 days apart, with the second treatment given within 5 days of export.

The dog must be treated by a Government Approved Veterinarian twice with an internal parasite treatment effective against internal parasites (nematodes and cestodes). The two treatments must be administered at least 14 days apart and within 45 days before export. The second treatment must be given within 5 days before export.

Step 16: External parasite treatments and Ehrlichia canis testing
Timeframe: Start external parasite treatment at least 21 days before blood sampling for Ehrlichia canis. Ehrlichia canis blood sampling must occur within 21 days before export.

A Government Approved Veterinarian must treat the dog with a product that kills ticks and fleas on contact at least 21 days before blood collection for Ehrlichia canis. To maintain continuous protection from external parasites until the time of export, you may need to repeat treatment in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. You should discuss suitable external parasite treatments with the Government Approved Veterinarian. At each subsequent veterinary visit, the Government Approved Veterinarian should thoroughly examine the dog for external parasites. If any ticks are found from the time of treatment referred to above until export, they must be removed and the preparation must be restarted, including testing for Ehrlichia canis A blood sample collected at least 21 days after external parasite treatment starts and within 21 days before export must be tested for Ehrlichia canis infection by an Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT). The test must produce a negative result at a dilution of 1:40. Testing done using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test will not be accepted.

Step 17: Pre export clinical examination
Timeframe: Within 5 days of export

The dog must be examined by a Government Approved Veterinarian or an Official Government Veterinarian and found to be free from external parasites and clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease within 5 days before export. You must take the animal and all documentation to this examination.

Step 18: Completion of Veterinary Health Certificate (Attachment A)
Timeframe: Within 5 days of export

The Veterinary Health Certificate is located as Attachment A to your valid import permit. It must be completed by the Official Government Veterinarian.
The following documents must accompany the animal on arrival in Australia. Copies can be used, but all documents must bear the original signature of the Official Government Veterinarian and stamp of the Competent Authority on each page:

A valid import permit A completed Veterinary Health Certificate (Attachment A of the import permit) Ehrlichia canis laboratory report Leishmania infantum laboratory report Brucella canis laboratory report (if not desexed) Leptospira canicola laboratory report (if not vaccinated) Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre (RNAT) test laboratory report; and Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre (RNAT) Test Declaration.

[It is recommended that you retain a copy of each of these documents.]
Any corrections made to the Veterinary Health Certificate must be struck through, remain legible and be signed and stamped by the Official Government Veterinarian (NB: Correction fluid must not be used).

Step 19: Travel to Australia

The dog must be consigned to Australia in a container that meets the standard required in the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Live Animals Regulation Container Requirement 1. In most cases the animal will be checked in at the freight terminal, not the passenger terminal. The dog must arrive in Australia on, or after, 3 February 2014 and prior to the expiry date of the import permit.

Step 20: On Arrival in Australia

Staff from the department will collect your animal on arrival for transport directly to the Quarantine Facility.


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Tagged 澳洲


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网址: 澳大利亚(澳洲)宠物入境规定和要求 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview246245.html

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